Track this forum | Tema | Postavljač teme Odgovori (Pregledi) Posljednji upis |  | Time to choose winners in “Game on” translation contest | 0 (774) |  | translation contest "Bon voyage". The submission phase will be open until 27 February! | 0 (1,019) |  | Finals phase has been extended until December 31st for English to Malay | 0 (967) |  | Last chance to choose the best translation for “The Tides of Tech” translation contest | 0 (1,029) |  | contest “The Tides of Tech” needs your help to select winners! | 0 (954) |  | Bantu kami memilih para finalis dalam pertandingan terjemahan "The Tides of Tech" | 0 (1,223) |  | "Dust Bowl" song: propose your translation into Malay | 0 (1,388) |  | Translation contest: Help choose the winner in the English to Malay pair | 0 (1,073) |  | English to Malay translation contest: help determine the finalists | 0 (1,083) |  | Mengapa anda memilih untuk menjadi penterjemah? ( 1... 2) | 21 (21,668) |  | Adakah jadi translator ni menguntungkan ?? | 0 (1,308) |  | Database untuk penterjemah | 0 (2,358) |  | Terjemahan lebih | 1 (4,488) |  | soalan ttg daftar nikah | 1 (5,833) |  | Dewan Eja Pro 1.5 untuk Office <2007? | 6 (9,565) |  | salam sejahtera | 1 (5,720) |  | Interpreters in Malaysian magistrates courts | 0 (5,026) |  | Glossary-building" KudoZ to be deployed in Malay | 0 (4,653) |  | Diploma in Translation:Jap>Mal & Jap>Eng Language Pair | 2 (6,446) |  | projek besar - lebih suka tangani sendiri atau bersama bantuan? | 6 (8,468) |  | Mari-mari. ( 1, 2... 3) | 34 (28,211) |  | 7th Translation Contest: Submission phase is on! | 1 (5,362) |  | Peraduan Menterjemah Ke6: bantu Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) sampai ke pemilihan terakhir | 0 (5,677) |  | mari kita bincang perkara2 berkaitan dgn kadar ( 1... 2) | 23 (16,147) |  | Menterjemah, berenang dan menyelam | 6 (7,791) |  | Malay language course in Singapore? | 2 (10,034) |  | Terjemahan perkataan "moor" | 3 (6,787) |  | Peraduan Terjemahan Ketiga | 4 (7,044) |  | Masalah Penterjemah Bebas | 5 (7,762) |  | Kerjasama antar forum | 4 (8,848) |  | Contest: First translation contest (members-only) | 0 (4,307) | Postaviti novu temu Nevezano uz tematiku: Prikazano Veličina slova: -/+ | | = Novi upisi od vašeg posljednjeg posjeta ( = Nema novih upisa od vašeg posljednjeg posjeta ( = Više od 15 upisa)
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