Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3] > | Does award points for asking questions in KudoZ too? Postavljač teme: tilak raj
Samuel Murray wrote:
2. Or: to encourage newer members to participate in KudoZ, it may be an idea to give them 1 point per question for the first 100 (or so) questions that they ask.
3. Or: to encourage members to ask useful questions, how about having answerers rate the question's level of obviousness, and if a large majority of answerers rate a question as not having an obvious answer (i.e. one that the asker could have found in a dictionary), then the asker gets a point or two.
It seems to me that KudoZ abusers don't need any encouragement - they just keep on asking (dictionary) questions and KudoZ hunters keep on answering them. The system is "perfect" as it is.
[Edited at 2013-07-07 21:09 GMT] | | | Balasubramaniam L. Indija Local time: 10:33 Član (2006) engleski na hindski + ... LOKALIZATOR PORTALA Samuel does have a point | Jul 7, 2013 |
Like always, Samuel amazes me by his capacity for thinking out of the box.
I can see where he is coming from. Many languages that I know - English - Gujarati, English - Marathi, English - Malayalam, have practically no kudoz activity. To kick start the kudoz carnival in these language pairs, the site can contemplate some incentives, such as browny points. This can be withdrawn when chaos has sufficiently set in these kudoz circles to be able to sustain itself on its own. | | | Samuel Murray Nizozemska Local time: 06:03 Član (2006) engleski na afrikaans + ... Can't be KudoZ abusers if they're not Kudoz users | Jul 7, 2013 |
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak) wrote:
It seems to me that KudoZ abusers don't need encouragement - they just keep on asking (dictionary) questions and KudoZ hunters keep on answering.
Can't be KudoZ abusers if they're not Kudoz users. | | | Limits for asking KudoZ questions | Jul 7, 2013 |
Randy CUI wrote:
I venture that poz should limit the number of questions to be asked by one user during a certain period of time. .
[Edited at 2013-07-06 11:29 GMT]
Randy, FYI, there are limits for asking questions, which depend on whether you are a member or not. You can see this (although not the specific numbers involved) if you look under "About", "Sites rules", "General Rules" "KudoZ - 2. Rules for asking" and you will find Rule 2.8 which reads as follows:
"There is a limit to the number of "help" KudoZ questions that can be posted per day and per week. Limits are automatically imposed based on an asker's membership condition. Taking steps to bypass these limits is prohibited."
I can't be sure what the precise limits are nowadays, but I believe that, up until about a couple of years ago at least, the limits were 15 questions per day and 60 questions per week for members and 5 per day and 20 per week for non-members.
I have commented before on the forums that I believe that the limits for members are ridiculously high for a competent translator, but I do not recall seeing anything on here confirming that such limits have been changed. Perhaps a member of the site's staff would be kind enough to advise on this.
[Edited at 2013-07-07 08:47 GMT] | |
Concer (X) Njemačka Local time: 06:03 njemački na ruski + ... It would be easy... | Jul 7, 2013 |
tilak raj wrote:
Does Proz provides points for asking questions in kudoz too?
One needs merely to post for translation the source text completely 
I don't find it rational and I agree with the opinion of Randy CUI
Randy CUI wrote:
And I don't know why a "translator" asks a crop of basic questions, and how s/he managed to get her/his translation jobs. I venture that poz should limit the number of questions to be asked by one user during a certain period of time. I'm afraid some users are already abusing the system for personal gains.
[Bearbeitet am 2013-07-07 13:06 GMT] | | | Quick poll on limits | Jul 7, 2013 |
Paul Stevens wrote:
I can't be sure what the precise limits are nowadays, but I believe that, up until about a couple of years ago at least, the limits were 15 questions per day and 60 questions per week for members and 5 per day and 20 per week for non-members.
I have commented before on the forums that I believe that the limits for members are ridiculously high for a competent translator, but I do not recall seeing anything on here confirming that such limits have been changed. Perhaps a member of the site's staff would be kind enough to advise on this.
Thanks Paul, you are correct, limits are 15/60 for members and 5/20 for non-members.
Some years ago a quick poll was run on the question "Would you agree with lowering the weekly limits of KudoZ questions to 45/15 for member/non-members?"
The 1292 answers received were distributed as follows:
- No, keep them at 60/20 - 35.7%
- I don't care - 34.4%
- Yes - 22.4%
- I don't know - 7.4%
Enrique | | |
Enrique Cavalitto wrote:
Paul Stevens wrote:
I can't be sure what the precise limits are nowadays, but I believe that, up until about a couple of years ago at least, the limits were 15 questions per day and 60 questions per week for members and 5 per day and 20 per week for non-members.
I have commented before on the forums that I believe that the limits for members are ridiculously high for a competent translator, but I do not recall seeing anything on here confirming that such limits have been changed. Perhaps a member of the site's staff would be kind enough to advise on this.
Thanks Paul, you are correct, limits are 15/60 for members and 5/20 for non-members.
Some years ago a quick poll was run on the question "Would you agree with lowering the weekly limits of KudoZ questions to 45/15 for member/non-members?"
The 1292 answers received were distributed as follows:
- No, keep them at 60/20 - 35.7%
- I don't care - 34.4%
- Yes - 22.4%
- I don't know - 7.4%
Thanks for your post, Enrique. Since the quick poll was carried out "some years ago", might it possibly be a good idea to run a similar poll again to see if the result is significantly different? | | | Randy CUI Kina Local time: 13:03 engleski na kineski + ... Thanks for your information | Jul 8, 2013 |
Paul Stevens wrote:
Randy, FYI, there are limits for asking questions, which depend on whether you are a member or not...
I can't be sure what the precise limits are nowadays, but I believe that, up until about a couple of years ago at least, the limits were 15 questions per day and 60 questions per week for members and 5 per day and 20 per week for non-members.
I have commented before on the forums that I believe that the limits for members are ridiculously high for a competent translator
[Edited at 2013-07-07 08:47 GMT]
and agree with you there, Paul. It is also my belief that a professional translator would not take the risk of appearing incompetent by asking so many basic and simple questions which could be otherwise solved by a true professional.
From the number and type of questions asked on Kudoz Terminology, it might be safely concluded that some of the members are a far cry from competent translators.
Perhaps a better solution could be worked out to differentiating professionals from fakes, and the kudoz system might be set accordingly. Actually this if part of the bigger topic: perhaps poz needs to strike a balance between professionalism and business. | |
Randy CUI Kina Local time: 13:03 engleski na kineski + ... Some would have done it if they had been able to, | Jul 8, 2013 |
I'm afraid, and a couple were actually fishing for the translation of at least part of the source text by keeping asking questions, which are extremely appealing to those who are eager to earn kudoz points for their own sake.
In my opion, 5 should be the ceiling on the number of questions per day to be asked by a member.
Just my two cents.
Concer wrote:
One needs merely to post for translation the source text completely
I don't find it rational and I agree with the opinion of Randy CUI
Randy CUI wrote:
And I don't know why a "translator" asks a crop of basic questions, and how s/he managed to get her/his translation jobs. I venture that poz should limit the number of questions to be asked by one user during a certain period of time. I'm afraid some users are already abusing the system for personal gains.
[Bearbeitet am 2013-07-07 13:06 GMT] | | | Randy CUI Kina Local time: 13:03 engleski na kineski + ... Thanks for your explanation | Jul 8, 2013 |
Enrique Cavalitto wrote:
Thanks Paul, you are correct, limits are 15/60 for members and 5/20 for non-members.
Thank you, Enrique, for the data. I'd like to know the logic behind the limits. Would 15 questions per day seem too high for a competent translator? Is it feasible to lower it to 5?
[Edited at 2013-07-08 05:18 GMT] | | | Samuel Murray Nizozemska Local time: 06:03 Član (2006) engleski na afrikaans + ... Limits are not relevant here | Jul 8, 2013 |
Randy CUI wrote:
Thank you, Enrique, for the data. I'd like to know the logic behind the limits. Would 15 questions per day seem too high for a competent translator? Is it feasible to lower it to 5?
The limits and the logic behind them have been discussed to death, but there is no rule against discussing it again. However, this thread is not about the limits but about something entirely different, namely the idea of awarding points for askers. | | | Balasubramaniam L. Indija Local time: 10:33 Član (2006) engleski na hindski + ... LOKALIZATOR PORTALA The difficulty as I see it | Jul 8, 2013 |
Samuel Murray wrote:
Randy CUI wrote:
Thank you, Enrique, for the data. I'd like to know the logic behind the limits. Would 15 questions per day seem too high for a competent translator? Is it feasible to lower it to 5?
The limits and the logic behind them have been discussed to death, but there is no rule against discussing it again. However, this thread is not about the limits but about something entirely different, namely the idea of awarding points for askers.
The only difficulty that I see, is that it would have to be selective, that is, this rule (of awarding points to askers) will be limited to a few language pairs in which kudoz activity is lethargic.
The question is can a site that charges the same membership fee from all translators affirmatively discriminate in this fashion in favour of the translators of a few languages?
And the situation can get dynamic. For example, today a particular language may have adequate kudoz activity, but what if at some point in time the kudoz activity slows down? Will it be brought into the affirmative action list?
Clearly this list would have to be dynamic.
May be we should recommend a threshold of kudoz activity (in fact two, one lower threshold and one upper threshold). As soon as the kudoz activity in a language pair falls below the lower kudoz activity threshold, this incentive should kick in automatically, and it should remain in place till the kudoz activity in this language pair reaches the upper threshold after which the incentive should die away.
We could discuss how to determine these thresholds. | |
Randy CUI Kina Local time: 13:03 engleski na kineski + ...
Samuel Murray wrote:
Randy CUI wrote:
Thank you, Enrique, for the data. I'd like to know the logic behind the limits. Would 15 questions per day seem too high for a competent translator? Is it feasible to lower it to 5?
The limits and the logic behind them have been discussed to death, but there is no rule against discussing it again. However, this thread is not about the limits but about something entirely different, namely the idea of awarding points for askers.
I agree with you, Samuel, that my posts are off this topic, which I pointed out in one of my previous posts. Shall I or someone else post a new thread for the discussion of the limits and the logic behind them? IMHO, posts tend to be off the original topic in the end, which is not uncommon on some online forums.
Best wishes,
Randy | | | Randy CUI Kina Local time: 13:03 engleski na kineski + ...
Balasubramaniam L. wrote:
The only difficulty that I see, is that it would have to be selective, that is, this rule (of awarding points to askers) will be limited to a few language pairs in which kudoz activity is lethargic.
The question is can a site that charges the same membership fee from all translators affirmatively discriminate in this fashion in favour of the translators of a few languages?
And the situation can get dynamic. For example, today a particular language may have adequate kudoz activity, but what if at some point in time the kudoz activity slows down? Will it be brought into the affirmative action list?
Clearly this list would have to be dynamic.
May be we should recommend a threshold of kudoz activity (in fact two, one lower threshold and one upper threshold). As soon as the kudoz activity in a language pair falls below the lower kudoz activity threshold, this incentive should kick in automatically, and it should remain in place till the kudoz activity in this language pair reaches the upper threshold after which the incentive should die away.
We could discuss how to determine these thresholds.
Well said, Balasubramaniam. And it seems to me that you're the first in this thread to have approached the issue of awarding points for askers from the perspective of both the users and the staff of the site. That's essential for a win-win situation. Hopefully, your proposal will be feasible financially and professionally. | | | Samuel Murray Nizozemska Local time: 06:03 Član (2006) engleski na afrikaans + ... @Balasubramaniam | Jul 8, 2013 |
Balasubramaniam L. wrote:
The question is can a site that charges the same membership fee from all translators affirmatively discriminate in this fashion in favour of the translators of a few languages?
The purpose of the membership fee is not to ensure equal treatment for yourself, but to contribute to optional community activity of the site as a whole.
[Edited at 2013-07-08 10:27 GMT] | | | Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Does award points for asking questions in KudoZ too? TM-Town | Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business
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