Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3] > | Tolerance of Very (Very Very) Frequent Askers Postavljač teme: Fiona Grace Peterson
| Ty Kendall Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Local time: 04:42 hebrejski na engleski Too much tolerance is foolish | Feb 17, 2013 |
First of all I think it's a different kettle of fish for a small language pair and a big language pair, the big language pairs are even more "free-for-alls" than the smaller ones, which only gives "those exercising their full rights under the current rules" carte blanche....which annoys a lot of people, rightly so in my opinion.
Tolerance is a virtue, but too much tolerance can be self-defeating and this is most definitely what happens on KudoZ.
The current rule... See more First of all I think it's a different kettle of fish for a small language pair and a big language pair, the big language pairs are even more "free-for-alls" than the smaller ones, which only gives "those exercising their full rights under the current rules" carte blanche....which annoys a lot of people, rightly so in my opinion.
Tolerance is a virtue, but too much tolerance can be self-defeating and this is most definitely what happens on KudoZ.
The current rules are simply too lax. 15 questions for a paying member in a 24 hour period (or whatever it is). It's simply too many for a professional translator, if you are going to call yourself a professional you shouldn't need hand-holding on that level. Especially considering many of us have other ways of getting help (sympathetic colleagues, friends, spouses, other online resources).
And when I see someone claiming to have 15+ years of experience, yet every bit needing those 15 questions a day, there's something amiss.
I'm sure Samuel will disagree as is his right, but.... that's how I see things.
However, I'm under no illusion that anything will change, for the reasons Giovanni has stated here and in related threads.(i.e. traffic).
[Edited at 2013-02-17 14:09 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | Samuel Murray Nizozemska Local time: 05:42 Član (2006) engleski na afrikaans + ... Speculating about what might happen | Feb 17, 2013 |
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote:
But that would mean that the 0-point questions would be ignored. People would concentrate on "for points" questions. Sure, this would indeed discourage silly questions, but it would also limit the use of the Kudoz system.
I did a quick and dirty sample survey on KudoZ traffic for all languages, looking specifically at "professional" labelled questions asked by paying members. Here are some indications.
1. As for whether not-for-points questions will receive no answers:
Yes, very few professional not-for-points questions being asked, but that may simply be because the system is designed to make professional questions for-points questions. There are approximately 10 professional not-for-points questions per month. A full 25% of those questions remain unanswered. Only 33% of the questions receive answers get closed.
For professional for-points questions, the figures are both different and similar. There are approximately 225 for-points "pro" questions per day. A mere 5% of those questions remain unanswered. Some 25% of the questions receive answers and get closed.
So we can assume that if users are forced to ask not-for-points professional questions, some 25% of their questions will remain unanswered (as opposed to 5% of their for-points questions). It doesn't seem like giving points for answers affects how many questions are closed.
2. As for what impact a for-points limit would have:
From the past 24 hour's 175 OPEN questions, 100 people asked just 1 question, and 30 people asked between 2 and 4 questions. Only 2 people asked more than 4 questions. Based on these figures, if we were to penalise people who ask more than 4 questions, it would reduce the number of for-points questions from 175 per day to about 160 per day.
From the past 24 hour's 175 CLOSED questions, 90 people asked just 1 question, and 25 people asked between 2 and 4 questions. Only 6 people asked more than 4 questions. Based on these figures, if we were to penalise people who ask more than 4 questions, it would reduce the number of questions from 175 per day to about 135 per day.
From the 100 most recent NON-ANSWERED questions from more than 1 week ago, 55 people asked just 1 question, and 6 people asked between 2 and 4 questions. No people asked more than 4 questions. Based on the figures, if we were to penalise people who ask more than 4 questions, it would probably not have any effect on the number of questions per day.
Therefore, in the light of #1 and #2 above (very unscientific, I know), it would seem that the proposed system would impact on people who ask many questions, but will not have much of an effect on the usefulness of KudoZ as a whole. | | | Samuel Murray Nizozemska Local time: 05:42 Član (2006) engleski na afrikaans + ... @Fiona, re: my system | Feb 17, 2013 |
Fiona Peterson wrote:
I think this is unworkable; if I need to ask thirty questions a day, under your system I go ahead and ask them anyway, slowly allocating points in the following days as the system will allow...
Hmm, I see that I haven't explained clearly.
In the proposed system, the asker decides how many points a question is worth at the time when he asks the question (and not several days later, when he has to decide which answer gets the points). In other words, my suggestion is not to limit the number of points that an asker can award per day (for answered questions), but to limit the number of points he can allocate to the questions that he asks, at the time that he asks them.
Of course, if the asker allocates 4 points to a question then he is under no obligation to award the full 4 points to the answerer -- if he feels that the answer is not very good or helpful, he can award fewer than the maximum number of points that that question is worth. On the flip side, if the asker had allocated only 2 points to a question, then he can award no more than 2 points to the answerer, even if he feels that the answer is so helpful that under normal circumstances it would have been worth 4 points.
How about receiving points for community activities as a whole ... forum posts, articles, agreeing with others' answers, points which could then be "spent" asking questions? Therefore those who contribute to the community also benefit from it.
It's a nice idea in theory, but the fact is that not everyone has the time or skill to "contribute" to other parts of's web site. What you describe here is basically what the BrowniZ system used to be (before it was eventually scrapped by
[Edited at 2013-02-17 14:39 GMT] | | | Frequent askers are treated with the same reverence as frequent flyers.... | Feb 17, 2013 |
Fiona Peterson wrote:
I just find it intriguing that members in a certain language combination chose to stop helping a certain asker, while others (such as my language pair) show incredible patience and indulgence towards an asker who should not be translating in a language that is not his own, whose translation proposals are gibberish.
Who is right? Should we help these people? Or send them packing? That's what I'm trying to get a feel for here.
There are pointZ-mad people in every pair. One of the non-stop It-En askers is also non-stop in other pairs (including one of mine). None of that person's answers go unanswered there either (same goes for another help-me-do-the-job translation site-everything this person posts are answered there as well.) Since some translators seem to be born grandstanders (sweeping statement, ain't it.....) and every opportunity to 'show what they know' is grabbed with glee, the chances of people suddenly becoming selective in whom they do or don't help are fairly slim. Especially when them thar' KudoZ pointZ is at stake.......
Proz started as a site for pro translators but it has now evolved into a site with pro translators. I don't see any hint at all that the clock will be turning back any time soon. Au contraire, mon cher.... I think it's not just a losing battle, it's a non-battle. Don Quixote style, we are fighting windmills. | |
LilianNekipelov Sjedinjene Američke Države Local time: 00:42 ruski na engleski + ... Why not? If there are people who feel happy answering those question I cannot see a reason why no. | Feb 17, 2013 |
I don't really think anyone should care how many questions some people ask. If other people get tired with some tedious questions, they will stop answering -- that is all. I personally treat Kudoz as a kind of entertainment -- instead of crossword puzzles. I would always provide the best answer I could, don't take me wrong, but it is something pleasurable, so why limit the people who nee answers, even to mundane questions. Let them ask. it is not a crime to ask. | | | Phil Hand Kina Local time: 12:42 kineski na engleski Ask a silly question... | Feb 17, 2013 |
Fiona Peterson wrote:
I just find it intriguing that members in a certain language combination chose to stop helping a certain asker, while others (such as my language pair) show incredible patience and indulgence towards an asker who should not be translating in a language that is not his own, whose translation proposals are gibberish.
Who is right? Should we help these people? Or send them packing? That's what I'm trying to get a feel for here.
And you're likely to get silly answers.
What answer to your question could possibly be clearer than the facts on the ground in Kudoz? Apparently "the community" has made a decision one way in one pair, and the other way in another pair. That's allowed - people are contradictory sometimes.
If you don't like these facts on the ground, then just say so. But the question as you've posed it is meaningless. Any one of us can offer our own personal opinions of Kudoz trolls (my pair doesn't have the same problems as yours, but a whole other set of its own); but the decision of the community is only and can only be reflected in what we/they do in Kudoz.
And despite your request that we don't say this, a bit of self-examination on your part seems to be called for. What is it about you that makes you unable to hit the ignore button and just accept that there are people out there who do things differently. As ever, the mighty xkcd has a message for you: | | | Trisha F Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Local time: 04:42 engleski na španjolski + ... My thoughts exactly | Feb 17, 2013 |
Ty Kendall wrote:
First of all I think it's a different kettle of fish for a small language pair and a big language pair, the big language pairs are even more "free-for-alls" than the smaller ones, which only gives "those exercising their full rights under the current rules" carte blanche....which annoys a lot of people, rightly so in my opinion.
Tolerance is a virtue, but too much tolerance can be self-defeating and this is most definitely what happens on KudoZ.
The current rules are simply too lax. 15 questions for a paying member in a 24 hour period (or whatever it is). It's simply too many for a professional translator, if you are going to call yourself a professional you shouldn't need hand-holding on that level. Especially considering many of us have other ways of getting help (sympathetic colleagues, friends, spouses, other online resources).
And when I see someone claiming to have 15+ years of experience, yet every bit needing those 15 questions a day, there's something amiss.
I'm sure Samuel will disagree as is his right, but.... that's how I see things.
However, I'm under no illusion that anything will change, for the reasons Giovanni has stated here and in related threads.(i.e. traffic).
[Edited at 2013-02-17 14:09 GMT]
I couldn't agree more. I see people with great feedback and claiming so many years of experience but who seem to be unable to carry out their research outside Proz. It makes me despair for the profession. | | | Robert Forstag Sjedinjene Američke Države Local time: 00:42 španjolski na engleski + ... A related poll question I submitted | Feb 17, 2013 |
At the end of last year, I submitted the following poll question, which was never posted and most likely rejected out of hand, but which nevertheless gets at the heart of the matter:
How many queries per year for external help on Kudoz and similar forums are compatible with the professional practice of translation?
100 or fewer
There is no... See more At the end of last year, I submitted the following poll question, which was never posted and most likely rejected out of hand, but which nevertheless gets at the heart of the matter:
How many queries per year for external help on Kudoz and similar forums are compatible with the professional practice of translation?
100 or fewer
There is no relationship between the two issues. ▲ Collapse | |
I can't believe that these people keep getting translation work. | Feb 17, 2013 |
Maybe it is a little bit off-topic -or maybe not. But sometimes I wonder how it is that certain askers who seem to know nothing about the source language (i.e. not telling a name from a verb), or who don' t seem to know anything about the whole translation process, keep getting all that translation work while I am struggling -like many other good translators, to get stablished in this business and not being very successful so far. They are lucky indeed. | | | Ty Kendall Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Local time: 04:42 hebrejski na engleski There is a debate to be had... | Feb 17, 2013 |
LilianBoland wrote:
I don't really think anyone should care how many questions some people ask.
I'm not really sure apathy is the way forward. It's quite normal for professionals to care what their fellow 'professionals' are up to. Especially if they are engaging in activities which might bring the profession into disrepute. Regulated professions have ways of dealing with cowboys and mavericks, alas we don't. There's only so much lamenting you can do about that though when there's nothing you can do to change it...but still, it's not so strange that one translator cares what others do.
Let them ask. it is not a crime to ask.
No, it's not a crime, but there is a debate to be had about how it impacts professionalism and the profession, whether it is indeed professional to need so much help.
noun \ˈa-mə-(ˌ)tər, -ˌtu̇r, -ˌtyu̇r, -ˌchu̇r, -chər\
one lacking in experience and competence in an art or science
adjective \prə-ˈfesh-nəl, -ˈfe-shə-nəl\
worthy of or appropriate to a professional person; competent, skilful, or assured:
[Edited at 2013-02-17 17:09 GMT] | | | Robert Forstag Sjedinjene Američke Države Local time: 00:42 španjolski na engleski + ...
Ty Kendall wrote:
I'm not really sure apathy is the way forward. It's quite normal for professionals to care what their fellow 'professionals' are up to. Especially if they are engaging in activities which might bring the profession into disrepute. Regulated professions have ways of dealing with cowboys and mavericks, alas we don't. There's only so much lamenting you can do about that though when there's nothing you can do to change it...but still, it's not so strange that one translator cares what others do.
I would only add that all is not well in a profession where the kind of pathological dependence on external help under discussion here is considered entirely compatible with professional practice.
[Edited at 2013-02-18 12:26 GMT] | | | Jack Doughty Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Local time: 04:42 ruski na engleski + ... U sjećanje Would more widespread use of filters help? | Feb 17, 2013 |
I have only filtered three or four answerers over all the time I have been a ProZ member, but I added one today. I looked at a question he/she had asked, with only about five words of context. It had been closed, as "found elsewhere", without saying what had been found or where, and with the comment that the two answers received were "no help whatsoever". This asker had asked around 90 questions and only ever offered one answer. I had not posted any answer myself, so I was not directly affec... See more I have only filtered three or four answerers over all the time I have been a ProZ member, but I added one today. I looked at a question he/she had asked, with only about five words of context. It had been closed, as "found elsewhere", without saying what had been found or where, and with the comment that the two answers received were "no help whatsoever". This asker had asked around 90 questions and only ever offered one answer. I had not posted any answer myself, so I was not directly affected, but I decided that I did not wish to see any more questions from this answerer and filtered him/her out.
If the sort of answerer found the number of people willing to answer his/her questions declined, from say 250 to 50 and falling, do you think the message might get across? ▲ Collapse | |
Kim Metzger Meksiko Local time: 22:42 njemački na engleski Getting the message across - vote cowboy | Feb 17, 2013 |
Jack Doughty wrote:
I looked at a question he/she had asked, with only about five words of context. It had been closed, as "found elsewhere", without saying what had been found or where, and with the comment that the two answers received were "no help whatsoever". This asker had asked around 90 questions and only ever offered one answer. I had not posted any answer myself, so I was not directly affected, but I decided that I did not wish to see any more questions from this answerer and filtered him/her out.
If the sort of answerer found the number of people willing to answer his/her questions declined, from say 250 to 50 and falling, do you think the message might get across?
Hi Jack – I'm a big fan of the British TV series "Cowboy Builders." Although I'm sure you're familiar with it, let me tell our readers that it's about rescuing homeowners who have been devastated by unscrupulous operators in the building industry. "Millions of viewers tune in every week to catch his advice about how to avoid dodgy builders and the piles of 'rubble, financial angst and heartache' they leave behind." The hosts get the message across to the cowboys by confronting them and reporting them to the authorities.
Our business is plagued by cowboy translators and I think good ProZ translators should be able to get their message across to them in Kudoz where they also operate.
I think sending a message is better for our business than ignoring them. We now have a "vote non-pro" feature, which allows us to send the message that a particular question isn't something a pro translator would need to ask if three members think it's not pro.
What we also need is a way to send the message that certain types of behavior in Kudoz are unacceptable to professional translators. We should have a "vote cowboy" feature. If five translators think someone is acting like a cowboy – not just on the basis of a few questions now and then but constantly, month after month – the question could be voted "cowboy."
[Edited at 2013-02-17 18:35 GMT]
[Edited at 2013-02-17 19:20 GMT] | | | neilmac Španjolska Local time: 05:42 španjolski na engleski + ... New section? | Feb 17, 2013 |
I would welcome a "For Dummies"section for dogy queries, having posted seemingly "cowboy" kudos questions myself in the past...
It could have amusing features like a “DUH!” or “Meh” button...
[Edited at 2013-02-17 19:17 GMT] | | | DLyons Irska Local time: 04:42 španjolski na engleski + ... Cultural issue? | Feb 17, 2013 |
Jack Doughty wrote:
I have only filtered three or four answerers over all the time I have been a ProZ member, but I added one today.
The four answers to that question are all pretty similar and seem useful to me - as does Google Translate's "educational games". I suspect it's more an issue of different cultures than anything else. | | | Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Tolerance of Very (Very Very) Frequent Askers Trados Studio 2022 Freelance | The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.
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