kuisioner Skripsi Tentang Degree Equivalence in Translation Postavljač teme: evi citra dewi
Salam kepada Para Penerjemah Indonesia,
Nama saya Evi dari Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta. Saya sedang menjalani skripsi yang berhubungan dengan bidang Penerjemahan. Saya membutuhkan bantuan rekan-rekan sekalian untuk membantu saya mengisi kuesioner untuk sumber data penelitian saya. Kuesioner ini berhubungan dengan tingkat kesepadanan dari Bayar (2007) tentang kualitas penerjemahan, khususnya "Degree Equivalence". Saya akan memberikan penjelasan tingkat equivalencenya di bawah ... See more Salam kepada Para Penerjemah Indonesia,
Nama saya Evi dari Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta. Saya sedang menjalani skripsi yang berhubungan dengan bidang Penerjemahan. Saya membutuhkan bantuan rekan-rekan sekalian untuk membantu saya mengisi kuesioner untuk sumber data penelitian saya. Kuesioner ini berhubungan dengan tingkat kesepadanan dari Bayar (2007) tentang kualitas penerjemahan, khususnya "Degree Equivalence". Saya akan memberikan penjelasan tingkat equivalencenya di bawah ini.
Saya mohon bantuannya, dan Terima Kasih banyak atas kesediannya.
Dengan Hormat,
Degree equivalence in translation by Bayar (2007:213–223) qtd in Saule Petroniene and Indre Zvirblyte (2012. 67-68), Bayar suggests seven types of equivalence degree :
1. Optimum Translation:
• Meaning of SL transferred accurately in TL
• Semantically well-formed or maintained the same meaning in TL.
• Style of SL conveyed well and sounds natural for TL readers.
• Grammatically well-formed in TL.
• There is no shift translation between SL and TL.
• Provide readable message and easily understood in TL.
2. Near-Optimum Translation:
• SL and TL do not correspond stylistically.
• The form is rendered in TL with a different way.
• The semantic equivalence is conveyed (but very insignificant or nonessential inaccuracy might appear at semantic level).
• The same information is maintained but with different style.
3. Partial Translation:
• The message is translated partially.
• SL translated into the TL with different content.
• There is shift translation between SL and TL.
• TL reader read fluenty but without conveying the SL goal or message.
4. Weak Translation:
• Not enough equivalence or even there is no equivalence at semantic level.
• The form and the style in SL is maintained but differs a lot in TL.
• The information is conveyed, but there is additional information and some information is omitted.
• There are only a few words which are transferred in TL
5. Poor Translation:
• The message transferred with wrong form.
• There are many shift translation in TL.
• Hardly transferred and understood.
6. Mistranslation:
• Both the style and the semantics are not conveyed in the translation of TL.
• TL is out of the SL context .
7. Zero Translation/Non-Translation:
• Absolutely different wording or tottally different between SL and TL.
• Whole of SL is not maintained in TL.
• Different meaning.
• Different style or different form between SL and TL.
Di bawah ini adalah pertanyaannya, pertama tolong piiih tingkat sepadannya kemudian sertakan alasannya:
1. SL: Who wants pancakes?
TL: Siapa yang mau kue Dadar. (Lines 28)
2. SL: We would’ve probably eaten that Gran’s homemade thick brown beer bread.
TL: kami mungkin akan menyantapnya beserta roti bir cokelat tebal buatan Gran
3. SL: I have Friday-night dinner with her family when they light canles, eat braided bread, and drink wine.
TL: Aku diundang makan malam hari Jumat bersama keluarganya ketika mereka menyalakan lilin, makan roti kepang, dan minum anggur.
4. SL: I notice that she’s changd ut of her gardening smock into a clean pair of corduroy pants and a sweater.
TL: Aku Gran sudah mengganti celemek berkebunnya dengan celana korduroi dan sweter.
5. SL : Wake up on Tuesday morning and get into yor truck to head off to work at the mill or mayybe to the feed-supply store or maybe to Loretta’s diner to have eggs over easy.
TL: Bangun pada Selasa pagi dan masuk ke truk lalu berangkat kerja ke penggilingan atau mungkin ke toko pakan hewan atau ke Loretta‟s Diner untuk sarapan telur dadar.
6. SL: Dad pulled out a burrito and offred one to me. I shook my head. Dad had startd unwrapping his meal. (Lines 8)
TL: Dad mengeluarkan burrito dan menawarkan satu untukku. Aku menggeleng. Dad mulai membuka bungkus makanannya.
7. SL: In a trademark punky glam outfit tonight it’s a short bubble skirt, fish nets, high black leather boots, an artfully ripped up Shooting Star T-shirt, topped off with a vintage fur shrug and a pair of black Jackie O glasses.
TL: Dalam balutan pakaian punk-glamor cirri khasnya―malam ini berupa rok pendek menggembung, stoking jala, bot kulit hitam tinggi, T-shirt Shooting Star yang dirobek dengan artistik, dilengkapi syal bulu model kuno dan kacamata hitam Jackie O.
8. SL: There’s only so many times a girl wants to get drunk on Mickey’s Big Mouth.
TL: Cewek lama-lama bosan kalau Cuma mabuk-mabukan di Mickey’s Big Mouth.
9. SL: I was given a plate of something that appeared to be meat loaf.
TL: Tempat malam itu aku diberi sepiring hidangan yang tampak seperti steak
10. SL: “The peanut-butter-&-jelly is always good,” he said, gesturing to a table where a half-dozen kids were fixing themselves sandwiches
TL: “Tapi sandwich selai-kacang-dan-jeli di sini selalu lezat,” katanya sambil menunjuk meja tempat enam anakk membuat sandwich sendiri.
Terima kasih atas waktu dan kesediaannya untuk mengisi kuisioner ini.
[Diedit pada 2016-12-05 12:47 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
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