For sale: Reuter (E>G), Wittfoht (G>E), Patterson (G>E)

Szczegóły ogłoszenia
Oferta - Książki - United States
Od: Dr. Adrian Feuchtwanger
Zamieszczona dnia:Oct 24, 2007
Miejsce: United States, Los Angeles
Opis:Reuter (pub. Thieme) Eng>Deu medical dictionary, 1995 ed.
Hardback, fair condition
USD 20 + USD 5 shipping and handling

Wittfoht (publ. Hanser) Deu>Eng plastics dictionary, 1983 ed.
Fair condition
USD 20 + USD 5 shipping and handling

Patterson German>English Dictionary for Chemists, Wiley 1966 ed.
Fair condition, hardback
USD 20 + USD 5 shipping and handling
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Omów tę ofertę zDr. Adrian Feuchtwanger
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