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Déjà Vu support Help needed to convert dvmdb and dvtdb files into tmx Post in DejaVu forum I think you'd do better if you were to post your
question in the forum specifically dedicated to
DejaVu issues.
Tony M May 8, 2019
Office applications spell checker problem in Word Possibly related problem? I've had a similar sort of problem in the past,
albeit using much earlier versions of the
software. Despite "seletcing all" and setting
the language options, it refused to work for
Tony M May 1, 2019
Scams Private customer - How to make sure I will get paid? Payment upon delivery Where private customers are involved, who are
unlikely to provide repeat business, I always ask
them for payment 'by return' upon delivery (unless
it were for a very large job, which is
Tony M Apr 16, 2019
Money matters Price query Test Provisional test contribution Tony M Apr 11, 2019
Money matters How much would you charge? (Romance novel, Portuguese to English) Don't do it! With the greatest respect, it is professionally
highly inadvisable to translate into any language
other than your native tongue. However good your
level in the target language (EN), it is
Tony M Apr 6, 2019
Software applications Translating PDF files Bank statement? Not so difficult, surely? Provided the original is good enough quality and
doesn't have too many "damaged" characters, it
should be easy enough to OCR it, but turn off all
formatting, so that you just get raw text.
Tony M Mar 10, 2019
Software applications Translating PDF files One thing that might shorten the process [quote]Yoana Ivanova wrote: I just open the PDF
and Word side by side, recreate the formatting
manually in Word, and then do my translation.
Saves a lot of time, believe it or
not. [
Tony M Mar 8, 2019
Translator resources Downloadable dictionary that I can use offline CD-ROM? I don't know about IT, but in FR EN, I use the
Robert & Collins dictionary on CD-ROM — which
can if you prefer be wholly installed on your
device. I'd be surprised if there wasn't an
Tony M Feb 24, 2019
General technical issues Delete character Can you use a wild card? I'd have thought you'd simply use #* and check the
'use wildcards' box, then leave the 'replace with
field' empty Would that not work? I haven't got
time to try it right now...
Tony M Feb 10, 2019
Trados support Working with Trados, need a two-column Word doc Two steps in Word First, if it isn't already, I convert the source
text to a table; then I adjust the width of the
rsulting single column to be about half my screen
width, so that I can then copy-&-paste th
Tony M Feb 4, 2019
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? Sounds too good to be true... [quote]Ankita Arora wrote: But then how do you do
the regeneration of image with correct layout,
font styles etc. Facing these problems ourselves,
we decided to build a tool to solve
Tony M Dec 27, 2018
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? Uneditable images — key information missing from original post! In that case, I think the quickest way would be to
prinbt the whole PPT out to a PDF file, and then
OCR that — it won't help you re-create the
formatting of the PPT, but at least it will
Tony M Dec 21, 2018
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? Would help if OP made their actual request clear [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote: [I
think...] the OP is referring to non-editable
graphics with text in it. I'm not aware of a
solution for this... [/quote] Indeed, the
Tony M Dec 17, 2018
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? Sorry, no idea! [quote]Tom in London wrote: Where is it in
Word? [/quote] Sorry, Tom, I've no idea! It
hadn't been added yet in the old version of Word I
use, but I seem to remember last time I ment
Tony M Dec 17, 2018
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? Extracting text from editable / uneditable graphics [quote]Kay-Viktor Stegemann wrote: @Tony M, do
you want to say that the Werecat utility is able
to extract text from graphics?[/quote] It
depends what one is referring to by 'graphic
Tony M Dec 17, 2018
Office applications Most efficient way to translate PowerPoints which are chock-full of images? The little utility 'Werecat' is your friend! A fantastic little program that runs as an add-in
to MS Word — no longer supported, but readily
downloadable from the 'Net, then you just install
it within the 'Start' > 'Templates' fold
Tony M Dec 17, 2018
Scams 38 year old single young girl "Young girl" Please, surely we're all linguists here? In
very many languages, the word for "young girl"
really simply means "a maiden" — a woman who is
not yet married / is still a virgin. Cf. suc
Tony M Dec 2, 2018
Scams Is this a scam? Undoubtedly a scam It has all the hallmarks — dodgy text, asking
for bank details, too readily accepting your
quote, no deadline stated, and then offering to
pay in advance. Either it is a phishing scam
Tony M Nov 19, 2018
Scams Fighting scammers: proposing a simple trick? Good ideas, just some comments [quote]BabelOn-line wrote: This is what we
consider doing for all our future Proz job
posts: ... - In the same way, we will request a
Skype contact (to be conducted in the target
Tony M Oct 31, 2018
Translator resources Impossible d'ouvrir Termium en ligne / Unable to open Termium online Working fine here in France I wonder if there is a problem with the Internet
in your country? Soemtimes, either deliberately or
due to a breakdwon, access to certain parts of the
Internet may be shutdown in some coun
Tony M Oct 25, 2018
Software applications Working from PDF converting to Word documents Be more assertive! I generally refuse to work from PDFs, which are
only a document exchange format, not a word
processing format! This leaves the agency to
deal with the problem! When for whatvere reas
Tony M Oct 25, 2018
Translator resources Glossary My preference [quote]Kay Denney wrote: A "general" glossary
would be a dictionary, wouldn't it? [/quote] I
have in the past used individual customer
glossaries, but there is so much valuable
Tony M Oct 11, 2018
Translator resources Glossary With reference to Asker's specific query... [quote]DZiW wrote: Tony, it's not always about
bilingual vocabulary, sometimes it's an
alphabetical list of terms or words found in or
relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect,<
Tony M Oct 10, 2018
Translator resources Glossary Glossary, by definition... ...implies a list of words with their
corresponding meanings in another language — so
it is by its very nature going to be a bilingual
file! What you have not explained is if you
Tony M Oct 10, 2018
Scams Discerning between a scam and a legitimate new outsourcer A couple of points... Google Earth images carry a date showing the date
of the photo. It is not unusual for a new
business not to have a great many referrals, and
for their website to not always be very
Tony M Oct 8, 2018
Office applications Find italic within non-italic in MS Word Ah, well, in THAT case... Why not approach it differently? If your italic
text within ( ) is always contiguous with the (
), why not simply search and replace (* and then
*), replacing the brackets with italics al
Tony M Oct 5, 2018
Office applications Find italic within non-italic in MS Word Criteria? First of all, does the document contain any other
italic text that you do NOT want to find? If so,
is the quantity so great you cannot unselect it
manually afterwards? Once you have mar
Tony M Oct 5, 2018
Office applications Math objects in LibreOffice on Linux Fonts? I have encountered similar problems, albeit not
involving LibreOffice, which I eventually traced
back to the fonts used: it appeared thate some of
the Greek etc. characters had come from t
Tony M Sep 19, 2018
General technical issues Punctuation problem with MS Word Have had a similer problem with InDesign One of my client's uses InDesign, and it cannot
handle non-breaking spaces, as inserted by Word.
Luckily, now I know, this is an easy one to get
round, though it does mean they have to be<
Tony M Sep 12, 2018
Office applications Prepopulatiing Excel cells with exact matches. Ah well in THAT case...! Copy source text column into empty target
cloumn Hide existing source text column (so it
won't get translated) Translate copied column
using your CAT tool — it won't care about the
Tony M Sep 5, 2018
Office applications Prepopulatiing Excel cells with exact matches. A few questions... First of all, every time Phrase A appears, does
its translation ALWAYS exist? If so, can't you
use the Excel 'duplicate content' function to
simply group all the pre-translated cells
Tony M Sep 5, 2018
Office applications How to put a text box over non-editable text in Excel In some cases, this can be an equitable solution... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: Unfortunately, I have
to translate those non-editable texts by putting
text boxes (containing the translated content) on
them, but you're absolutely right, tran
Tony M Aug 28, 2018
Office applications How to put a text box over non-editable text in Excel Depends what you mean exactly? [quote]Baran Keki wrote: The non-editable text
in excel graph will always appear beneath the text
box. [/quote] What do you mean by "beneath"?
Do you mean "behind"? If so, can you n
Tony M Aug 27, 2018
Scams Possible SCAM: visa application company Definitely a scam! If you have contacted the company and they don't
know any such person, then that seems to me
totally conclusive proof it MUST be a scam! In
any case, the whole thing is so unprofessiona
Tony M Aug 16, 2018
CAT Tools Technical Help Efficiency of using CAT tools in comparison to using none Some help for some texts I have always been a bit of a Luddite and
resistant to CAT tools, but have been using
Wordfast Classic for soem years now, on jobs where
I feel it is useful. On a totally new job for a<
Tony M Aug 13, 2018
Scams This sounds a bit fishy (cashier check or bank certified check proposed for payment) Classic overpayment scam [quote]doctor_suz wrote: From someone totally
innocent and ignorant in these matters - what is
the point of the scam? What would they get from us
if we cash their checks? [/quote] Thi
Tony M Aug 7, 2018
Office applications Can't Get Small Caps to Work A couple of points... It's important to appreciate that 'small caps'
only works if the text is in lower case to start
with; so when typing your text in, that's the way
to do it. It's then easy to do a global
Tony M Jul 24, 2018
Office applications Issue with Dictionary Settings in Word File Locations If you look under Tools > Options > File
Locations, you should be able to look and see
where the custom.dic is located on your
computer. But I can't understand how on earth
Tony M Jul 23, 2018
Office applications Can't Get Small Caps to Work Size of small caps I think you will find that the Word preset size
for small caps is pretty much standard, as used by
everyone across the industry, following
traditional typographic conventions. I have a
Tony M Jul 23, 2018
Office applications Issue with Dictionary Settings in Word Spell check the dictionary! This seems curious, since I didn't think that the
'custom dictionary' was normally included with the
document file? But maybe it is in the more recent
versions of Word. Anyway, assuming
Tony M Jul 23, 2018
Scams Scam: THREAT Me too I too received the same message, albeit using a
pseudo that has nothing to do with or
indeed any other professional network I belong to;
like Alan, I too simply deleted it. The o
Tony M Jul 22, 2018
Localization Best tool to translate User Interface? "delta content" [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Can you explain
"delta content"? [/quote] I would
understand this to mean content elements that are
changed, while the rest remains the same.
Tony M Jun 1, 2018
Scams This sounds a bit fishy (cashier check or bank certified check proposed for payment) Probably a scam! Sounds fishy to me too! You didn't say if it is
in the same country as you or not? If it is
foreign, then I can't see any reason at all to pay
by cheque instead of a woire transfer.
Tony M May 27, 2018
Office applications How to change the name of a reviewer from the additions and deletions in Track Changes Word setting I think you'll find the 'name' of the reviewer is
the 'user name' set within the MS Word settings,
so you can change it there; of course, if
successive reviewers all use the same copy of
Tony M May 19, 2018
Office applications Word count in Microsoft Excel? Unicode ... is just the slightly more powerful text format
that has to a large extent replaced ASCII. It's
not high-tech, all it means is just saving the
file so you only have JUST the text, wi
Tony M May 9, 2018
Lighter side of trans/interp Is the "zinc" in a French bar made of zinc? Zinc Zinc Many that I know of are actually clad in copper;
but zinc is certainly used for some... it is
commonly used for roofing (flashings, etc.) where
in the UK we have traditionally used lead. I
Tony M May 1, 2018
Office applications Excel file, different languages not in columns, but in rows. How to count/remove one language? Surely... Using your working copy of the file, you could
simply delet the entire rown with the EN
translation in it? Of course, if it has to remain,
there's nothing to stop you deleting it and then<
Tony M Apr 23, 2018
Scams Two new thieves: Dave GRAHAM and Thom WEST The oldest scam in the book! Gald you didn't get caught, but there are still
people around who really need to tighten up their
due diligence procedures: this is one of the
oldest scams that's been reported by translat
Tony M Apr 22, 2018
Office applications How to change punctuation in a heading style in Word? Check 'Titre 3' style As it stands, the attributes you quote for your
heading style do not include any language
parameter; but it says it is based on 'Titre 3';
so you may need to check the language parameter
Tony M Apr 18, 2018
Office applications How to change punctuation in a heading style in Word? WHERE has the language been changed? If you simply selected "All" and changed the
language of the DOCUMENT, it won't necessarily
change the language in any styles where the
language attribute had originally been
Tony M Apr 17, 2018

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