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Simplify access to discussion area of KudoZ page
Postavljač teme: Jack Doughty
Steffen Walter
Steffen Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:04
Član (2002)
engleski na njemački
+ ...
Background information Apr 24, 2009 provides the "history" leading up to the current situation.


teju  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
engleski na španjolski
+ ...
Thank you Enrique Apr 24, 2009

Thank you for the clarification, for some reason I thought that function was reserved for linguistic discussion. I now see that it's not. At any rate, I agree with my colleagues, the page is a bit cluttered. I really liked the way the discussions used to appear right below the question before, they had a nice flow. You could read one comment after another without any boxes between them. The way it is right now you have to open the box, and when there are a lot of comments, you can't see them all... See more
Thank you for the clarification, for some reason I thought that function was reserved for linguistic discussion. I now see that it's not. At any rate, I agree with my colleagues, the page is a bit cluttered. I really liked the way the discussions used to appear right below the question before, they had a nice flow. You could read one comment after another without any boxes between them. The way it is right now you have to open the box, and when there are a lot of comments, you can't see them all at the same time, you have to scroll down. It just seems to me that the old way was more simple and clear.Collapse

Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
portugalski na engleski
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Agree with Claire Apr 24, 2009

Claire Cox wrote:

I agree with Jack.

The search page also seems to have changed for the worse recently too: when I search via the KudoZ toolbar, I now come to a page with very large font defining the search terms (which I presumably already know as I've just input them). I then have to scroll down to see the results of any search, which is very frustrating. Is it possible to revert to the previous display?


I also don't like the new display of the KudoZ term search -- is that the one you mean, Claire? Everything is over to the left side. There was nothing wrong with the other version...I say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
Term search Apr 24, 2009

Regarding the recent changes to the term search please have a look at this thread.


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:04
francuski na engleski
+ ...
Thanks Enrique - I hadn't seen that Apr 24, 2009

That said, I'm afraid I still don't like the new format. As others have said, you now have to scroll down to see any results at all. Having come in via the Kudoz toolbar, it is really necessary to have all the search criteria repeated again? Surely that wipes out the benefit of using the toolbar? And could it not be in a smaller font, so that at least some of the results appear? My screen is already quite big, so I can't see how I can change anything else. I know you can't please all of the peop... See more
That said, I'm afraid I still don't like the new format. As others have said, you now have to scroll down to see any results at all. Having come in via the Kudoz toolbar, it is really necessary to have all the search criteria repeated again? Surely that wipes out the benefit of using the toolbar? And could it not be in a smaller font, so that at least some of the results appear? My screen is already quite big, so I can't see how I can change anything else. I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but as Amy said, the layout wasn't broken before. I appreciate the changes in search accuracy, but I feel it's actually less user-friendly now.


JaneTranslates  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:04
španjolski na engleski
+ ...
New window? Apr 25, 2009

Just curious--I'm not sure I understand Claire and Amy's concerns, but I wonder if it would help if they checked the "Open results in a new window" box.

In general, I really appreciate the cleaner look of the entire site. I recommend to my translation students, and I think it will now be easier for newbies to figure out. Thanks, staff!

Stéphanie Soudais (X)
Stéphanie Soudais (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:04
engleski na francuski
Fully agree Apr 25, 2009

teju wrote:

I really liked the way the discussions used to appear right below the question before, they had a nice flow. You could read one comment after another without any boxes between them. The way it is right now you have to open the box, and when there are a lot of comments, you can't see them all at the same time, you have to scroll down. It just seems to me that the old way was more simple and clear.


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:04
francuski na engleski
+ ...
Thanks but... Apr 25, 2009

JaneTranslates wrote:

Just curious--I'm not sure I understand Claire and Amy's concerns, but I wonder if it would help if they checked the "Open results in a new window" box.

I've tried this, Jane, but I still end up with all the search paramters in huge font taking up the whole screen and I then have to scroll down to see any results. For me, the advantage of having the KudoZ toolbar is that I can quickly input my languages and term without having to go into the advanced search parameters if I don't want to. As it is now, I might as well go through the advanced search anyway.

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:04
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
Changes implemented Apr 30, 2009

Jack Doughty wrote:

I think the KudoZ question page is getting rather cluttered.
Do we really need a permanent explanation of the discussion function on the page?

Wouldn't a simple button be enough?

Some small changes were implemented so simplify the KudoZ interface. You can see the announcement at

Thanks for your feedback and your support of the site,

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Simplify access to discussion area of KudoZ page

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