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The new ProZ menu
Postavljač teme: Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 04:44
ruski na engleski
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U sjećanje
Jul 19, 2017

Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness in not liking the new ProZ menu? I don’t see that the new colours are an improvement. The menus are huge and cover too much of the page, sometimes blocking a menu line below them. I don’t like the thick black line with the menu headings on it. The “Switch back” button is inaccessible because the menu headings below it are activated if you try to use it. The “Discuss the new menu” button does not work at all, so I had some trouble in finding ... See more
Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness in not liking the new ProZ menu? I don’t see that the new colours are an improvement. The menus are huge and cover too much of the page, sometimes blocking a menu line below them. I don’t like the thick black line with the menu headings on it. The “Switch back” button is inaccessible because the menu headings below it are activated if you try to use it. The “Discuss the new menu” button does not work at all, so I had some trouble in finding previous discussions on this subject and still can’t find the original one.

Thank you, Nate, for the “Switch back” button you provided in reply to a previous posting of mine. The first time I used it, it worked on the page I was on, but not on the home page when I went back to it. But I tried it a second time and it worked, including for the home page. I thought I had sent you two screen shots. I’ll try to attach them to this post.

Someone says “New = Better”. I don’t think this is necessarily true. Someone else says the old style is like the 1990s. So what? Things more fashionable in the 20-teens aren’t necessarily improvements.

So I’ll sign off as

Dinosaur Doughty.

Before I posted it, this message showed two image files as attachments. But they don't appear here.

[Edited at 2017-07-19 10:15 GMT]

Harry Blake Paz Bonzano
Harry Blake Paz Bonzano  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:44
Član (2014)
španjolski na talijanski
+ ...
Room for improvement Jul 19, 2017

I believe this is a trial for us to have a look.
I miss my calendar icon, I use it a lot and now it is hidden in my profile.

I also agree with Jack, I still use the classic Windows 95 theme on my Windows 7 OS.

Morano El-Kholy
Morano El-Kholy  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:44
Član (2011)
engleski na arapski
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I do not like the "new Proz menu" too :) Jul 19, 2017

Jack wrote:

So I’ll sign off as

Dinosaur Doughty.

Ha.. Ha.. Agree with you Jack, I also do not like this "new Proz menu". This makes me another "Dinosaur"

[Edited at 2017-07-19 09:58 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-07-19 09:
... See more
Jack wrote:

So I’ll sign off as

Dinosaur Doughty.

Ha.. Ha.. Agree with you Jack, I also do not like this "new Proz menu". This makes me another "Dinosaur"

[Edited at 2017-07-19 09:58 GMT]

[Edited at 2017-07-19 09:59 GMT]

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:44
engleski na talijanski
Functional for visitors Jul 19, 2017

As per subject, it appears to be rather functional, ergonomic and unobtrusive for visitors, plus, I believe it's also easy on the eye. I consider it an unnecessary and potentially confusing change for existing members, so I disabled it for my account.

No harm, no foul, I guess.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 00:44
španjolski na engleski
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Another vote against the new menu Jul 19, 2017

I don't care for it either.

I don't really see why the change was made. I see lots of complaints and suggestions about this site all the time, but I do not recall seeing any forum rants about the layout of the site.

Local time: 05:44
španjolski na engleski
+ ...
You are not alone Jul 19, 2017

Jack Doughty wrote:

Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness in not liking the new ProZ menu?

[Edited at 2017-07-19 10:15 GMT]

No, Jack, you're not. I tried it for a couple of minutes, found it unwieldy and unfamiliar, and switched back to the old version. I definitely fall into the "not broke, don't fix it" camp. There is nothing more irritating than having become accustomed to finding your way around a website or software application, then suddenly having the rug pulled out from under your feet by a so-called new, improved version, which usually tends to be anything but.
I usually only pop in to look at proz briefly and see if there are any interesting kudoz queries, so anything remotely resembling a learning curve is nothing but a waste of time for me.

Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 00:44
japanski na engleski
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New proz. menu Jul 20, 2017

If it's not broken, don't fix it.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 04:44
Član (2008)
talijanski na engleski
Calendar Jul 20, 2017

Harry Blake Paz Bonzano wrote:

I miss my calendar icon, I use it a lot and now it is hidden in my profile.

If you mean the actual calendar (availability): it still appears on the left of my page. In fact I believe that to have your profile 100% complete you must show the calendar.

Or were you referring to something else?

[Edited at 2017-07-20 08:48 GMT]

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Češka, Republika
Local time: 05:44
francuski na engleski
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With Jack Jul 20, 2017

I honestly tried to find improvements. Found none.
- The new colours are a bit too obtrusive
- No one-click link to 'My forum posts' - this one was the definitive reason for me to switch back.

Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 12:44
kineski na engleski
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Old Jul 20, 2017

I also prefer the old menu. Still, they did announce the change ahead of time with open testing and the ability to roll back to the old version, which is more than I can say for a lot of companies.

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:44
engleski na talijanski
Forced to switch to the new menu? Jul 20, 2017

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

As per subject, it appears to be rather functional, ergonomic and unobtrusive for visitors, plus, I believe it's also easy on the eye. I consider it an unnecessary and potentially confusing change for existing members, so I disabled it for my account.

No harm, no foul, I guess.

I'm quoting myself here, as today, when opening ProZ, the new menu was there again, with the "Switch back" button, and this time, when I pressed it, a pop-up informed me this would revert the menu back to the old version for 1 day, "for my convenience"... So, does that mean I will eventually be forced to switch to the new menu, no matter what? Can't we just have an option in our settings to decide what menu version we'd like to use?

Unless of course ProZ is planning a complete overhaul of the site and this is just its stepping stone...

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 01:44
Thanks for the feedback. This is part of ongoing efforts to update/modernize the site Jul 20, 2017

Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback so far. Nate announced this and it is being discussed over in , and adjustments are being made based on feedback. I'll make sure he is aware of this thread as well.

Mirko, to address your last comment, that is correct. Modernization of several site areas has already taken place and will be ongoing. A few recent ex
... See more
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback so far. Nate announced this and it is being discussed over in , and adjustments are being made based on feedback. I'll make sure he is aware of this thread as well.

Mirko, to address your last comment, that is correct. Modernization of several site areas has already taken place and will be ongoing. A few recent examples are:

  • GlossPost:
  • Glossaries:
  • Teams:
  • Mobile optimization for forums, login:

    As different areas are updated, they will be posted about here in the Translator Coop. ▲ Collapse

    Oliver Pekelharing
    Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
    Local time: 05:44
    nizozemski na engleski
    Invoicing tool Jul 20, 2017

    Are there any definite plans to modernize the invoicing tool? It's still in the beta phase and only very rarely updated, if at all. Myself and other users have made plenty of good suggestions over the years which are usually completely ignored. The only reason I still use it is I can't be bothered switching. And I think it would only take a couple of little tweaks to make it excellent. A real pity...


    Harry Blake Paz Bonzano
    Harry Blake Paz Bonzano  Identity Verified
    Local time: 05:44
    Član (2014)
    španjolski na talijanski
    + ...
    Very funny! Jul 27, 2017

    Tom in London wrote:

    Harry Blake Paz Bonzano wrote:

    I miss my calendar icon, I use it a lot and now it is hidden in my profile.

    If you mean the actual calendar (availability): it still appears on the left of my page. In fact I believe that to have your profile 100% complete you must show the calendar.

    Or were you referring to something else?

    [Edited at 2017-07-20 08:48 GMT]

    I remember that episode!

    Anyways, they added a small dot on the left side of the photo so I guess problem solved. I meant the availability.

    Lingua 5B
    Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
    Bosna i Hercegovina
    Local time: 05:44
    Član (2009)
    engleski na hrvatski
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    Graphic designers. Jul 27, 2017

    Robert Forstag wrote:

    I don't care for it either.

    I don't really see why the change was made. I see lots of complaints and suggestions about this site all the time, but I do not recall seeing any forum rants about the layout of the site.

    If graphic designers are employed by a company, then I guess they need to earn their paycheck somehow, by doing something. Whether there's a need or not now that's a different topic.

    I don't mind the new layout at all, but on the other hand, I had nothing against the old one either. And yes, I would find at least 5 other things I would change about this site, and none of them is graphics or layout.

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    The new ProZ menu

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