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Comprehensive KudoZ update released
Postavljač teme: Jason Grimes
Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 04:54
ruski na engleski
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Things I prefer in V3 Aug 28, 2005

1. Asker and answerer both shown with equal prominence at the top of the page of a completed question. With Beta, you have to scroll a long way down to find the answerer.
2. In the comment-response dialog, in V3 both comments and responses are shown in black, the responses on a darker background. In B3, the responses are on the same darker background, but are faded down to gray and are thus harder to read. I see no point in this.
Sorry if these points have been mentioned before,
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1. Asker and answerer both shown with equal prominence at the top of the page of a completed question. With Beta, you have to scroll a long way down to find the answerer.
2. In the comment-response dialog, in V3 both comments and responses are shown in black, the responses on a darker background. In B3, the responses are on the same darker background, but are faded down to gray and are thus harder to read. I see no point in this.
Sorry if these points have been mentioned before, but this topic is now so long that it would be difficult to check every entry before posting.

Andrea Re
Andrea Re  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 04:54
engleski na talijanski
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grade a question for no points Aug 28, 2005

Hi there,

I posted a question for no points and I thought I graded it (although it didn't show). This morning I've received an e-mail asking me to grade it again. I do so, but still doesn't show, so I am not sure whether I have achieved anything. A bug perhaps?


[Edited at 2005-08-28 09:39]

Gina W
Gina W
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 00:54
Član (2003)
francuski na engleski
Why isn't the "teams" function available to Community Platinum members? Aug 28, 2005

OK, I tried to "Create Team", and I get this message that say that you must be a Platinum member to create a team. I don't understand this - I am a Community Platinum member, which directly affects KudoZ, or so I thought. Why wouldn't the "team" then be a function included for Community Platinum members? Why would someone have to be a FULL Platinum member - that doesn't make any sense. Please let me know if this is just an error or a bug (I am hoping that!). Thanks.

Yolanda Broad
Yolanda Broad  Identity Verified
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 00:54
Član (2000)
francuski na engleski
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"teams" = teams of translators undertaking a job together Aug 28, 2005


I saw your enthusiastic comments when you discovered the KudoZ team function, and did wonder whether you knew why that function had been created. Here is a bit of an explanation:

"1. What is a translation team? translation teams allow a group of translators to act as a single entity, taking job bids, setting rates, collaborating on projects, and more. Teams also get a short URL in t
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I saw your enthusiastic comments when you discovered the KudoZ team function, and did wonder whether you knew why that function had been created. Here is a bit of an explanation:

"1. What is a translation team? translation teams allow a group of translators to act as a single entity, taking job bids, setting rates, collaborating on projects, and more. Teams also get a short URL in the form of"

For more information, see:



Yolanda Broad

Gina W
Gina W
Sjedinjene Američke Države
Local time: 00:54
Član (2003)
francuski na engleski
Thanks, Yolanda Aug 29, 2005

Yolanda Broad wrote:


I saw your enthusiastic comments when you discovered the KudoZ team function, and did wonder whether you knew why that function had been created. Here is a bit of an explanation:

"1. What is a translation team? translation teams allow a group of translators to act as a single entity, taking job bids, setting rates, collaborating on projects, and more. Teams also get a short URL in the form of"

For more information, see:



Yolanda Broad

A-ha. My understanding was different, apparently. Thanks for posting back to me.:)

[Edited to Add]: I do have to say that I'm disappointed, though, that it is not what I thought. I really would have liked the option of limiting to whom I can send questions - not Platinum or not Platinum, or native or non-native, but rather, to send questions to colleagues on who have helped me in the past, and to make sure my questions do not go to those who have not been helpful but have been rather nasty and snide (and I couldn't care less how knowledgeable some people think they are, they are not helping if they are insulting me or any other member, to be honest. I have no interest in having snide remarks posted because I did not choose someone's answer.). I try to be so nice and gracious and thank EVERYONE, but it seems that a simple and polite thank you is not enough for some individuals, who apparently do not think I have the right (or ability!) to intelligently choose the answer that I will actually be using in my translation, just because they disagree with it. If I've thanked them nicely for their input, why can't they just politely say "you're welcome", without the snide remarks? Because, they are NOT interested in helping me - that is the conclusion that I have come to.

And so I wish there were a way that I could prevent certain people from answering. It's not fair - I am a Community Platinum member now, and I think I should have the right not to have to wake up and read rude comments, particularly when I am extremely polite and gracious.

[Edited at 2005-08-29 14:18]

[Edited at 2005-08-29 14:20]

cquest  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:54
engleski na poljski
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Agree to some extent Aug 29, 2005

[quote]Karlo Heppner wrote:

1. The whole layout is too complicated, too many things to observe when answering questions.
- Unfortunately, yes.

3. Too many kinds of glossary searches. Confusing.
The answers I get in 3 categories. Confusing.
- YES!

I can´t even search only my own glossary. Annoying.
- Haven't tried this yet.

In general my first impression. Changes were made two rapidly , all at once. By adding too many functions it´s confusing for the user.
- Agree


cquest  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:54
engleski na poljski
+ ...
A bug to fix - errant results Aug 29, 2005

I have noticed that I often get results with not the slightest resemblance of the word I was looking for. Perhaps it has something to do with the use of Polish characters (?)

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 00:54
Latest pass at simplified look Aug 29, 2005

In a few minutes you will notice another round of design changes. Let me know whether or not you feel this is an improvement.

By the way, this thread is getting unwieldy, so I am going to begin removing postings that I feel we have addressed. If I remove a posting of yours and you do not feel the issue is resolved, please post again.

Thanks again for your time in beta testing the new design. Best wishes for the week.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 00:54
Now possible to view questions from platinum members only Aug 29, 2005

I have just added the ability to limit your KudoZ viewing preferences to questions asked by platinum members. (The ability to receive notifications of questions from platinum members only has been available for some time.) The option is available under "asker type" in the KudoZ list page:

Note that exercising the platinum-only option will restrict the questions you see to
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I have just added the ability to limit your KudoZ viewing preferences to questions asked by platinum members. (The ability to receive notifications of questions from platinum members only has been available for some time.) The option is available under "asker type" in the KudoZ list page:

Note that exercising the platinum-only option will restrict the questions you see to those asked by members who were platinum *at the time they asked*. Because we only recently started recording membership category of askers, the number of results will be small.

This feature may be of some interest to those who have called for requiring paying membership for KudoZ participation.

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:54
engleski na španjolski
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Peer review Aug 29, 2005

Hi, Henry,
I don`t think the Peer review issue has been addressed yet. It was (or it is) a good feature. Is it gone for ever, or was it just bug? I haven´t seen any complaints about it.
I `d just like to know. And if it`s not coming back, can I know what the reasons are?

Andrea Re
Andrea Re  Identity Verified
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Local time: 04:54
engleski na talijanski
+ ...
please grade question (again????) Aug 30, 2005

Hi there,

I just got this e-mail asking me to grade this question
I have already "graded" this question-not-for-points twice, but it seems not to take notice.


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Comprehensive KudoZ update released

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