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Webinar: Writing Copy for your Business Website 0 (1,789)
[Free Webinar - Thursday!] How to Stop Sabotaging Your 6-figure Success in Under 1 Hour 6 (3,279)
Editing and Proofreading Techniques, 2-week online training in Greek 0 (1,447)
Webinar: Diabetes, cholesterol and triglycerides: the big picture for medical translators and editor 0 (1,200)
Webinar: "When the Law Hits Home: Legal Issues for Translators and Interpreters" - October 18, 2016 0 (1,350)
Webinar: A History and Exposé of the French Social Security System 0 (1,162)
EU Terminology and Translation, online training in Greek 0 (1,504)
Webinar: Making the most of your CAT tool – for MemoQ users 0 (1,332)
Webinar: Coping with change: diversification and SWOT analysis for Linguists 0 (1,339)
Tekom tc world fair Stuttgart 2016 0 (1,323)
BP16 Translation Conference videos - teaser 2 (1,850)
Legal Terminology - English, French and German, online training in Greek 0 (1,499)
CALL FOR PAPERS - IAPTI Fourth International Conference - 22–23 April, 2017 — Buenos Aires, Argentin 0 (1,209)
Translation and the Creative Industries International Conference 1 (1,751)
Corso in Aula su SDL Trados Studio 2015 - Livello Base e Avanzato (NAPOLI Settembre 2016) 0 (1,360)
Course: Sales and Marketing for Translators and Interpreters 0 (1,304)
Applied Translation, 4-month online training in Greek 0 (1,369)
Webinar: Colouring within the Lines: Ethics for Legal Translators and Interpreters 0 (1,361)
Wordfast Pro 4 on-site training in San Francisco - November 0 (1,421)
Conference Interpretation course, in Athens – English, French into Greek 2 (1,749) 2016 virtual conference September 28-30th 1 (1,702)
[Free Webinar] Could you be sabotaging your success? 0 (1,405) 2016 regional conference in Matera, Italy on October 22nd 0 (1,411)
AUSIT QLD: Introduction to Localisation Seminar - Brisbane, 30th July 0 (1,254)
Useful Tips for Translators and Reviewers, free webinar in Greek 0 (1,522)
[CONFERENCE: Brisbane, Australia, August 2017] XXI FIT World Congress - Call for Papers 0 (1,315)
MATA's Fourth International Conference - 1-2 October 2016 in Ohrid 1 (1,684)
SDL Trados Studio 2015 Starter, online training in Greek 0 (1,498)
(Online Training) Dictate Your Way to Doubling Your Income 0 (1,590)
Off-topic: International Terminology Summer School 2016: Be there! 0 (3,031)
5 Steps to Success for Translators, online training in Greek 0 (1,554)
Translating Corporate Communications 1 (1,728)
[webinar] subtitling: a professional perspective 0 (1,458)
Translating for the IT industry and software localisation 0 (1,356)
Video Subtitling, online training 2 (2,034)
Binding Agreements and Legal Principles for Translators 0 (1,489) 2016 international conference in Stockholm, Sweden 0 (1,650)
Free Training:How to Create a Visual Marketing Strategy and Market Your Services Online 0 (1,431)
[Free Webinar] Create More Hours in Your Day 0 (1,472)
Off-topic: Campaign: #1mm Challenge for Translators and Interpreters 7 (3,622)
Medicina para Traductores - Genética y cáncer 0 (1,312)
Introduction to the German Legal System for Translators (and Interpreters) 0 (1,531)
[Free Webinar] Frustrated that you're not achieving the success you deserve? 0 (1,646) translation industry events calendar 1 (2,830)
Introduction to IT Translation 0 (1,437)
[FREE Webinar] The Key to a Higher Income and Better Work-Life Balance 0 (1,403)
Translating for the Art World 0 (1,562)
Translating for the creative industries: fashion, beauty and wine 0 (1,590)
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