Using or abusing Kudoz?
Postavljač teme: ahartje
Local time: 14:23
Član (2006)
njemački na portugalski
+ ...
Jan 13, 2023

Dear colleagues,
I was looking for any limits of Kudoz questions closed by: "answer found elsewhere".
The case: almost on a daily basis, another translator is asking questions in one of my language pair. First these questions were marked as "no points are given". So far, so good. I tried to help anyway, but all questions were closed by "answer found elsewhere".
Meanwhile the "no points"-note is gone (maybe because the colleages were reluctant to answer/help?), but this translat
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Dear colleagues,
I was looking for any limits of Kudoz questions closed by: "answer found elsewhere".
The case: almost on a daily basis, another translator is asking questions in one of my language pair. First these questions were marked as "no points are given". So far, so good. I tried to help anyway, but all questions were closed by "answer found elsewhere".
Meanwhile the "no points"-note is gone (maybe because the colleages were reluctant to answer/help?), but this translator found another way to avoid attributing the effort of her colleagues: "answer found elsewhere"!
Out of 12 questions (1 still open, 1 without valid answer) for 9 the answer was found elsewhere.
I looked up the Kudoz rules, but did not find any limitation (percentage) for questions closed by "answer found elsewhere".
I am not looking for points or worried about my ranking, but why is somebody asking colleagues, again and again, when obviously no colleague is good enough to help? Or is it a type of masked abuse? If so, is there anything within Kudoz´ rules about how many questions are allowed to be closed by this option?

Thank you for enlightening me.

Yaotl Altan
Elena Feriani
William Yang
William Yang
Local time: 22:23
engleski na kineski
+ ...
Good or bad, will people who assign jobs consider Kudoz? Jan 13, 2023

I work in the language pair of English-Chinese and I seldom take part in the activity. Today I happened to visit the part and did some exercises. I don't know when to return and contribute again but to help is a good thing. If I findd the situation as you noted, I will not provide an answer to the asker. in the future.

[Edited at 2023-01-14 08:35 GMT]

Yaotl Altan
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:23
Član (2007)
engleski na portugalski
+ ...
Hi Anke Jan 13, 2023

I have very occasionally closed a question saying “answer found elsewhere” but when I do, as a courtesy to those who participated and attempted to help, I’ll post a comment with the answer I’ve found, just in case someone needs it later on. I can’t understand why someone will deliberately avoid giving points to colleagues who are willing to help. As we all know, “karma is a bitch” or as we say in Portuguese “aqui se fazem, aqui se pagam”…

Michele Fauble
Barbara Carrara
Chris Says Bye
Yaotl Altan
Marijke Singer
Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
talijanski na njemački
+ ...
I'm not aware that there is such a rule Jan 13, 2023

But in my opinion it should be made compulsory that "the answer found elsewhere" be indicated, regardless of the number of times this "solution" is used. Let alone that askers should do so anyway out of sheer politeness. I don't understand how people can be so rude and impolite.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Josephine Cassar
Barbara Carrara
Angie Garbarino
Local time: 14:23
Član (2015)
engleski na portugalski
+ ...
ahartje Jan 13, 2023

My behaviour is the same one as Teresa describes.
If I find an answer elsewhere I post it on the discussion board for helping others with the same question in the future, and as a courtesy to others who tried to help me.
Kudoz is full of impolite members. The good thing is that we can still find good colleagues, personally and professionally. And this is the big difference between those members who "use/abuse" and the professional translators.
This is what I call "ter falta de
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My behaviour is the same one as Teresa describes.
If I find an answer elsewhere I post it on the discussion board for helping others with the same question in the future, and as a courtesy to others who tried to help me.
Kudoz is full of impolite members. The good thing is that we can still find good colleagues, personally and professionally. And this is the big difference between those members who "use/abuse" and the professional translators.
This is what I call "ter falta de chá" (to be rude) and my advice is: do not answer or try to help, just ignore it.

[Edited at 2023-01-13 14:34 GMT]

[Edited at 2023-01-13 14:35 GMT]

[Edited at 2023-01-13 14:37 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
British Diana
Barbara Carrara
Yaotl Altan
Michele Fauble
Marijke Singer
Philip Lees
Local time: 14:23
Član (2006)
njemački na portugalski
+ ...
Kudoz should have a learning effect Jan 13, 2023

I believe Kudoz should be faced as learning/teaching tool, therefore I am always interested in the chosen answer. By selecting the option "answer found elsewhere" I feel somehow insatisfied, partly because I´d like to know, which term has been elected (and why). Just to learn, open my mind and reflect for myself.

So, here is my proposal for ProZ: please link the option "answer found elsewhere" to an additional mandatory part, where the asker has to mention the chosen term and also,
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I believe Kudoz should be faced as learning/teaching tool, therefore I am always interested in the chosen answer. By selecting the option "answer found elsewhere" I feel somehow insatisfied, partly because I´d like to know, which term has been elected (and why). Just to learn, open my mind and reflect for myself.

So, here is my proposal for ProZ: please link the option "answer found elsewhere" to an additional mandatory part, where the asker has to mention the chosen term and also, where s/he found it. Feasible?

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Josephine Cassar
Kevin Fulton
British Diana
Local time: 14:23
Član (2015)
engleski na portugalski
+ ...
Common sense and cordiality Jan 13, 2023

ahartje wrote:

So, here is my proposal for ProZ: please link the option "answer found elsewhere" to an additional mandatory part, where the asker has to mention the chosen term and also, where s/he found it. Feasible?

I agree with you, but that should be part of everyone's common sense and cordiality. is a site for and by professionals, so these values should be implicit in the person and the professional.
Asking for this is almost asking to teach children how to behave... in my humble opinion.

British Diana
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christel Zipfel
Chris Says Bye
Philip Lees
Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:23
Član (2006)
engleski na španjolski
+ ...
Share Jan 15, 2023

ahartje wrote:
I am not looking for points or worried about my ranking, but why is somebody asking colleagues, again and again, when obviously no colleague is good enough to help? Or is it a type of masked abuse? If so, is there anything within Kudoz´ rules about how many questions are allowed to be closed by this option?

Thank you for enlightening me.

At least, they should share with us the alleged term they "found elsewhere".

[Edited at 2023-01-15 03:08 GMT]

Chris Says Bye
Sebastian Witte
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Michele Fauble
Cilian O'Tuama
Cilian O'Tuama  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
njemački na engleski
+ ...
Maybe relevant, maybe not... Jan 15, 2023

Yes, askers can get on our tits when they don’t seem to appreciate our efforts (to help THEM!) and close questions w/o comment. Some of us subsequently add such askers to our “filtered” list. But Asker is not informed.

Maybe it’d be a good idea to inform such askers that they’ve been filtered by (anonymous) users, just so they can at least consider changing their ways?

Chris Says Bye
Christel Zipfel
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Michele Fauble
Marijke Singer
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:23
Član (2005)
engleski na japanski
+ ...
Did you answer all the questions asked by this particular asker? Jan 15, 2023

ahartje wrote:

Dear colleagues,
I was looking for any limits of Kudoz questions closed by: "answer found elsewhere".
The case: almost on a daily basis, another translator is asking questions in one of my language pair. First these questions were marked as "no points are given". So far, so good. I tried to help anyway, but all questions were closed by "answer found elsewhere".
Meanwhile the "no points"-note is gone (maybe because the colleages were reluctant to answer/help?), but this translator found another way to avoid attributing the effort of her colleagues: "answer found elsewhere"!
Out of 12 questions (1 still open, 1 without valid answer) for 9 the answer was found elsewhere.
I looked up the Kudoz rules, but did not find any limitation (percentage) for questions closed by "answer found elsewhere".
I am not looking for points or worried about my ranking, but why is somebody asking colleagues, again and again, when obviously no colleague is good enough to help? Or is it a type of masked abuse? If so, is there anything within Kudoz´ rules about how many questions are allowed to be closed by this option?

Thank you for enlightening me.

I was just wondering whether you submitted all the answers for this particular asker and you were the only one who suggested an answer, since some of the askers seem to hesitate (just my guess) to award points to the same contributor, say, five times in a row, especially when all the questions are from the same text.

Local time: 14:23
Član (2006)
njemački na portugalski
+ ...
Dear all Jan 15, 2023

Thank you for your thoughts and, yes, I agree with expressisverbis that some values should be implicit. I couldn´t agree more with Yaotl Altan and Cilian.
And yes: I answered the first questions marked as "no points" questions as well as the first questions without any special notes. Only when I found out that now all questions are closed "without grading, because the answer was found elsewhere" I stopped my collaboration and asked the colleague, whether she pretends to close all questio
... See more
Thank you for your thoughts and, yes, I agree with expressisverbis that some values should be implicit. I couldn´t agree more with Yaotl Altan and Cilian.
And yes: I answered the first questions marked as "no points" questions as well as the first questions without any special notes. Only when I found out that now all questions are closed "without grading, because the answer was found elsewhere" I stopped my collaboration and asked the colleague, whether she pretends to close all questions this way. Her answer was yes, since no given answer satisfied her.

[Bearbeitet am 2023-01-15 09:44 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Cilian O'Tuama
Cilian O'Tuama  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
njemački na engleski
+ ...
A related thread from 100 years ago: Jan 17, 2023

Local time: 14:23
Član (2006)
njemački na portugalski
+ ...
Interesting, Cilian Jan 17, 2023

It seems to be a never ending story...

Comedy value Jan 17, 2023

I had quite a few filtered but then very little ever came up in my languages so I had to reinstate them for comedy value.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida

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Using or abusing Kudoz?

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