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Dodani ogledni primjerci prijevoda: 2
srpski na engleski: Teach Yourself The Psychology and Astrology of Human Relationships
Izvorni tekst - srpski Five to Six
Jupiter opposition Jupiter and Saturn sextile Saturn.
The typical five-year old is a charming delight. The exub-erance of Jupiter and the self-discipline of Saturn combine and the child seems like a perfectly formed miniature adult. Many children are just starting school at this age, the Jupiter opposition being manifest as great happy enthusiasm for what school teaches, and the Saturn sextile ensures that the child easily accomodates to the new restrictions imposed on him by the rules of school. Now, for the first time, he begins to have to fend for himself, away from the protection of his mother, and this is also a significant and poignant moment for parents as they become fully conscious that healthy parenting means letting go of their dependence on their childÕs depend-ence on them. But, by and large, this is a stage of equilibrium and balance and the child moves forward confidently to enlarge his world and achieve his goals without being difficult to control or being aggressively competitive with his peers.
But beneath this delightful surface, in his relationships to his mother and father, the child is in the middle of the most influential experiences of his life. He is learning about sexuality and all the other emotions associated with forming satisfactory relationships to other people. He is becoming emotionally literate, and the parentsÕ insightful handling of these issues will be the basis of the childÕs happy relationships with other people for the rest of his life.
Prijevod - engleski Od pete do šeste godine
Jupiter u opoziciji sa Jupiterom i Saturn u sekstilu sa Saturnom
Tipično petogodišnje dete je pravo uživanje. Zanos Jupitera i samodisciplina Saturna se kombinuju i čine da nam dete deluje kao «odrasli u malom». Mnoga deca u ovom uzrastu kreću u školu, pa se opozicija Jupitera ispoljava kroz radost i entuzijazam zbog onoga što će naučiti u školi, dok se sekstil Saturna pobrinuo oko toga da se dete sa lakoćom prilagodi novim ograničenjima koja mu školska pravila nameću. Ovo je prvi put da dete mora da vodi računa samo o sebi, bez majčine zaštite. Istovremeno je to značajan i upečatljiv trenutak i za roditelje koji u potpunosti postaju svesni da zdravo roditeljstvo znači i puštanje deteta da se osamostali. Generalno gledano, ovo je faza ravnoteže i balansa, i dete sa sigurnošću kreće napred sa ciljem da proširi svoj svet i ostvari svoje ciljeve, dok ga istovremeno nije teško kontrolisati, niti se ono na agresivan način takmiči sa svojim vršnjacima.
Međutim, ispod ove ljupke površine, u svom odnosu sa majkom i ocem, dete doživljava najuticajnija iskustva svog života. Ono uči o seksualnosti i svim ostalim osećanjima koja su povezana sa formiranjem uspešnih odnosa sa drugim ljudima. Postaje pismeno u emocionalnom smislu, a način na koji se roditelji bave ovim problemima će biti osnova na kojoj će dete do kraja života graditi zdrave odnose sa drugim ljudima.
srpski na engleski: Neurotoxicity During Induction Therapy For Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Profile of Two Patients General field: Medicina
Izvorni tekst - srpski Kratak sadržaj
Uvod. Tokom lečenja akutne limfoblastne leukemije (APL) kod dece javljaju se akutni neurotoksični poremećaji. Hemioterapijsko lečenje dece obuhvata intravensku i intratekalnu primenu metotreksata. Mnogi lekovi se koriste zajedno s metotreksatom, ali se neurotoksičnost najviše pripisuje ovom leku. Akutna neurotoksičnost izazvana metotreksatom se ispoljava simptomima sličnim apopleksiji, a to su: afazija, slabost ekstremiteta, senzorni deficit, ataksija i epileptični napadi.
Prijevod - engleski Abstract
Introduction. During the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) children develop neurotoxic disorders. Chemotherapy for children includes intravenous and intrathecal administration of methotrexate. Though multiple medications are used in combination with methotrexate, neurotoxicity is mainly considered to be methotrexate-related. Acute methotrexate neurotoxicity is characterized by apoplexy-like symptoms, such as: aphasia, weakness of the extremities, sensory deficit, ataxia and epileptic seizures.
Prevoditeljsko obrazovanje
Master's degree - MFA in Creative Writing and Literary Translation, Queens College, CUNY
Godine prevoditeljskog iskustva: 26. Registriran na portalu Jul 2006. Postao članom: Dec 2013.
srpski na engleski (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) srpski na engleski (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) srpsko-hrvatski na engleski (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) srpsko-hrvatski na engleski (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) engleski na srpski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
Native Serbian (Serbo-Croatian) speaker based in New York City with a very strong background in grammar and writing, excellent research skills, more than a decade of professional linguistic experience as a full-time freelance translator & interpreter, and broad general knowledge. Grew up in a family of medical doctors always available to consult with translation in their respective specializations.
Published literary translator:
The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story by Vivek J. Tiwary, Graphic Novel, The New York Times Bestseller, (from English to Serbian), 2016
The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells, Science Fiction Novella, (from English to Serbian), 2014
Teach Yourself the Psychology and Astrology of Human Relationships by Mavis Klein, Transactional Analysis and Astrology, (from English to Serbian), 2007
Fields of expertise: literature, linguistics, healthcare & medicine (from patient medical records to case studies, medical journal articles, and conference presentations), psychology, education, personal documents, and various types of legal documents such as, for example, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, and Court Decisions.
MFA in Creative Writing and Literary Translation degree from Queens College, CUNY, New York, NY
BA in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from Belgrade University, Serbia
Approved as a court interpreter both by the Administrative Office of the Courts of New York and of New Jersey (Master Level)
Passed National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters Written Exam
Completed 56-hour Medical Interpreter Training Course, approved by IMIA