Dear William,
William Pairman wrote:
Lucia Leszinsky wrote:
Hello William,
It is possible that the KudoZ toolbar is not compatible with Firefox version 8. However, you are welcome to give it a try and list here the issues you encounter (if any) so that site developers adjust the current version of the add-on to work with Firefox's new version.
I didn't want to update and lose it and not be able to get it back so I sent a support ticket
Yan Dovgopol replied:
Please note that making the toolbar compatible with newer versions of Firefox is not currently in our plans. If the toolbar is updated for the newer version of Firefox, we will notify users.
Which I suppose is the same as saying the Toolbar is being phased out.
Which in turn begs the question Why?
As Yana states, there is currently no specified plan to update the KudoZ toolbar for Firefox. However, this does not mean that a list of known issues will not be created in view of eventually working on this update. Not having a plan simply means not having a set date.
Hope this clarifies.