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cultural and language services symposium- october 25 th 2012 0 (2,001)'s 2012 FREE virtual event series for translation professionals 5 (3,901)
ITI Webinar: Social Media for Translators 0 (2,234)
Definition of a powwow 12 (6,668)
Scientific and Professional Symposium on Medical Translation, September 20th-22nd, Barcelona 1 (3,538)
AUSIT Conference Sydney 1-3 December 2012 0 (2,734)
Congrès Lyon - Autant en emporte le temps 0 (2,552)
Presentation of the new AUSIT Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, Adelaide 0 (2,866)
SDL Trados 2009/2011 Training in Lisbon 03-07 September 2012 0 (2,481)
ATIEC (Ecuador) organiza Taller de Buenas Prácticas 1 (2,357)
"Analyzing Spanish Language Contracts" Webinar - July 20, 2012 0 (1,860)
"Ask the Linguist" - Free Webinar - July 11, 2012 0 (2,016)
El Rumano: Idioma de Traducción (Evento en Lima, Perú) 0 (2,150)
Translation Forum Russia - all-embracing Russian translation market platform 0 (2,669)
SDL Trados 2009/2011 Training in Lisbon 16 - 20 July 2012 1 (2,210)
Off-topic: Will Self on "Kafka's Wound and the problems of literary translation" (May 31st, London) 0 (6,333)
SlavFile new issue is out 0 (2,310)
Intensive summer course in Audiovisual Translation at Imperial College London 0 (2,355)
Wordfast Pro training in Sao Paolo - May 8, 2012 0 (1,831)
Colloque international ISTTRAROM-Translationes 0 (1,904)
Training event in Houston, Texas - May 5, 2012 0 (1,962)
Training event in Houston, Texas - April 16, 2012 0 (2,025)
Wordfast training in Brazil 0 (2,024) FREE Webinar week March, 2012 0 (2,099)
March-May 2012- Mediterranean Editors & Translators -Workshops 0 (2,306)
Wordfast Pro Training in Paris - March 15, 16 (in French) 0 (2,069)
First 2012 virtual powwow for members of the Certified PRO Network 0 (2,004)
Nov 8/10 - Mediterranean Editors & Translators - Call for participation 0 (2,169)
Thoughts on "ATA Interpreters and Spanish Divisions Joint Mid-Year Conference" 2 (2,746)
Innovating training initiative 0 (2,184)
Oct 20-22: Mediterranean Editors & Translators Meeting 2011 4 (4,431)
How translation shapes our everyday lives 5 (4,407)
Participate in freelance translator survey 0 (2,302)
LIVE Facebook Chat With Giancarlo Zucchetto, DG INTE, EP 0 (2,328)
PD session in Adelaide, 22 October 'Translation Theory' workshop 0 (2,438)
LIVE Facebook Chat With DG INTE, EP 0 (2,357)
Language Show Live, Olympia, London 4 (4,433)
The Translator's Pack - Live! event, London 5 November 0 (2,370)
"Alien versus Translator" 2 (3,634)
3rd annual FREE virtual conference series 0 (2,866)
Wordfast Pro training before ATA Conference in Boston 0 (2,473)
Free Open Day at the Online Summer School (12/9/2011) 0 (2,487)
Online Summer School 2011: The Future of the Profession 0 (2,522)
Interpreting in the Global Village of the 21st Century - Online July 21. 2 (4,507)
ASTTI Financial Translation Summer School: Still some places free 0 (2,848)
2nd International XLIFF Symposium: 0 (2,458)
ATA Certification Exam in Puerto Rico 0 (2,606)
Introduction to Terminology Online Course 0 (2,906)
ASTTI Financial Translation Summer School: Programme now published 0 (3,147)
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Pastey Your smart companion app Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.Find out more »
Trados Business Manager Lite Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.More info »
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