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Improving the invoicing tool
Postavljač teme: Jason Grimes
Ramey Rieger (X)
Ramey Rieger (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
njemački na engleski
NOT ARRIVING! Sep 24, 2019

Hey Jason,

First, I want to thank you for your efforts to improve the non-improvable! However, since mid-August, my invoices are NOT reaching their destinations! This is rather catastrophic, don't you think?

I've already submitted a support ticket, but since the situation is more than dramatic, I would ask for immediate attention to this issue! My life literally depends on it!

Not too panicky, but that might just be the shock,

Sophie Govaere McConnell
Sophie Govaere McConnell
Local time: 15:37
Član (2008)
engleski na francuski
Ideas for improvement Sep 30, 2019


First of all thank you for this tool which has considerably helped to speed up invoicing for me.

I have a few requests if you're looking for improvement ideas:
- I use a French template and an English one. In the French template, I would really like to be able to use localized placeholders for the invoice_date and the due_date ('DD month' instead of 'month DD')
- Also in my company details, some stuff stays in English (Phone, VAT number) and I'd like to
... See more

First of all thank you for this tool which has considerably helped to speed up invoicing for me.

I have a few requests if you're looking for improvement ideas:
- I use a French template and an English one. In the French template, I would really like to be able to use localized placeholders for the invoice_date and the due_date ('DD month' instead of 'month DD')
- Also in my company details, some stuff stays in English (Phone, VAT number) and I'd like to use a localized version as well.

- For accounting purposes (I work in France), I need to calculate my revenues without VAT amounts for each quarter. It would be great if there was a quicker way to do that.

Thank you!


Anne Kauffman
Anne Kauffman  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 07:37
Član (2010)
engleski na francuski
Logo not on PDF file Oct 4, 2019

Hello Jason,

My company logo appears on the invoicing tool, but, in the past few months, it has not shown up in the PDF files. It is uploaded in the settings though.

Is there a way to get the logo back on PDFs?

Thank you,

Jose Marino
Jose Marino  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
Član (2014)
engleski na španjolski
+ ...
Adding closing/paid date filter category Oct 7, 2019

To expedite my quarterly reports, I'd welcome a filter where I could enter the range of dates when a group of invoices was paid and then being able to export the results in an excel forma just showing a few columns: date closed, amount paid, method (skrill, bank transfer, etc.)... and perhaps any other I can't remember now for accountability purposes...

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
španjolski na engleski
+ ...
Stay focused Oct 8, 2019

Carlis Hsu wrote:

Just because something is new doesn't mean it is necessarily good.

An example is the new president of the US.

it's more of a technique about survival, just like our adaptation to Trump.

Avoid politics like the plague in business, even when you feel strongly about it, unless you stand to benefit from it.

Zaw Winmaung
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Marcos Romano
absciarretta  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
Član (2008)
engleski na norveški
+ ...
Combined currency for Payments received report Nov 20, 2019

I would really love to have combined currencies as an option for Payments received. I prefer to be able to see what I have actually been paid this year in one currency, and be able to show this to the tax office as one currency. The other reports don't really work for me.

I have wanted this option for many, many years.

Aleksandra Mišak
Philippe Noth
Philippe Noth  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
Član (2015)
njemački na francuski
+ ...
Logo problems: two workarounds for the price of one Dec 7, 2019

Hi everyone,

I see that people are still annoyed by the disappearing logo in the PDF. After I complained quite loudly 6 months ago - loudly because my support request was closed with no answer and no notification - I finally received the following answer from a staff member:
[…] I would like to let you now that our development team is currently working to solved this issue. In the meantime, I would like to show you a temporal solution to have your logo in ... See more
Hi everyone,

I see that people are still annoyed by the disappearing logo in the PDF. After I complained quite loudly 6 months ago - loudly because my support request was closed with no answer and no notification - I finally received the following answer from a staff member:
[…] I would like to let you now that our development team is currently working to solved this issue. In the meantime, I would like to show you a temporal solution to have your logo in the PDF version of your invoices.
Once you have created and saved the invoice, instead of using the "Export to PDF" option, please use the "Print" option, and then, when the new window pops up, with the settings for printing, select as destination "Save as PDF", edit the invoice name, and save it.[…]

Using the Print option instead of Export to PDF worked for me.

Today I ran into a second problem after I changed the logo file: even with a high quality source image, the quality of the logo is degraded once embedded in the invoice. Tried TIFF, JPG, PNG, WMF, same result.

My workaround is to edit the invoice template, toggle the Source display, and replace the %logo% text with some HTML code that inserts an external image, e.g. your image stored somewhere (Google Drive, Dropbox, your private site...). The code is:

[img src="IMAGE URL" height="IMAGE HEIGHT IN PIXELS IF RESIZE NEEDED" alt="" /] (please replace [ and ] with < and >, I cannot post tags)

Example: [img src="" height="90px" alt="" /]

This inserts a perfectly sharp logo in the invoice.



[Edited at 2019-12-07 01:32 GMT]

[Edited at 2019-12-07 01:33 GMT]

Marc Rizkallah
Marc Rizkallah  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:37
Član (2010)
engleski na francuski
+ ...
Options to Export only certain fields Dec 24, 2019

At the moment, the CSV Export button "Export these invoices" produces a CSV with 30 fields, many of which are useless to me.
But particularly frustrating is the export of the field "Invoice notes, payment instructions, etc." which is many lines long and totally screws up my CSV to import into Excel.


An option to choose which fields to export would be greatly appreciated.

Tradixa Team
Tradixa Team
Local time: 15:37
Član (2018)
engleski na španjolski
+ ...
Very useful but I miss something Feb 3, 2020

Hi Jason,

Fist of all I want to say that ProZ invoicing tool have been such a discovering for me, thanks for making it available to members.
I've noticed though, that there is not a way in which to reflect that VAT is not applicable in the invoice.
When I issue invoices to my European costumers, VAT is not applicable, and I would like to be able to reflect that somewhere but I haven't found the option.
Is there any option for doing that? If not, could it be added?<
... See more
Hi Jason,

Fist of all I want to say that ProZ invoicing tool have been such a discovering for me, thanks for making it available to members.
I've noticed though, that there is not a way in which to reflect that VAT is not applicable in the invoice.
When I issue invoices to my European costumers, VAT is not applicable, and I would like to be able to reflect that somewhere but I haven't found the option.
Is there any option for doing that? If not, could it be added?

Thanks a lot.

Josephine Cassar
Chun Un
Chun Un  Identity Verified
Član (2007)
engleski na kineski
+ ...
Wrong reminders... Apr 1, 2020

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your great work over the years. I've been an avid user of the invoicing tool since its beginning.

Recently, I've been experiencing a possible glitch of the system. Namely, a few of my clients received reminders on the invoices that had already been paid. It gets quite annoying because I had to send apology emails to them afterwards.

Could you kindly look into this? I will be more than happy to provide you with any details if needed.<
... See more
Hi Jason,

Thank you for your great work over the years. I've been an avid user of the invoicing tool since its beginning.

Recently, I've been experiencing a possible glitch of the system. Namely, a few of my clients received reminders on the invoices that had already been paid. It gets quite annoying because I had to send apology emails to them afterwards.

Could you kindly look into this? I will be more than happy to provide you with any details if needed.

Many thanks for your help in advance!


engleski na talijanski
+ ...
Invoice sheet IT>EN Apr 6, 2020

Dear colleagues,
Can you suggest me an invoice to write as freelancer (in english language) including the following information from italian?

Bérangère Chevallier
Bérangère Chevallier
Local time: 15:37
Član (2010)
engleski na francuski
+ ...
Research and back button May 22, 2020


The research button next to Invoice# works very poorly. We should be able to put just the partial name of the invoice and see different results. Currently, we have to put the entire name of the invoice to find it. For example, if it's called TR_0001986_May2020, we can't make an efficient research with only 0001986.

Also, the back button of the browser doesn't work in Proz's invoice page, it always create a ERR_CACHE_MISS message, which is not practical at all.... See more

The research button next to Invoice# works very poorly. We should be able to put just the partial name of the invoice and see different results. Currently, we have to put the entire name of the invoice to find it. For example, if it's called TR_0001986_May2020, we can't make an efficient research with only 0001986.

Also, the back button of the browser doesn't work in Proz's invoice page, it always create a ERR_CACHE_MISS message, which is not practical at all.

After many years of using the invoicing in Proz, I would expect these basic features to be applied.

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 14:37
Član (2002)
engleski na francuski
+ ...
Add external documents to invoice Jun 25, 2020


I've been using the Invoicing option on Proz since 2002. It is one of the reasons I kept my membership no Proz.

I feel it is necessary to have an "Attachment" button to be able to attach external documents to an invoice when sending it out by email. For instance, some clients expect to attach to your invoice the PO they have issued to you upon job assignment. Or, if you are an interpreter, you need to upload your Timesheet signed and commented by the client, alon
... See more

I've been using the Invoicing option on Proz since 2002. It is one of the reasons I kept my membership no Proz.

I feel it is necessary to have an "Attachment" button to be able to attach external documents to an invoice when sending it out by email. For instance, some clients expect to attach to your invoice the PO they have issued to you upon job assignment. Or, if you are an interpreter, you need to upload your Timesheet signed and commented by the client, along with your invoice.

Does anyone else feel this is needed?

Thomas Chahweta
Thomas Chahweta  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:37
engleski na shona
+ ...
Logo Missing on PDF export Jan 1, 2021


I have been using the Invoicing tool for a year now and it is fantastic. I only noticed that whenever I export my PDF invoice or sent it to my client via, my logo is missing. It only shows up on the web version of the invoice. (I am not sure how to and this, but I am sure you got what I have just explained)

Yana Dovgopol
Yana Dovgopol
Local time: 16:37
Thank you for your reports May 7, 2021

Dear all,

Thank you for your reports.

I would like to let you know that the issue with the logo and the recent issue reported with the delivery of Invoices have been fixed.

Please give it a try and let us know how it works for you.

Thanks a lot for your patience.



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Improving the invoicing tool

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