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KudoZ - new interface available for testing and feedback
Postavljač teme: Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 10:07
Jan 7, 2020

Hi folks,

We are working on a new interface for KudoZ. At the moment, it is not that different than the current KudoZ design, but is a bit simpler, better meets certain modern requirements (like those from Google) and will display better on mobile phones. And in a second phase, we will make certain changes and improvements, some in line with requests made in this forum in the past.

To try it out, look for the link at the top of KudoZ pages that says "A new version of th
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Hi folks,

We are working on a new interface for KudoZ. At the moment, it is not that different than the current KudoZ design, but is a bit simpler, better meets certain modern requirements (like those from Google) and will display better on mobile phones. And in a second phase, we will make certain changes and improvements, some in line with requests made in this forum in the past.

To try it out, look for the link at the top of KudoZ pages that says "A new version of this page is being developed. Try the new version." You can switch back and forth between the two designs.

Your impressions and suggestions would be appreciated.


Mohamud abdi
Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 07:07
Član (2001)
njemački na talijanski
+ ...
Looks good! Jan 7, 2020

Hi Henry,

I have no complaints It looks good, pretty clear what is going on at first glance. The only thing a bit strange is perhaps after the agree

thank you! name_answerer (answerer)

I mean, on the right side you can clearly see who the answerer is, so if her/his name appears next to the "thank you" why adding "answerer" in parenthesis after her/his name?
Next to the name of the ag
... See more
Hi Henry,

I have no complaints It looks good, pretty clear what is going on at first glance. The only thing a bit strange is perhaps after the agree

thank you! name_answerer (answerer)

I mean, on the right side you can clearly see who the answerer is, so if her/his name appears next to the "thank you" why adding "answerer" in parenthesis after her/his name?
Next to the name of the agreer there is no name XY (agreer) or (disagreer), fortunately, so why adding it for the answerer's answers to an agree?

Perhaps it looks so off to me because I have stumbled on a KudoZ with various agrees, each with a

thank you name_answerer (answerer)
thank you name_answerer (answerer)
thank you name_answerer (answerer)
thank you name_answerer (answerer)

I have looked at the new design from my laptop, but I can see how this format/design is more suitable for mobile phones.


Junaid Edplm
Mohamud abdi
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 10:07
Why did you switch back to the old design? Jan 7, 2020

Thanks for the encouragement, Giuliana! (And for the suggested improvement.)

I can see that many of the people who tried the new interface (about 40%) have switched back to the old one. Why did you go back?

I know many of you are busy. Of course, specifics are appreciated but if you only have a minute, feel free to be blunt.


Mohamud abdi
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 10:07
Quick survey Jan 7, 2020

Actually, let me maybe help by providing checkbox options (check all that apply... or just post in free form.)

I switched back because:

[ ] The new design is unfamiliar and therefore difficult to use
[ ] Legibility is an issue in the new design
[ ] I prefer the colors in the old design
[ ] I couldn't find something I need in the new interface
[ ] I did not really want to test the new design, I just clicked the link to see it onc
... See more
Actually, let me maybe help by providing checkbox options (check all that apply... or just post in free form.)

I switched back because:

[ ] The new design is unfamiliar and therefore difficult to use
[ ] Legibility is an issue in the new design
[ ] I prefer the colors in the old design
[ ] I couldn't find something I need in the new interface
[ ] I did not really want to test the new design, I just clicked the link to see it once
[ ] I am just switching back and forth

Ewa Czajkowska
Mohamud abdi
Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 07:07
Član (2001)
njemački na talijanski
+ ...
Did I? Jan 7, 2020

Did I? Not sure I did.

Before typing my impressions I kept on switching between designs in order to understand how or whether I liked it (or not), so I might have gone back and replied from the old design without realizing it.

I do use the old design for the site generally speaking, it's less bright and more "soothing" for my eyes.
(While I appreciate the new design for mobile use, I find the "horizontal" display of all the stuff I have chosen on the landing page
... See more
Did I? Not sure I did.

Before typing my impressions I kept on switching between designs in order to understand how or whether I liked it (or not), so I might have gone back and replied from the old design without realizing it.

I do use the old design for the site generally speaking, it's less bright and more "soothing" for my eyes.
(While I appreciate the new design for mobile use, I find the "horizontal" display of all the stuff I have chosen on the landing page a bit "crammed" on a 17" laptop monitor - and all white, without any hard break... perhaps it's done intentionally I admit that I have to focus and read attentively instead of flying over titles/KudoZ as I use to with the old design.)

I have just checked something: new design switched on (on the landing page), I click on any link and then on the logo on the left to go back to the main without switching back to the old design. The design displayed on the main is the old one (by default?)


Yolanda Broad
Mohamud abdi
Michele Fauble
Michele Fauble  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 07:07
norveški na engleski
+ ...
Like the current interface Jan 7, 2020

Henry Dotterer wrote:

I can see that many of the people who tried the new interface (about 40%) have switched back to the old one. Why did you go back?


Because the new interface is unfamiliar. The old interface is familiar, I’ve been using it for a long time and am happy with the way it is, and I see no need for change.

Iris Schmerda
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jennifer White
Sabrina Bruna
Alison MacG
Chris Says Bye
Claudia Gibbardo
Claudia Gibbardo  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 14:07
portugalski na talijanski
+ ...
Unfamiliar, messy design Jan 7, 2020

Henry Dotterer wrote:

Actually, let me maybe help by providing checkbox options (check all that apply... or just post in free form.)

I switched back because:

[ ] The new design is unfamiliar and therefore difficult to use
[ ] Legibility is an issue in the new design
[ ] I prefer the colors in the old design
[ ] I couldn't find something I need in the new interface
[ ] I did not really want to test the new design, I just clicked the link to see it once
[ ] I am just switching back and forth

Hi Henry, while I think it's normal that the new design feels unfamiliar, I personally find it a bit messy, probably due to the font size - it's too big and there's a lof of lines wrapping because of that. I see there's a lot of space both on the left and right side of the screen - perhaps reducing the font size and/or using that space to make the text boxes larger will make things a bit tidier?

Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Laura Kingdon
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Ewa Czajkowska
Mohamud abdi
Sándor Hamvas
Sándor Hamvas
engleski na mađarski
+ ...
Looks good, however ... Jan 8, 2020

I think it would be practical to install a new function to allow insertion of picture(s)/figure(s) for the more efficient graphical representation/illustration of technical issues. In addition, it would be useful to allow text formatting (bold, italics, underlined, etc.) with the use of icons, or default Windows’ keys, rather than by typing control characters.

Zeineb Nalouti
Yolanda Broad
Andy Watkinson
Mohamud abdi
TargamaT team
TargamaT team  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Član (2010)
engleski na arapski
+ ...
Kudoz new design Jan 8, 2020

Any chance to use webfonts?

Mohamud abdi
David Moore (X)
David Moore (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
njemački na engleski
+ ...
Not for me Jan 8, 2020

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I don't see too many translators wanting to display this on a smart phone. How many would translate using a smart phone anyway? As I said, not for me...

Jessica Noyes
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Alison MacG
Philip Lees
Alison Jenner
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
PhoneZ Jan 8, 2020

David Moore wrote:

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I don't see too many translators wanting to display this on a smart phone. How many would translate using a smart phone anyway? As I said, not for me...

Obviously I don’t translate on my phone, but I nearly always visit ProZ and do KudoZ on my phone.

That said, I don’t like the new vertical layout. I prefer to see all the information laid out as before. Together with the big text, it feels a bit dumbed down. Why fix what ain’t broke?

Michele Fauble
Philip Lees
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Jennifer White
Christine Andersen
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 10:07
Thanks, Chris Jan 8, 2020

Chris S wrote:

... I don’t like the new vertical layout. I prefer to see all the information laid out as before. Together with the big text, it feels a bit dumbed down.

Thanks for the feedback. By "vertical layout", are you referring to the way the asker's (or answerer's) image and info come after the term information on mobile, rather than beside it? Or something else?

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 10:07
Thanks, TargamaT Jan 8, 2020

TargamaT team wrote:

Any chance to use webfonts?

Interesting idea. We will consider it.

On second thoughts Jan 8, 2020

Henry Dotterer wrote:

Thanks for the feedback. By "vertical layout", are you referring to the way the asker's (or answerer's) image and info come after the term information on mobile, rather than beside it? Or something else?

I meant the whole single-column layout, but yes it would be good to see who the askers/answerers are at a glance, as you can in the discussion.

Having flipped back to the old layout, I now realise how awkward it is, having to zoom in and out and scroll all over the show. Funny how you get used to things. It’s great on the PC but not on the phone.

So on second thoughts maybe the vertical format will be an improvement if you can just get the “look” right. I’d like to see as much info as possible on the screen without having to scroll.

Christine Andersen
Mohamud abdi
Local time: 15:07
španjolski na engleski
+ ...
Not broke, don't fix. Jan 8, 2020

I prefer the old version, perhaps because it's the one I'm used to. I don't really see any improvements, although the text looks bigger.

Philip Lees
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Jennifer White
Michele Fauble
Max Chernov
P.L.F. Persio
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KudoZ - new interface available for testing and feedback

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