Translation glossary: Modern Chinese

Showing entries 1-32 of 32
( 某个国家在) 炫耀武力(some country is) flaunting [their] military force 
Chinese to English
(社会处于一种) 严重分裂状态(society is in) a state of serious divisiveness 
Chinese to English
(这基本上是) 搬起石头砸自己的脚(This/which is basically) shooting yourself in the foot 
Chinese to English
(这还是) 很大的一个谜(This/which is still) a very big mystery 
Chinese to English
(这是) 山雨欲来风满楼(this is the) calm before the storm 
Chinese to English
(这是) 搬起石头砸自己的脚(This/which is) shooting yourself in the foot 
Chinese to English
(这是非常) 危险的信号(This/which is a very) dangerous sign 
Chinese to English
(某个人) 大权在握(some person is) in a power position 
Chinese to English
(某个国家或公司的影响力真的是) 在走下坡(a country or company\'s influence is really) going downhill 
Chinese to English
(成了) 一纸空文(became) a worthless piece of paper 
Chinese to English
(我们应该要怎么样应对某个国家/人) 这么挑衅的行为(How should we respond to) such provocative behavior (by some country/person) 
Chinese to English
吸血鬼亿万富翁vampire billionaires 
Chinese to English
各奔東西go [your] separate ways (ex. 結婚12年後,我們決定各奔東西; After 12 years of marriage, we decided to go our separate ways.) 
Chinese to English
处于龌龊状态(someone\'s) mind is in the gutter (ex. 最近教10几岁的孩子不是那么容易的事情,不管我说什么都要扭曲成奇怪的意思,思想总是处于龌龊状态; It’s hard teaching teenagers these days. Everything I say, they try to change it into a dirty meaning. Their minds are always in the gutter.) 
Chinese to English
對X個人崇拜憂慮加深As fear of X\'s personality cult deepen 
巴适得很(colloquial way to say) super/very delicious 
Chinese to English
为所欲为do whatever one pleases wéisuǒyùwéi (ex. 这不表示人民可以在街头为所欲为; It doesn\'t mean people can do whatever they want in the streets.) 
Chinese to English
一个敲门砖a stepping stone (ex. 我们如果讲中国经济的起飞、中国的崛起,这只是一个敲门砖; If we\'re talking about China\\\'s economic take-off or China\'s rise, it was just a stepping stone.) 
Chinese to English
建设性批评 jiànshèxìng pīpíngconstructive criticism 
Chinese to English
使 (某个国家或公司的) 经济腾飞caused (a certain country or company\'s) economy to sky rocket 
Chinese to English
哑口无言dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words 
Chinese to English
冰山一角the tip of the iceberg (ex. 这可能只是冰山一角; This might just be the tip of the iceberg.) 
Chinese to English
冒生命危险risk one\'s life (ex. 他们常 常冒着生命危险提供人道主义援助; They often risk their lives to provide humanitarian assistance.) 
Chinese to English
噙着泪水hold back tears qínzhe lèishuǐ (ex. 他的眼睛似乎噙着泪水; It appeared as if he was holding back tears.) 
Chinese to English
站在历史正确的一边stand on the right side of history 
Chinese to English
纯属巧合pure coincidence chúnshǔ qiǎohé (ex. 似乎难以用〝纯属巧合〞来解释; seems difficult to explain as \"pure coincidence\") 
Chinese to English
高级黑high-level smearing (e.g. of Chinese patriots by anti-party factions) 
Chinese to English
造神god-making (aka. deifying/deification) 
Chinese to English
(提出了)世纪之问(raised the) question of the century 
Chinese to English
X應當弱化官媒宣傳X must dial down it\'s propaganda 
Chinese to English
战略伙伴strategic partner(s) 
Chinese to English
擦枪走火 (的机会很高了)(The chances of) a minor incident starting a war (are high) 
Chinese to English
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