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"Clarification" and "discussion" areas have been merged
Postavljač teme: Enrique Cavalitto
Susanne Rosenberg
Susanne Rosenberg  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:02
Član (2002)
danski na njemački
+ ...
Notification on discussion entries to those tracking a question Apr 18, 2009

Nesrin wrote:
to have notifications of discussion entries sent by default (unless one opts out) to everyone who has contributed to the discussion, as well as everyone who replied to the question (not to everyone who has just subscribed to such questions).

I believe this is very important, and many contributors to a question may neglect to tick the box even if the discussion is quite relevant. The asker or anyone else may post a clarification which is crucial to the original term, for example ...

At the moment, when no discussion entries have been made yet, it is necessary to first click the "Discuss" button in order to be able to tick "Send me notifications about this discussion", which is a bit cumbersome and easy to forget. How about sending notifications about discussion entries by default to everyone who has chosen to track a question - with the ability to opt out instead of opting in?

My 2 eurocents

Stéphanie Soudais (X)
Stéphanie Soudais (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:02
engleski na francuski
Agree Apr 18, 2009

Susanne Rosenberg wrote:

At the moment, when no discussion entries have been made yet, it is necessary to first click the "Discuss" button in order to be able to tick "Send me notifications about this discussion", which is a bit cumbersome and easy to forget.

I agree with Nesrin and Susanne. I almost always forget to tick the track box.


Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:02
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
Notifications will be reviewed Apr 18, 2009

Hi all,

The way notifications are handled in this feature will be reviewed.

I agree that it would make sense for them to be activated when the user has participated in the question by posting discussion entries, replies or reference comments.

In this case the user could opt out of receiving discussion notifications.


JaneTranslates  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:02
španjolski na engleski
+ ...
Thank you. Apr 18, 2009

Thank you, ProZ staff, for a very sensible improvement. I have often wavered, thinking that my comment would be more appropriately placed in "Discussion" but not wanting to separate it from the "clarification" comment to which I was responding.

Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:02
španjolski na engleski
Is "title"really necessary in discussion area Apr 24, 2009

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but is it really necessary to give a title every time you make an entry in the discussion area? Doesn't this rather interrupt the flow of the discussion?

Stéphanie Soudais (X)
Stéphanie Soudais (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:02
engleski na francuski
Agree Apr 24, 2009

Nikki Graham wrote:

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but is it really necessary to give a title every time you make an entry in the discussion area? Doesn't this rather interrupt the flow of the discussion?

I fully agree. I'm quite sure it has already been mentioned (by myself maybe) , but I don't remember if an answer was given


Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:02
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
Notifications implemented as suggested Apr 25, 2009

Susanne Rosenberg wrote:

Nesrin wrote:
to have notifications of discussion entries sent by default (unless one opts out) to everyone who has contributed to the discussion, as well as everyone who replied to the question (not to everyone who has just subscribed to such questions).

I believe this is very important, and many contributors to a question may neglect to tick the box even if the discussion is quite relevant. The asker or anyone else may post a clarification which is crucial to the original term, for example ...

At the moment, when no discussion entries have been made yet, it is necessary to first click the "Discuss" button in order to be able to tick "Send me notifications about this discussion", which is a bit cumbersome and easy to forget. How about sending notifications about discussion entries by default to everyone who has chosen to track a question - with the ability to opt out instead of opting in?

My 2 eurocents

Thanks for your valuable suggestions. The notifications system now works as follows:

  • The track button (a member-only feature) has been replaced with a "track question" selection box at the left of the questions. When this box is selected, you receive a notification each time a reference post or an answer is posted.

  • When the "track discussion" box inside the discussion area is selected, you receive a notification each time a discussion entry is made.

  • When you select the "track question" box, the "track discussion" will also be selected. You can then de-select any of them independently.

  • When you post a reference comment, an answer or a discussion entry, the "track discussion" box is selected. If you de-select it once it will no longer be automatically selected again in this question.


  • Susanne Rosenberg
    Susanne Rosenberg  Identity Verified
    Local time: 06:02
    Član (2002)
    danski na njemački
    + ...
    Great! Apr 25, 2009

    This sounds really good - thanks a lot!


    Alexander Onishko
    Alexander Onishko  Identity Verified
    ruski na engleski
    + ...
    Give me "Ask the Asker" button back! May 26, 2009

    This was a very convenient tool.

    Please give it back to Prozians!

    Nesrin  Identity Verified
    Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
    Local time: 05:02
    engleski na arapski
    + ...
    I'm all for the merging... May 26, 2009

    Alexander Onishko wrote:

    This was a very convenient tool.

    Please give it back to Prozians!

    But I think what Alexander and many others (including me) have said over the past weeks is that the "Ask the Asker" layout was more convenient and accessible than the "Discussion" box....

    Rob Grayson
    Rob Grayson  Identity Verified
    Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
    Local time: 05:02
    francuski na engleski
    Note to asker not the same as a discussion Jun 30, 2009


    I think the "discussion" area is a welcome addition, but I feel (and the usage I've seen seems to reflect this) it serves a very different purpose from "Note to asker".

    To my mind, the discussion area is for discussing issues which bear directly on the translation being sought, do not qualify as direct answers and are not addressed primarily to the asker (but rather to the answering community in general). The "Note to asker" was more suited to asking a question that
    ... See more

    I think the "discussion" area is a welcome addition, but I feel (and the usage I've seen seems to reflect this) it serves a very different purpose from "Note to asker".

    To my mind, the discussion area is for discussing issues which bear directly on the translation being sought, do not qualify as direct answers and are not addressed primarily to the asker (but rather to the answering community in general). The "Note to asker" was more suited to asking a question that only the asker could answer, or making a comment which, while useful for the whole community to see, was addressed solely to the asker.

    Prime case in point : I received a notification a few minutes ago, and when I read the question I noticed that it actually included two terms. I wanted to point this out to the asker and refer them to the relevant Kudoz rule. Previously, I would have done this using "Note to asker"; now, I have to do it via a discussion. This doesn't seem at all sensible or logical to me. It might make site management easier, but this particular user finds that it can make life more confusing.

    So, please leave discussions as they are, bring back "Note to asker", and if necessary, provide some written guidance on when to use each!



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    "Clarification" and "discussion" areas have been merged

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