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Vlaams en Nederlands in Proz
Postavljač teme: Macià Planas
Local time: 12:34
engleski na katalonski
+ ...
Yes, that's the problem Feb 12, 2008

Gerard de Noord wrote:

It's like talking to a brick wall.


Yes, I really have this feeling. I am exposing a lot of reasons and they keep repeating the same answer without trying to get to an agreement.

I'm not sure what else can be done about it.

I don't really understand what's their interest in avoiding this matter.

[Edited at 2008-02-12 18:12]

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
Član (2003)
njemački na nizozemski
+ ...
silly nonsense Feb 12, 2008

at Macià Falgàs i Planas wrote towards

I have proven this general disagreement in the following
discussions I myself opened in their respective forums:
Catalan (in Catalan):
and Dutch (in English):
Everybody agreed that another denomination, a more
unified one, would be much better, since the unity of these
two languages (Catalan and Dutch) is indisputable.

NOT everybody agreed that another denomination, a more
unified one, would be much better, since the unity of these
two languages (Catalan and Dutch) is indisputable!

In the past I was an advocate of the Dutch (NL) "versus" Dutch (B), but after some time I found a lot of Flemish people write Flemish, while either thinking it's Dutch or don't want to write Dutch. So, I think the current distinction gives the possibility of being aware of the divide. No Flemish or Dutch is prohibited of mentioning mastering both languages (in the order he / she wants, and as far as I know).

Your last message towards ProZ was this afternoon. You might have learned from colleagues that with answering questions ProZ is as quick as slow can be.

at Macià Falgàs i Planas wrote towards

I am just proposing to change "Flemish" into "Dutch
(Belgium)" and "Valencian" into "Catalan (Valencia)" (thus,
keeping the difference) because even the ISO list of
languages recognises them as one same language, and the
majority of users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums agree
with this modification.

There hasn't been an official survey among "users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums", so somebody not familiar with the Dutch / Flemisch situation can't conclude that the "majority of users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums agree with this modification".
Only a ProZ-led survey among all Dutch / Flemish members / users (including e-mail notification) could shed light on the preferences of this group.

Local time: 12:34
engleski na katalonski
+ ...
Sorry: majority of this thread, not of the whole forum Feb 12, 2008

Henk Peelen wrote:

There hasn't been an official survey among "users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums", so somebody not familiar with the Dutch / Flemisch situation can't conclude that the "majority of users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums agree with this modification".
Only a ProZ-led survey among all Dutch / Flemish members / users (including e-mail notification) could shed light on the preferences of this group.

You are right, "the majority of users of Dutch and Catalan Proz forums" should have been "the majority of members who gave their opinion in the threads regarding this matter in the Dutch and Catalan forums".

By majority I do not mean unanimity. Of course Proz should run an official survey if he wants to be sure of this majority, I was just pointing "majority" refering to most of the members who gave their opinion in this thread.

I think that the fact that most people in this thread has agreed with a more unified denomination is something relevant to my proposal.

Margreet Logmans (X)
Margreet Logmans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
engleski na nizozemski
+ ...
To avoid discussion Feb 12, 2008

Macià Falgàs i Planas wrote:

I don't really understand what's their interest in avoiding this matter.

[Edited at 2008-02-12 18:12]

The one thing that can be learned from this thread is, there is no agreement on this matter.

What Jared is telling you, is that they'll stick to formal standards unless you can give them a compelling reason not to. The present level of disagreement is a good reason not to make changes.

Oh, and by the way, there is a good article by Maria Karra in the Article Knowledgebase on the Belgian language issue. It provides insight and background information.

The history of the Dutch-Flemish issue is important to keep in mind. I don't think you're doing either language (Dutch / Catalan) justice by linking the two in this way.

Local time: 12:34
engleski na katalonski
+ ...
Why not? Feb 12, 2008

Margreet Logmans wrote:
I don't think you're doing either language (Dutch / Catalan) justice by linking the two in this way.

Why not?

Margreet Logmans (X)
Margreet Logmans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:34
engleski na nizozemski
+ ...
Historical development Feb 12, 2008

Historical development. Short and simple answer.

Here's the article I was referring to:

Local time: 12:34
engleski na katalonski
+ ...
I could not find it Feb 12, 2008

Margreet Logmans wrote:

Historical development. Short and simple answer.

Here's the article I was referring to:

I am sorry, I could not find anything about the division between Dutch and Flemish in the article you provided. Actually she always uses the word "Dutch" to refer to Flemish. I don't see why linguistic conflicts between French and Dutch in Belgium should influence Proz's decision about what has been exposed in this thread.

What do you exactly mean by "historical development"? I decided to link Catalan and Dutch because I think it's a very similar situation.

If Proz has a reason to keep it like this, they should expose it clearly instead of giving incoherent answers.

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Vlaams en Nederlands in Proz

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