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Hooray - extra Browniz when someone disagrees!
Postavljač teme: Phoebe Indetzki
Phoebe Indetzki
Phoebe Indetzki  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:08
njemački na engleski
+ ...
Jul 31, 2012

In my language pair - and I'm sure it's true in other language pairs as well - there are a minority of answerers who repeatedly provide absolutely inane answers to kudoz questions, for which they regularly get heaped with "disagrees" from peers.

Such answerers invariably seem to have one single sentence for the explanation box, which they copy and paste every time - showing they haven't reseached the question at all (if, indeed, they have even read it from start to finish).
... See more
In my language pair - and I'm sure it's true in other language pairs as well - there are a minority of answerers who repeatedly provide absolutely inane answers to kudoz questions, for which they regularly get heaped with "disagrees" from peers.

Such answerers invariably seem to have one single sentence for the explanation box, which they copy and paste every time - showing they haven't reseached the question at all (if, indeed, they have even read it from start to finish).

It does make one wonder why anyone should willingly expose themselves to such treatment! Do they honestly feel their answers might be helpful? Is it some wierd form of humour?

Or could the answer possibly lie in collecting browniz??!! After all, if you collect enough - and apparently one seems to get 3 for every "disagree" - you get a discount on your next membership!!!!

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:08
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
You get browniz when you post a peer comment Jul 31, 2012

You get browniz when you post a peer comment (agree, neutral, disagree), not when you receive it.


Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
hebrejski na engleski
IMHO Jul 31, 2012

Imho, I have no idea what possesses them!

The kind of people who do this tend to share certain characteristics though. They are rarely native speakers of the target language and sometimes not in the source language either.

Annelise Brincker (X)
Annelise Brincker (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:08
engleski na danski
+ ...
Annoying though Jul 31, 2012

Yes, but it can be annoying when their answer is preferred to your own, which may be based on extensive research.

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
kineski na engleski
Would an agree/disagree ratio be useful? Jul 31, 2012

Rather than bother with trying to figure out their motivations or psychology of certain Kudoz (ab)users, I'd prefer to just screen them out. I wonder if the site could tally everyone's agree/disagree ratio and allow us to ignore everyone below a certain level?

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
Član (2007)
+ ...
Part of that is already available Jul 31, 2012

Phil Hand wrote:
Rather than bother with trying to figure out their motivations or psychology of certain Kudoz (ab)users, I'd prefer to just screen them out. I wonder if the site could tally everyone's agree/disagree ratio and allow us to ignore everyone below a certain level?

Under the Terminology tab you'll find "my Kudoz" (although it might just be for members). That gives your own statistics, including ratios. But they are only for "personal consumption". I don't think it would be appropriate to publicise them really as the language pair must influence things a lot. If you are a real expert in one field in one rare language pair then you'll probably get 100% of the two answers per year - you could disagree? But in the FIGS pairs it's rather different, especially in marketing-type questions where you may get as many as 15-20 answers, from absurd to brilliant with all the intervening shades of suitability. People have even been known to disagree with your answer because you disagreed with theirs!.

Annelise Brincker (X)
Annelise Brincker (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:08
engleski na danski
+ ...
What about newbies Jul 31, 2012

Phil Hand wrote:

Rather than bother with trying to figure out their motivations or psychology of certain Kudoz (ab)users, I'd prefer to just screen them out. I wonder if the site could tally everyone's agree/disagree ratio and allow us to ignore everyone below a certain level?

Yes, fine idea, but when you start off, you may get a disagree quite quickly, and that would be a high rate of disagreements.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:08
Član (2007)
+ ...
So, don't knock it! Jul 31, 2012

Enrique Cavalitto wrote:
You get browniz when you post a peer comment (agree, neutral, disagree), not when you receive it.

So we all get reduced subscription thanks to them!

Certainly, I'd like to see them stop doing it, though I doubt they do any real harm. Mostly the answers are so absurd that nobody would pick them as the best answer. They probably do get points once in a while as some of the questions have answers that are available in every dictionary, so if they're first there they'll probably get the points. But then that's only fair if they give the right answer.

It would be nice though if staff or moderators were to take it on themselves to have a word with them. I'm not sure if the rest of us are allowed to as we aren't allowed to criticise anybody for anything - even if we just tell them the plain truth.


Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
kineski na engleski
Neither problem seems large to me Jul 31, 2012

@Sheila - it's not private information. Anyone's Kudoz record is public. It's just making use of that info in a new way. Not necessarily publishing it - you don't have to print on someone's record that they have a ratio of X/Y. But you could calculate that ratio, and allow me as a user to screen out anyone with a ratio below a certain level.
My suggestion of a ratio was precisely to avoid one disagree making someone disappear. Everyone gets a disagree now and then, but if they're getting a
... See more
@Sheila - it's not private information. Anyone's Kudoz record is public. It's just making use of that info in a new way. Not necessarily publishing it - you don't have to print on someone's record that they have a ratio of X/Y. But you could calculate that ratio, and allow me as a user to screen out anyone with a ratio below a certain level.
My suggestion of a ratio was precisely to avoid one disagree making someone disappear. Everyone gets a disagree now and then, but if they're getting as many disagrees as agrees? That's a problem. I went and looked at the French-English questions, and it's the same as my pair - disagrees are very rare. You have to mess up quite badly.

You could not calculate the ratio before someone had (say) five agrees. Or just allow it to happen. If I choose to screen out a newbie with no agrees and one disagree, that's my choice, isn't it?

Remember, this is not something that would "happen" to the answerer. This is a choice I would make on my personal settings - not to make use of the potential help that that answerer might give in future. If anyone's losing out here, it would be me, not the answerer. And I'd be happy to take that risk in certain cases...

Tom in London
Tom in London
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
Član (2008)
talijanski na engleski
I didn't realise that Aug 1, 2012

Enrique Cavalitto wrote:

You get browniz when you post a peer comment (agree, neutral, disagree), not when you receive it.


I didn't realise that. In future I shall post lots of peer comments!

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
njemački na engleski
+ ...
KudoZ points: information shown Aug 1, 2012

Sheila Wilson wrote:
Under the Terminology tab you'll find "my Kudoz" (although it might just be for members). That gives your own statistics, including ratios. But they are only for "personal consumption".

I've just had a quick look at my own and at somebody else's (Sheila's) and the result is, briefly:
For myself, under the "My KudoZ" link in the Terminology tab, the resulting page has the tabs Point totals, Stats, Asked, Open questions, Answered, and I can specify that some of the results in the Point totals page should be excluded (excluded from exactly what, I'm not sure);
For somebody else, the information is reached via the "KudoZ activity" link on his/her profile page; the resulting page has the same tabs but not the "Stats" (i.e. statistics) tab and, of course, there are no tick boxes on the "Point totals" page.


[Edited at 2012-08-01 15:43 GMT]

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
njemački na engleski
+ ...
Useful! Aug 1, 2012

Tom in London wrote:
I didn't realise that. In future I shall post lots of peer comments!

Yes, but comments from you are likely to be useful, so don't feel guilty!


Tom in London
Tom in London
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
Član (2008)
talijanski na engleski
THanks.... Aug 1, 2012

Oliver Walter wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
I didn't realise that. In future I shall post lots of peer comments!

Yes, but comments from you are likely to be useful, so don't feel guilty!


You're very kind, Oliver - thanks

Marina Steinbach
Marina Steinbach
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 01:08
Član (2011)
engleski na njemački
I never heard about these so-called browniz before… Aug 1, 2012

phoeberuth wrote:

(…) collecting browniz (…) - you get a discount on your next membership!!!!

I never heard about these so-called browniz before, but good to know that they exist. Unfortunately, I have already renewed my membership for another year. How much are my 1,501 browniz worth?

[Edited at 2012-08-01 21:01 GMT]

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 05:08
njemački na engleski
+ ...
1,501 BrowniZ are worth... Aug 1, 2012

Marina Steinbach wrote:
How much are my 1,501 browniz worth?

Nothing, except as part-way towards 4000, which are worth $19 in paying for 1 year's membership:
(So, you could say they are potentially worth $7.13)


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Hooray - extra Browniz when someone disagrees!

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