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Hungarian KudoZ-csalásra invitáló e-mail Bizony az [quote]Ildiko Santana wrote: [quote] És
szerinted ez egy pozitív vagy negatív
dolog? [/quote] [quote] ...mocsaras-lápos-vara
ngyos... A már lezárt kérdésekre adott pontok
Katalin Szilárd Aug 28, 2012
Hungarian KudoZ-csalásra invitáló e-mail Senkinek nincs baja a pontokkal [quote]Ildiko Santana wrote: [quote] Nem
néztem meg azt a bizonyos kérdést. Csak a
beírást olvastam el, de ilyen erővel a Kudozon
feltett összes kérdést töröltetni lehetne
Katalin Szilárd Aug 28, 2012
Hungarian KudoZ-csalásra invitáló e-mail És szerinted ez egy pozitív vagy negatív dolog? [quote]Ildiko Santana wrote: [quote]Katalin
Horváth McClure wrote: János, Tudtommal az
olyan kérdést, amire már van beérkezett
válasz, sem a KudoZ-editorok, sem a Moderátorok<
Katalin Szilárd Aug 28, 2012
Hungarian KudoZ-csalásra invitáló e-mail Üdv a klubban [quote]János Untener wrote: Nyilvánvalóan
csalás, ezen nem kell sokat gondolkozni, a
csalások között is elég kezdő: ha ki
akarnánk játszani a Kudoz rendszert, akkor
Katalin Szilárd Aug 21, 2012
Hungarian KudoZ-csalásra invitáló e-mail Kudoz - Én már nem csodálkozom semmin sem [quote]Katalin Horváth McClure wrote: Úgy
látszik, a munkaszerzés érdekében egyesek már
mindenre képesek. Íme egy ékes példa - ha
valaki hasonló e-mailt kap, gondolom tudja
Katalin Szilárd Aug 21, 2012
KudoZ Kudoz and site rules - When rules are changed, please send us automatic notifications! Thank you for the explanation, Enrique The way how rules are worded right now, should be
changed. Because the way how rules are implemented
depend how that specific site staff understands
the meaning and the linguistic coherenc
Katalin Szilárd Aug 9, 2012
KudoZ Kudoz and site rules - When rules are changed, please send us automatic notifications! Thank you for the answer, Enrique As you can see these 2 rules contradict with each
other. "One term is allowed per question.
Including multiple terms for translation in a
single KudoZ posting interferes with the proc
Katalin Szilárd Aug 9, 2012
KudoZ Kudoz and site rules - When rules are changed, please send us automatic notifications! It is confusing because I experienced something different [quote]Enrique Cavalitto wrote: [quote]Katalin
Szilárd wrote: I have just read that the rules
of asking questions have changed: "Texts posted
for translation via KudoZ should be li
Katalin Szilárd Aug 9, 2012
KudoZ Kudoz and site rules - When rules are changed, please send us automatic notifications! 2 months ago terms that contained more than 1 term
(2 or 3 terms) were deleted. Sometimes questions
were left there for 2 days, people answered,
answers received agrees and the asker was a
Katalin Szilárd Aug 9, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts Medical journals [quote]SJLD wrote: [quote]LilianBoland
wrote: A very important question still remains:
who should do very complex, medical, technical or
even legal translations. What should the
Katalin Szilárd Jul 24, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts On the other hand ... [quote]Anne Diamantidis wrote: [quote]Tom in
London wrote: [quote]LilianBoland wrote: Do
you believe that general translators.....
[/quote] I don't believe there's such a
Katalin Szilárd Jul 17, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts You would be surprised... [quote]LilianBoland wrote: but by the way the
questions are formulated you can tell if the
person has any idea at all what the text is about.
I am just referring to that type of situat
Katalin Szilárd Jul 15, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts An MD title does not mean that the person fully understands complex sentences [quote]LilianBoland wrote: I think it is better
if the text does not have perfect style, or a few
grammatical errors, even, as long as the message
is accurately conveyed.
Katalin Szilárd Jul 13, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts I cannot agree with this [quote]LilianBoland wrote: I personally think
that more complex medical texts, such as academic
papers and research on new treatments should be
done only by doctors. Other slightly les
Katalin Szilárd Jul 13, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts Same dilemma :) [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]LilianBoland
wrote: Do you believe that general
translators..... [/quote] I don't believe
there's such a thing as a "general translator",
Katalin Szilárd Jul 13, 2012
Medical Are general translators capable of translating highly specialized medical texts Absolute no medical background and knowledge NO but with medical background/knowledge YES [quote]LilianBoland wrote: Do you believe that
general translators, even if they claim that they
have some medical translation experience, are
capable of translating highly specialized
Katalin Szilárd Jul 13, 2012 technical support Multiple visits from the same IP in my "Visitors" tab Also a weird anomaly in my "Visitors" tab This happened in November. I was able to make a
copy of this. Same ip, at the same date and in
the same minute, the difference is about a few
seconds between the 2 screen photo shoots.
Katalin Szilárd Feb 5, 2012 technical support Multiple visits from the same IP in my "Visitors" tab Is it connected with [quote]Annamaria Amik wrote: Not sure where to
post this, but since login issues have been
discussed, I'll post it here. It happens almost
every day that when I refresh the ProZ page
Katalin Szilárd Feb 5, 2012 job systems Pitiful-rate job offers on Proz You can't change "*me" (*them) [quote]Eleftherios Kritikakis wrote: "Some
professions have minimum rates and other ways to
restrict competition. Translation has no barriers
to entry at all. So anyone can come, wi
Katalin Szilárd Jan 30, 2012 job systems Pitiful-rate job offers on Proz Expectations... [quote]Anne Diamantidis wrote: That's a good
question - and I'm not comparing with
social networking websites (to some extent, one
may say that is a social networking<
Katalin Szilárd Jan 29, 2012 job systems Pitiful-rate job offers on Proz Houston, ... [quote]Anne Diamantidis wrote: Hi
Bernhard, I think we disagree because we are
not talking about the same thing or rather not
from the same perspective. I am not talking about
Katalin Szilárd Jan 29, 2012
Health and lifestyle for language professionals A Short Neurological Test It's not an official neurological test [quote]David Wright wrote: A neurological test
from a marketing company? Not sure how serious
this really is. Any corroboration from elsewhere?
[/quote] Hi David, Of course this i
Katalin Szilárd Jan 25, 2012
Health and lifestyle for language professionals A Short Neurological Test Congratulation! ;) [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: No need
for a neurologist for now! [/quote]
Katalin Szilárd Jan 25, 2012
Health and lifestyle for language professionals A Short Neurological Test I received this test some minutes ago. I thought I
would share it.
Katalin Szilárd Jan 25, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: If you hadn't been a translator, what would you have liked to be? Marine biologist I would spend most of my life underwater. :) Katalin Szilárd Jan 8, 2012 directory Directory of End-clients The proof of the pudding ... [quote]Christel Zipfel wrote: [quote]Samuel
Murray wrote: In that case I would be in favour
of a directory of end-clients, but I also think
that the client should have the choice of
Katalin Szilárd Dec 19, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Word for word... [quote]Madeleine MacRae Klintebo
wrote: [quote]jyuan_us wrote: If you give
it a 2nd thought, the logic is not hard to
understand. Those "end-clients" who look for
freelancers b
Katalin Szilárd Dec 19, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Rotten tomatoes :) [quote]jyuan_us wrote: You might think that
these "end-clients" pay a higher rate than a
translation agency but the reality might just be
to the opposite. Several non-translation-age
Katalin Szilárd Dec 18, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Different agencies different end-client pay different rates [quote]Christel Zipfel wrote: [quote]Katalin
Szilárd wrote: It would be nice to see how
many end clients are registered and what kind of
companies are registered here as end clien
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Contradiction [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: If end-clients
could be found in a directory, there would be no
need for webinars on how to find end-clients. :-)
An end-client is a client that the transla
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients They are already distinguished on the site [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Katalin
Szilárd wrote: I realized that there was no
narrowing down feature in the directories for
distinguishing End-clients and Translation
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Not outsourcing .. [quote]Walter Landesman wrote: Hi
Katalin, Yes, I know the difference. However, I
don't know how having two different directories
may help us translators. And sometimes it is hard
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients Forums Forums are full of such posts as End clients
webinar etc. so I am wondering about the reason
why there is no directory for End clients at all
not even narrowing down feature? I see a
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients I am sure you know the difference between an end client and a translation company [quote]Walter Landesman wrote: [quote]Katalin
Szilárd wrote: Actually it would be nice to
have a separate directory of End-clients.
[/quote] Why? How would that help us? Wh
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 directory Directory of End-clients I realized that there was no narrowing down
feature in the directories for distinguishing
End-clients and Translation companies. Actually
it would be nice to have a separate directory of<
Katalin Szilárd Dec 17, 2011 technical support Anyone else having trouble receiving notifications? I don't think that the problem lies in email providers Thank you for your suggestion, Katalin. But I
doubt that the problem lies in email providers.
Different people are using different email
providers. As you see I am not the only
Katalin Szilárd Dec 2, 2011 technical support Anyone else having trouble receiving notifications? Actually I am also wondering about another anomalies 1) I haven't received an answer for my support
ticket (sent about 3 weeks ago) concerning weird
changes in my visitors' tab. I also took a screen
shot to show the problem. Did somebody ex
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011 technical support Anyone else having trouble receiving notifications? Thanks for your reply, Alison [quote]Alison MacG wrote: Hi Katalin Like
you I had problems with a Yahoo-based email
account a couple of years ago. Yahoo blamed ProZ
and ProZ blamed Yahoo for the problems, which w
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011 technical support Anyone else having trouble receiving notifications? Gmail I am using gmail. But let me tell you that before
gmail I was using yahoo for proz and I had similar
email problems about 3 years ago. If I remember
well I was suggested to change my email
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011 technical support Anyone else having trouble receiving notifications? Dear All, Would you mind giving the email provider you are
using? Please, see my post:
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011
General technical issues Notifications are not received Thanks for your reply, Lisa Thanks for the links. :) This is getting more
interesting. I read those posts now, but it
shouldn't matter what kind of email provider you
are using. I mean if all people had the same emai
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011
General technical issues Notifications are not received Thanks for the feedback Hi Ivana, Thanks for your feedback. It seems
this is not an isolated issue. After this I'm
wondering whether job related email deliveries are
working properly via the
site. Regar
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011
General technical issues Notifications are not received And what about other mails then? Hi Gilla, Thanks for your feedback. I wouldn't
bother about such notifications, but what if this
is the tip of the iceberg? What about job emails?
As fas as I'm concerned delivering job
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011
General technical issues Notifications are not received I have just seen that some Kudoz questions were
closed and I didn't receive notifications about
them. I asked other members and they had such
problems as well.
Katalin Szilárd Dec 1, 2011
Money matters €0.00 EUR to €0.01 EUR estimated per word Honestly... I don't think that those people who are working
for these rates are working as translators. Maybe
they are working at a net café or something and I
can imagine that they are sending "mach
Katalin Szilárd Nov 8, 2011
Money matters €0.00 EUR to €0.01 EUR estimated per word If similar happened to me ... I would rather respond with irony... like "I
would love to be your slave. Also take away my
house, belongings, my clients I give everything...
Just, please give me the job. :D "

Katalin Szilárd Nov 7, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice My translation test was approved by their client, but it seems they give the job to someone else Unfortunately this is a very popular trend nowadays Agencies are sending tests to high quality
translators and when they won the big project then
they send the real big project to low rate & low
quality translators. Even if tests are paid (
Katalin Szilárd Oct 28, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do universities prepare translators/interpreters sufficiently for the life in the industry? Not sufficiently and sometimes working against the translation industry Many people in the education industry
(universities, linguistic institutions etc.) never
worked in the real market. Some of these people do
not know anything about the business part of the
Katalin Szilárd Oct 20, 2011
Money matters what's wrong with that picture? Healthy and unhealthy ... Hi Annamaria, Thank you for the reply. This is
an interesting conversation. :) First of all I
would like to repeat what Bernhard wrote
previously: we are talking about online
Katalin Szilárd Oct 15, 2011
Money matters what's wrong with that picture? If I move ... If next month I move to a very poor country, where
the average translation rates are 0.03 USD/word,
should I lower my rates just because I changed my
location? No way. It doesn't matter
Katalin Szilárd Oct 14, 2011

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