Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 1 '09 pol>eng ruja i poróbstwo Sodom and Gomorrah pro open no
4 Apr 1 '07 eng>pol ran in the trades chodziło w pismach branżowych pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '07 pol>eng droga przez mękę veritable obstacle course pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '06 eng>pol forthcoming wkrótce pro closed no
- Jul 12 '06 pol>eng rzucić powłóczyste spojrzenie come-hither glance pro closed no
- Sep 17 '05 pol>eng bikinistka bikini-clad pro closed no
- May 6 '05 eng>pol to gamble it all away zagrać o wszystko pro closed ok
4 Feb 21 '05 pol>eng dostojny august pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '05 pol>eng ...a potem jeszcze wielu innych , and so did countless others after him pro closed no
- Jan 22 '05 pol>eng żywy organizm living creature pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '05 pol>eng siła życiowa vital energy pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '04 eng>pol see you later alligator do widzenia ślepa Gienia pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '04 pol>eng przodownik pracy labour hero pro just_closed no
- Jul 20 '04 eng>pol wannabe nowicjusz pro closed no
4 Jun 3 '04 eng>pol road closed droga zamknięta pro closed no
- Jun 1 '04 eng>pol “Passing Lane Ahead” trudno o odpowiednik pro closed no
- May 30 '04 eng>pol Texas edged the Yankees wymęczyli zwycięstwo z Jankesami pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>pol up on the center divider na środkowym pasie rozdzielającym pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>pol were both idle. tego dnia nie grali pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>pol of the 605 junction of na Santa Ana Freeway, jakieś pół pro closed no
4 May 30 '04 eng>pol He shot a 5-under-par 67, with Lee Trevino one stroke back at 68. potrzebował 67 uderzeń, pięć poniżej par, jedno uderzenie gorszy był Lee Trevino pro closed no
- May 15 '04 pol>eng zakazany godforsaken pro closed ok
4 Apr 15 '04 pol>eng prawzor czlowieczenstwa archetype of humanity pro closed no
- Feb 18 '04 eng>pol insularity oderwanie od rzeczywistości pro closed no
- Feb 10 '04 pol>eng wygrywala tam wszedzie was a winner pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '04 pol>eng plenery byly zrobione Like the whole film, also the "outdoor" scenes were pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '04 pol>eng rozwijal sie pazdziernik jeszcze the Thaw that started in October still had its momentum pro closed no
- Dec 27 '01 eng>pol eye bull or bull eye bulaj pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered