Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3 4 5] > | Announcing translator feedback (WWA) improvements Postavljač teme: Jason Grimes
Well, Sheila's input has made me think about something:
The technical and manual footwork really should be taken off the direct clients, most of whom won't be familiar with, and many of whom may be unfamiliar with Internet forms (in which context it's worth noting that has that lovely 1998 feel which might appear nerdy to less veteran Web 2.0 users) and the English language.
Plus, one would generally like to spare the client all the technical and manua... See more Well, Sheila's input has made me think about something:
The technical and manual footwork really should be taken off the direct clients, most of whom won't be familiar with, and many of whom may be unfamiliar with Internet forms (in which context it's worth noting that has that lovely 1998 feel which might appear nerdy to less veteran Web 2.0 users) and the English language.
Plus, one would generally like to spare the client all the technical and manual footwork that can be avoided, i.e. taken over by the translator. This is important from the psychological point of view also: any obstacles and complications the client meets on the path we've asked him to take in order to help us by leaving a nice opinion will be associated with us. Even if the client is logical and fair to avoid this effect, the client may still be a little tired or unnerved at the time of writing the testimonial. It would be more advantageous for the client to be fresh, happy and perhaps feeling a little tampered.
IMHO, the above needs a very welcoming message from and from the individual translator (2 messages total), thanking him in advance for taking the time to share his experience and help this translation community ( in general, Cert. PRO as applicable) grow by ehancing the reliability of good translators (or busting the bad ones, as the case may be). That will be of help to other people looking for translators, as well as to the individual translator who gets a good opinion. And so on and so forth. The message could be made optional and/or translatable by the translator himself.
This is very different from addressing agencies who are fellow veterans. ▲ Collapse | | | Thank you for the thoughts, Łukasz | Jun 25, 2013 |
Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz wrote:
Well, Sheila's input has made me think about something:
The technical and manual footwork really should be taken off the direct clients, most of whom won't be familiar with, and many of whom may be unfamiliar with Internet forms (in which context it's worth noting that has that lovely 1998 feel which might appear nerdy to less veteran Web 2.0 users) and the English language.
Plus, one would generally like to spare the client all the technical and manual footwork that can be avoided, i.e. taken over by the translator. This is important from the psychological point of view also: any obstacles and complications the client meets on the path we've asked him to take in order to help us by leaving a nice opinion will be associated with us. Even if the client is logical and fair to avoid this effect, the client may still be a little tired or unnerved at the time of writing the testimonial. It would be more advantageous for the client to be fresh, happy and perhaps feeling a little tampered.
IMHO, the above needs a very welcoming message from and from the individual translator (2 messages total), thanking him in advance for taking the time to share his experience and help this translation community ( in general, Cert. PRO as applicable) grow by ehancing the reliability of good translators (or busting the bad ones, as the case may be). That will be of help to other people looking for translators, as well as to the individual translator who gets a good opinion. And so on and so forth. The message could be made optional and/or translatable by the translator himself.
This is very different from addressing agencies who are fellow veterans.
Great points, Łukasz. Thanks. | | | Freudian slip? | Jun 25, 2013 |
* Pampered, of course, not tampered. Wow. The client feeling tampered is almost as 'cool' as when I saw 'automated telling machine' and didn't realise it was just ATM... Sorry! | | | Bryan Cahoon Kanada Local time: 08:38 portugalski na engleski + ... How long before feedback shows up? | Jun 25, 2013 |
Hi, while I'm looking at this thread, I have a question. In my reading, I have seen that feedback we leave for outsourcers will take several hours to show up, because it needs to be vetted. I had an outsourcer tell me that they have left feedback for me, but it hasn't shown up - does their feedback need to go through the same process? If so, I can definitely wait the appropriate amount of time, however if this is not the case, I want to help the outsourcer make sure they are able to leave the... See more Hi, while I'm looking at this thread, I have a question. In my reading, I have seen that feedback we leave for outsourcers will take several hours to show up, because it needs to be vetted. I had an outsourcer tell me that they have left feedback for me, but it hasn't shown up - does their feedback need to go through the same process? If so, I can definitely wait the appropriate amount of time, however if this is not the case, I want to help the outsourcer make sure they are able to leave their feedback.
Thank you! ▲ Collapse | |
Translator feedback (WWA) is subject to staff approval | Jun 25, 2013 |
Hello Bryan,
That's right. Just as the feedback you post on outsourcers' Blue Board records needs to be checked before it is made visible, translator feedback (WWA) is also checked before being approved. This is so to make sure that feedback entries --and comments accompanying them-- are in line with site rules.
I any case, translator feedback is checked and approved within hours. In fact, I see that your first entry was approved about an hour and a half ago. You can s... See more Hello Bryan,
That's right. Just as the feedback you post on outsourcers' Blue Board records needs to be checked before it is made visible, translator feedback (WWA) is also checked before being approved. This is so to make sure that feedback entries --and comments accompanying them-- are in line with site rules.
I any case, translator feedback is checked and approved within hours. In fact, I see that your first entry was approved about an hour and a half ago. You can see this new feedback entry by clicking on Positive entry in the "Feedback from clients and colleagues" box at the top, right corner of your profile page. Congratulations!
Kind regards,
Lucia ▲ Collapse | | | Bryan Cahoon Kanada Local time: 08:38 portugalski na engleski + ...
Thank you for the response, it's much appreciated! | | | Jason Grimes Sjedinjene Američke Države Local time: 10:38 engleski + ... POKRETAČ TEME Feedback request message is now more customizable (and localizable) | Jun 25, 2013 |
It's now possible to more completely customize the email message sent when you request feedback from clients or colleagues.
The message now appears more like a personal email from you. It is sent from your own email address, and email replies will go directly to you. The text of the message can be changed to anything you like, including the subject line and "from" information.
This also makes it possible for you ... See more It's now possible to more completely customize the email message sent when you request feedback from clients or colleagues.
The message now appears more like a personal email from you. It is sent from your own email address, and email replies will go directly to you. The text of the message can be changed to anything you like, including the subject line and "from" information.
This also makes it possible for you to write the message in the language you typically use for correspondence.
The one hard-wired part of the message is a box at the bottom, containing links for giving feedback and a brief explanation.
My thanks to Sheila and others who made suggestions that led to this change.
If anyone still finds it difficult to use this feature to send a suitable request for feedback, please let me know.
Jason ▲ Collapse | | | Sheila Wilson Španjolska Local time: 14:38 Član (2007) engleski + ... Thanks Jason | Jun 26, 2013 |
It sounds much improved. I really appreciate the changes, and I'm sure our clients will, too. Especially direct clients. | |
The option 100% required! | Jun 29, 2013 |
Elisa Martinez-Aznar wrote:
Hello team!
Would it be possible to make it easier for non-registered users to leave feedback? I have several direct clients I have been working with for years, but they do not have a profile, and therefore I cannot ask them to leave feedback in my WWA. It could be great if we could send an email request for feedback to those clients as well, without having to ask them to register.
And, by the way, thanks for your hard work on improving the website.
Hello team!
I can't help writing a couple of lines in support of Elisa's comment it could really serve as great marketing push for many fellow-translators. For instance, I've recently worked with clients like the senior management of a very well-known outsourcing company or representatives of Israeli government, i.e. the clients probably not having a valid reason for direct registration on yet considering their business and social value able to provide a really sensible contribution to one's portfolio by means of a positive feedback.
And I do like the idea with the personal "feedback request link", is this option available for all the service providers given the relative profile ID substitution?
I also do join in the words of thanks addressed to the team here - you doing a great job! | | | Something seems to be missing though... | Jun 29, 2013 |
Dear team,
The older version had an option which in my humble opinion wasn't of no sense as well - I mean the opportunity to check-up one's pending request (if any).
And I couldn't find it among the updated WWA-features..
Should I be the only one "lost" here, all tips and links would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Mikhail | | | Michelle Kusuda Sjedinjene Američke Države Local time: 10:38 engleski na španjolski + ... Needs to add Yes/No I would work again for this outsourcer. | Jul 3, 2013 |
Sometimes service providers are also outsourcers. I think Proz needs to add one more comment. I tried to leave feedback for two outsourcers and it is confusing because I do not have the option of "I have worked for this member/outsourcer".
Have you worked with this service provider?
Would you be willing to work again with this service provider?
Optional Comment 255 characters max.
a) Yes, I outsourced to him/her
b) Yes, as... See more Sometimes service providers are also outsourcers. I think Proz needs to add one more comment. I tried to leave feedback for two outsourcers and it is confusing because I do not have the option of "I have worked for this member/outsourcer".
Have you worked with this service provider?
Would you be willing to work again with this service provider?
Optional Comment 255 characters max.
a) Yes, I outsourced to him/her
b) Yes, as a colleague
c)No, we have not worked together.
In center row there is:
a) Yes, I would work again
with this service provider. ▲ Collapse | | | Outsourcer registration and feedback request record | Jul 3, 2013 |
Mikhail Abramkin wrote:
Elisa Martinez-Aznar wrote:
Hello team!
Would it be possible to make it easier for non-registered users to leave feedback? I have several direct clients I have been working with for years, but they do not have a profile, and therefore I cannot ask them to leave feedback in my WWA. It could be great if we could send an email request for feedback to those clients as well, without having to ask them to register.
And, by the way, thanks for your hard work on improving the website.
Hello team!
I can't help writing a couple of lines in support of Elisa's comment it could really serve as great marketing push for many fellow-translators. For instance, I've recently worked with clients like the senior management of a very well-known outsourcing company or representatives of Israeli government, i.e. the clients probably not having a valid reason for direct registration on yet considering their business and social value able to provide a really sensible contribution to one's portfolio by means of a positive feedback.
And I do like the idea with the personal "feedback request link", is this option available for all the service providers given the relative profile ID substitution?
I also do join in the words of thanks addressed to the team here - you doing a great job!
As Jason explains at , at one time, clients were allowed to give feedback without having a account, but members expressed concern that this would lead to abuse. So, a few changes have been recently applied to make it easier for clients to give feedback. Give it a try at asking for feedback from clients without an account to see how it works. Feedback will be much appreciated.
Mikhail Abramkin wrote:
Dear team,
The older version had an option which in my humble opinion wasn't of no sense as well - I mean the opportunity to check-up one's pending request (if any).
And I couldn't find it among the updated WWA-features..
Should I be the only one "lost" here, all tips and links would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
For the time being, the record of requests sent is kept in the "Request translator feedback (WWA)" section in the old version ( > "Old version"). Eventually, it may be incorporated into the new version as well.
Lucía | |
Feedback on outsourcers should be posted to the Blue Board | Jul 3, 2013 |
Michelle Kusuda wrote:
Sometimes service providers are also outsourcers. I think Proz needs to add one more comment. I tried to leave feedback for two outsourcers and it is confusing because I do not have the option of "I have worked for this member/outsourcer".
Feedback on outsourcers should be posted to outsourcers' Blue Board records, Michelle, . The translator feedback area (WWA) is only designed for feedback on service providers acting as service providers.
Hope this clarifies.
Lucia | | | Unfortunately | Jul 3, 2013 |
As simple as the WWA feedback system is in its current state, and even with customizable messaging (which helps a lot), some of my clients which truly do not read any English at all still seem to have some trouble leaving feedback. I wish they could just click the link that says "Yes, I would work with this translator again" or whatever it says in the email, and that would be that. I understand the desire to require registration but does it really stop abuse?
For example, I sent a ... See more As simple as the WWA feedback system is in its current state, and even with customizable messaging (which helps a lot), some of my clients which truly do not read any English at all still seem to have some trouble leaving feedback. I wish they could just click the link that says "Yes, I would work with this translator again" or whatever it says in the email, and that would be that. I understand the desire to require registration but does it really stop abuse?
For example, I sent a WWA feedback request to my wife's email address earlier today just so that I could see the exact format of the web form on the page that opens when you click the link (I needed to understand how to explain what to do to a non-English-speaking client), and I realized how easy it would be for an unscrupulous translator to just make a bunch of dummy email addresses and send themselves WWA feedback. They could make up fictitious client/agency names, I mean it isn't rocket science. As it is now, the system seems easy enough to game (I'm certainly not encouraging it, just stating a fact), which makes me question the legitimacy of arguments to require registration in the first place. It seems that all it is doing is making it harder for honest translators to get real feedback. ▲ Collapse | | | SafeTex Francuska Local time: 15:38 francuski na engleski + ... What are the other options that an client can give | Jul 25, 2013 |
The email a client receives says
Giving feedback is quick and easy. Just click one of the links below.
• Yes, I'd be willing to work again with this service provider, to whom I've outsourced work before.
• I prefer to not give feedback to this service provider at this time.
Or, see more feedback choices.
but when I clicked on 'more feedback choices', i get an error saying that i can't give feeback on myself
What... See more Hello
The email a client receives says
Giving feedback is quick and easy. Just click one of the links below.
• Yes, I'd be willing to work again with this service provider, to whom I've outsourced work before.
• I prefer to not give feedback to this service provider at this time.
Or, see more feedback choices.
but when I clicked on 'more feedback choices', i get an error saying that i can't give feeback on myself
What are these other options please?
PS Dear Moderator
Yes, I had sent an email to myself but just to see what the clients would receive (no intention of saying that SafetTex recommends SafeTex)
That is why I used my registered address and not another one ! (which could have been misconstrued as an attempt to cheat) ▲ Collapse | | | Stranica u temi: < [1 2 3 4 5] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Announcing translator feedback (WWA) improvements Pastey | Your smart companion app
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