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Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever turned down a job for ethical reasons or because you didn't agree with the content? Yes I had to refuse translating a whole document on
abortion, which even included horrific pictures.
So, after a quick check, I had to stop scrolling
and said "No way". The client was very nic
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever bought any products you had translated about? No (not yet) Oh, I would love to! It's completely different to
translate a Word page and send it back to the
client, and to actually see it printed on a
product's label. I guess I am too much into high
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 27, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When the source text is poorly-written, do you tell your client? Other Rather than "It depends on the client", I would
say "It depends on the text". If it's written in a
way I can manage to understand the meaning, I
translate it and don't tell the client. Thi
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 25, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you notice a strong increase in activity every June and July ? No And actually I think it's the opposite, I feel I
get less (the other time of the year this happens
is in December). Good months for me are
March-April-May. I translate several documents
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 20, 2011
Money matters would you proofread under these conditions? Never heard of that before Strange! I either charge per hour or 50% of my
normal translation rate.
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 7, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you add a client as a friend on Facebook? I don't use Facebook [quote]Steven Capsuto wrote: [quote]neilmac
wrote: I do find it interesting how so many
people so far do not have a facebook account,
which makes me I wonder how much of this is due to
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jun 13, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following profile fields do you think clients are most interested in? CV As an outsourcer too, I always first check the CV
(for personal information and experience). If I
have candidates with similar qualifications, then
I check their Kudoz, samples and ProZ
Cristina Heraud-van Tol May 14, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Who maintains the computer where you do most of your work? I have a guru in my household ... and he's my husband :) He really solves
incredible things that I would not otherwise know
are happening. I always say things like: "The
computer turned crazy and started doing this
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Apr 24, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work during public holidays? It depends Some religious holidays are very important to me
(like Easter or Christmas) and I don't work on
those days, as the religious activities keep me
busy. When it's a national holiday (28th
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Apr 23, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: As a freelancer, do you ever feel that you do have a boss? NO!! Never, ever! That's why I am a FREElancer :) Cristina Heraud-van Tol Mar 6, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have your own website? Yes Each year, I get more and more clients through my
website. Not only clients from abroad but also
from Peru. When I ask some people how they reached
me, the answers I get sound like: - V
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Mar 4, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use an "Out of office" AutoReply for your business? Yes I don't have a Blackberry or mobile, and when I'm
on holidays, I don't want to look at anything that
is related to work. About two weeks ago, I spent
my holidays at a relaxing beach where
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Feb 26, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: After planning a weekend off a regular client asks you to work on an urgent project (+/- 2 days) I politely decline I take so few holidays a year, that when I do,
it's something carefully planned, and includes
going out with my husband and children. So if I
accept such a job, I'm ruining everybody else'
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Feb 21, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you entered your rates in your profile? Yes, I do And I get jobs based on that. I really don't
understand the issue of entering rates and making
them invisible. If you put effort in noting down
your rates, but nobody can see it, then w
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Feb 20, 2011
Trados support Problem with TRADOS Preview on target file OK, then don't worry [quote]Wolf Kux wrote: [quote]Cristina
Heraud-van Tol wrote: I also have Studio 2009
and did the updates. Would you like to send me
your file to see if I can open and convert it with
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Feb 2, 2011
Trados support Problem with TRADOS Preview on target file Terrible! I also have Studio 2009 and did the updates. Would
you like to send me your file to see if I can open
and convert it with my program?
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Feb 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Desktop or laptop - which one do you prefer? I chose 'Other' because... ... I only have a desktop. I love my desktop
computer, but ocassionally when there is an
opportunity I have tried or typed a few things on
a laptop and it feels really comfortable,
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jan 24, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What frustrates you the most during the translation process? I voted, "Nothing" Everything is a challenge for me and I simply love
it! :)
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jan 8, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you take your computer with you on holiday? Difficult... ... to carry my desktop computer with me, don't
you think? ;) If I had a laptop, I would use it
in case of emergency, but defintely not during my
holidays when I am supposed to relax an
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Dec 23, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think freelance translators are mostly introverts? Yes Of all my translator friends, 95% are introvert.
Most of them barely go out (to have fun, I mean,
because some do interpretation jobs at events),
they do not make parties or just organize
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Dec 7, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think your acquaintances/friends/family "envy" your life as a freelancer? Yes, many aspects They "envy": - That I'm never stuck in big
traffic jams at peak hours (when I need to go out,
I always choose clear times) - That I can program
my own schedule (go shopping, exercise,
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Nov 29, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, do you prefer working in a team or alone? Definitely on my own Perhaps because of bad experiences in the past, I
never liked to work in groups. When we had to
form groups at school, there was always a couple
who didn't want to do a thing and perha
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Nov 21, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How many languages are spoken in your country of residence? Officially 3 Spanish, Quechua and Aymara, but there are several
Amazonian languages as well.
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Nov 6, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following do you most value in a Project Manager? Can I say: PAYMENT ARRANGED AND BE PAID ?? Wow, Sylvie, you're alive! You never answered my
e-mail... Anyway, everything mentioned for sure
is valuable, but I guess the most valuable thing
is communication; that when the project
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Nov 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you met famous people thanks to your job? Hi [quote]Sam21 wrote: is this about "meeting"
famous "people" or simply about coming across
global entities? Never, personally! Either
way, I believe that interpreters might have a
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Nov 1, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any part of the translation process you don't really enjoy? I like it all! It's my passion, so I love all the challenges
involved :)
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 28, 2010
Poll Discussion (Staff: This poll was reset) How much per month do you spend on accountancy services (in Euros)? I don't have an accountant I don't have an accountant because I can work on
my taxes on my own. But I will hire a freelancer
now that I am starting my new company. He will
come once a month and will charge US$30 for
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 27, 2010
Poll Discussion In general, do the agencies you work with give you the contact details of end clients for questions? I chose 'Other'... ... because my real answer is sometimes. Sometimes
it has happened, that I get the details of the end
clients, to clarify terminology. Or when they
require a hardcopy of my translation, an
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 21, 2010
Translator resources "Yes, I would be interested in selling my glossary through a venture." Don't know more than you do... I always see this when I upload my glossaries (I
have plenty), and what I think is that one day
ProZ may be thinking of building a large glossary
with all our entries (either online or har
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 20, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you charge extra to translate files in Power Point? No Why should I??? I can only imagine someone
charging extra due to the fact that he/she does
not master the program. There are plenty of
shortcuts and other nice tips to make things go
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How many "coffee/cigarette" breaks a day do you usually take? No coffee/cigarette breaks I don't smoke. And with regard to coffee: With
Peru being one of the countries with the least
coffee consumption in the world (0.2 kilos per
person per year), you can imagine I drink ve
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 13, 2010
Literature / Poetry Nobel Prize - Mario Vargas Llosa Finally! As many say, he waited year after year, and
finally received the prize. Though I never liked
his books (overabundance of bad words, and topics
such as prostitution, politics and violence),
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually read the whole source text before starting your translation? Something similar It has to do a bit with one of my polls (check
this link:
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 6, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your speaking and writing skills in your source language(s) differ? No No, I believe I have a very good command in both.
And this is a very interesting question, because
as far as I'm concerned, these two are strongly
related. In all the cases I know, people
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 5, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you usually 100% satisfied with your final translation? Absolutely Else, I wouldn't dare to deliver it! I am
amazed of the large number of people who are not
satisfied with their final translations. How can
they work like this, then?!?!?

Cristina Heraud-van Tol Oct 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked for a government office as a language service provider? Yes, many times... ... and my experience was so horrible that I will
never again translate anything else for my
government (unless perhaps, if they pay me in
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Sep 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What would you do if you knew that a month from now the Internet would be down for good? I'd choose a different freelance job I have been a Spanish and English teacher for some
years, so I wouldn't mind continuing doing so, and
I would try to get more interpretation jobs, as
I'm also an interpreter (that pays bet
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Sep 8, 2010
Spanish ¿Alguien traduciría "army" como "armada"? Según la RAE, está mal Los peruanos no nos hacemos líos y jamás usamos
la palabra "armada", sino "marina". Y con fuerzas
armadas nos referimos al Ejército, la Marina y la
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Sep 6, 2010
Spanish Día del Traductor Peruano La Academia Peruana de Traducción quiere estar
presente en la vida del traductor peruano.
Por ello, organiza una serie de charlas,
seminarios y talleres que tendrán lugar el
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Sep 6, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever given up any job opportunities because the recruiting procedures were complex? Constantly! And I always wonder these things: - Do they
REALLY need all this information?? - Why can't
they be concise and explain in a couple bullet
points what they need? - Is it possible t
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Sep 5, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: When I go on vacation, I: Gleefully leave it all behind I am one of the few here who leaves everything
behind. I don't take a laptop or mobile phone. If
there is an emergency, there will always be a pay
phone around. I always take holidays with
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 22, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Your child(ren) is/are... Trilingual and Bilingual My oldest daughter is 7. She learned Spanish from
me, Dutch from her father and since she was 3, she
has been learning English at school. My
two-year-old son speaks Spanish and Dutch, no
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 17, 2010
Spanish ¿QUIEN CORRIGE A QUIEN? También me ha pasado [quote]Irène Guinez wrote: Hola a todos, Me
ha pasado algunas veces,la cosa siguiente y no
deja de sorprenderme: una agencia me encarga
una traducción, como siempre urgente . E
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 10, 2010
KudoZ Reverse Pair option... gone?? (Staff: fixed) Excellent, thanks! [quote]Alejandro Cavalitto wrote: Hello, I
confirm that KudoZ editing options were not
appearing in KudoZ questions for users that had
gained editing rights by having more than 500
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 5, 2010
KudoZ Reverse Pair option... gone?? (Staff: fixed) Today I wanted to start the day by answering some
KudoZ questions, and in the English to Spanish
combination I saw a question that was in the
reversed pair (i.e. Spanish to English). T
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Aug 5, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: To me, researching the subject I'm working on is... I think exactly like you, and answered the same [quote]Dolors Selis wrote: One of the things I
love the most about our job is that you can never
give any thing for granted, and least previous
knowledge. On the other hand, as with chi
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 16, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What social networking site is popular where you live? Facebook I think everyone I know here (friends and
relatives) have an account in Facebook, except me!
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jul 14, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever proofread a translation of which you did not have to change a word? Yes These are mainly medical questionnaires, which
have to be very precise and require a very high
quality control. Sometimes the documents have
already been proofread by one or two translator
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jun 29, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you translated/interpreted anything related to this year's World Cup? Yes Some news for the following
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jun 19, 2010
Spanish Títulos, ¿cuál de los dos? Un poco fuera de tema... ... pero leyendo los comentarios, sólo me animo a
copiar una frase que alguien dijo una vez acerca
de la traducción: "Siempre tenemos que devolverla
cuando estamos a la mitad". Quiere de
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Jun 18, 2010

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