Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Dictionnaires en ligne gratuit, Contiennent des milliers de mots et expressions avec des traductions dans le contexte, des définitions, ou des synonymes.
diccionario reverso
©2013 Reverso-Softissimo |
Traductor gratuito en línea en Inglés, Francés, Español, Alemán, Italiano, Ruso, Portugués, Chino, Hebreo, Japonés Traducción de paginas web La traducción de sitios web o de documentos es posible con nuestros programas de traducción para PC , nuestras Soluciones Intranet , sitios Web de nuestros colaboradores o para nuestros abonados de servici... View more
diccionario reverso
©2013 Reverso-Softissimo |
Traductor gratuito en línea en Inglés, Francés, Español, Alemán, Italiano, Ruso, Portugués, Chino, Hebreo, Japonés Traducción de paginas web La traducción de sitios web o de documentos es posible con nuestros programas de traducción para PC , nuestras Soluciones Intranet , sitios Web de nuestros colaboradores o para nuestros abonados de servici... View more
Sinónimos Gastronómicos |
Sinónimos Gastronómicos
Pavel Kats |
WikIdioms is a multilingual dictionary of idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and other types of fixed expressions.
Telefonie mobilă |
Glosar termeni telefonie mobilă
Türkçe kavram ve isimler dizini; pek çok terim ve kavramın Fransızca karşılığı da verilmiştir.
Simone Laub |
"Definitionen zu Akquise, Werbung, Internetseiten und Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Frech vielleicht, direkt und möglicherweise ungewohnt ehrlich sind diese Erklärungen. In jedem Fall finden Sie Begriffe erläutert, die rund um Werbung, Akquise, Internetseiten und Suchmaschinenoptimierung oft verwendet und doch nicht verstanden sind." Nicht sehr u... View more
Glossário de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos
Começou por ser desenvolvido em 1996, aquando da tradução do Dicionário de Filosofia, de Simon Blackburn. Posteriormente, foi articulado com a Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos. Tem crescido desde então com as sugestões de tradutores, est |
Glossário de termos relacionados à Filosofia.
Esoteric Glossary
Fundamental Psychology |
A glossary of the main terms used in parapsychology, esoterism and occultism in English (with Esperanto and Russian translations). Explanations in English.
John Beech and Simon Chadwick |
Tourism management glossary.
MDBG Chinese-English dictionary |
Excellent Chinese-English general dictionary. Accepts electronic Chinese characters, pinyin and handwriting text lookup methods.
Glossary of snow and ice features in Portuguese Termos sobre feições da neve e do gelo, como sobre a geografia polar
Dizionario dei dialetti
Simonelli Editore / Dialettando |
Tutti i dialetti italiani
Cerca le parole dialettali e il loro equivalente nella lingua italiana.
Significado de las terminologías y siglas más utilizadas en el Comercio Internacional.
SIMAS (Nombre ONG : Servicio de Información Mesoamericano sobre Agricultura Sostenible ) Unidad de Comercialización- |
Glosario Español>Español. Explicación o descripción de los términos y las siglas más utilizados en el Comercio Internacional. Algunas entradas presentan la correspondiente expresión en inglés.
Mobil iletişim teknolojisiyle ilgili kapsamlı denebilecek bir sözlük. Türkçe terminolojiden çok tanımlar sağlamaya yoğunlaşmış olsa da, birçok terimin Türkçe karşılığını, ayrıca akronimleri içeriyor.
It's a small handy dict to look up old traditional sino-vietnamese words, up to 4000 words. The site also contains many links to other languages.
Lexique qui regroupe plus de 250 termes médicaux expliqués simplement (oncologie).
Glossary of Key Technical Terms in ICT
Wireless Imaging |
Comprehensive and quite new 85 pages of terms used in ICT.
Downloadable PDF file.
Glossary of Immigration Terms / Términos de Inmigración
US Immigration Support |
Monolingual descriptions and explanations both in English and Spanish.
From the glossary interface:
These are common immigration terms used by United States Consulates, Embassies and by the USCIS (INS) when file a visa, Green Card or citizenship application.
Estos son términos de i... View more
Le Dictionnaire médical de Doctissimo
Doctissimo (société) |
Le Dictionnaire médical de Doctissimo contient des milliers de définitions. Termes médicaux et scientifiques, abréviations, maladies… Il vous permettra d’accéder en quelques clics aux mots que vous recherchez. Vous pouvez le parcourir en utilisant le moteur de recherche ou en cliquant sur les lettres de l'abécédaire. Recherche aussi par thèmes m... View more
İTÜ Elektronik ve Haberleşme Mühendisliği'nin TÜBİTAK ve sektör işbirliğiyle 2004'te düzenlediği SİU (Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları) Kurultay çalışması kapsamında hazırlanmış geniş bir sözlük. 182 sayfalık indirilebilir PDF dosyası halinde. Ctrl+F işleviyle çift yönde kullanılabilir.
Repertorio de la cocina española
Prof. Dr. Dr. Felicísimo Ramos Fernández |
Extensísimo glosario monolingüe de alimentos y platos de la cocina española. Cambiando en la URL la letra, se accede a todas las palabras.
This glossary by the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (Colorado, USA) provides standard definitions for the fields subsumed by the umbrella discipline of telecommunications.
Gökbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü
Abdullah Kızılırmak |
Yalnız gökbilim terimlerinin karşılığını vermekle kalmayıp evren haritaları ve bu terminolojiyi bir perspektif içerisine koymaya yardımcı olacak faydalı bilgiler de sunuyor. Bir de "hiç" sözcüğünün anlamını netleştiriyor.
Small Wiki-dictionary about mobile-phones and IT, to be enlarged
Dizionario Giuridico
Edizioni Simone |
Monolingual Legal Dictionary Top of the page links to other dictionaries: - European Union Dictionary - Historical Dictionary of Italian and European Law - Finance and Accounting Dictionary - Canon Law and many more
2 links : one in French and the translation into English.
Tamil and English Dictionary
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia |
General Tamil > English dictionary in Roman script
Deutsch-französische Unternehmensphraseologie
Hans-Rudolf Hower |
Des phrases entières sont traduites dans le jargon ad hoc
Umsatz: der Vorstand hält für das Gesamtjahr 2003 die Planziele bei ~ und Ergebnis für erreichbar
le comité directeur considère que les objectifs fixés en ce qui concerne le chiffre d’affaires et le résultat pourront être atteints
Das gro�e Bahn-Lexikon
Deutsche Bahn |
Cancer Glossary - Simon Cotterill |
this glossary has been written for educational purposes only, it can not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your doctor. No responsibility can be accepted for information on any linked page, please read the provider's own disclaimer where appropr... View more
Bilişim Terimleri
TBD-T�rkiye Bili�im Derne�i |
Tüm terimler TBD (Türkiye Bilişim Derneği)'nin web sitesinde sunmuş olduğu ve tüm Kamu, Özel ve Eğitim Kurumlarına / Kuruluşlara sunduğu ve kullanılmasını tavsiye ettiği terimlerdir, bu terimler veritabanımızda saklanmaktadır ve arama sonucu size sunulmaktadır. Sitemiz basit bir arama formu ile istenilen terimin karşılığını size sunmak üzere hazırl... View more
Maria Simonetti |
Slangopedia" è il vocabolario on-line dei linguaggi giovanili: la prima "enciclopedia dello slang", appunto, nata da un'inchiesta del 1998 dell'Espresso. "Slangopedia" is a slang dictionary.
Marketing Glossary
Warwick University |
Monolingual marketing glossary with extensive definitions of branding, marketing and public relations terminology.
A Glossary of Frequently Misused or Misunderstood Physics Terms and Concepts
Donald E. Simanek, Lock Haven University |
Technical terms of science have very specific meanings. Standard dictionaries are not always the best source of useful and correct definitions of them. This glossary focuses on those terms which give students particular difficulties, and it is enriched with detailed examples of misuse.
Uttrykk for studieretningsfaget Salg og Service. Kanskje litt i enkleste laget.
translate Chinese words, phrases, even sentences into English. Although not accurate all the time, it can be used as a good reference.
Sanat Terimleri S�zl�� / A Glossary of Art Terms
Eczac�ba�� Sanal M�ze |
Türkçe sanat terimleri; İngilizce karşılıkları; Türkçe ayrıntılı açıklama // Art terms in Turkish; English equivalents; detailed explanations in Turkish
Le lexic@hightech est un dictionnaire des termes et des acteurs du secteur, illustré par F.Cointe. Un lexique pour savoir ce que veut dire : PKI, P2P, FAI, SIM, Bluetooth, WI-FI, BLR... Un moyen de connaître les définitions d'acronymes couramment employés, tels que : BtoB, BtoC, WAP, UMTS... Chaque terme peut comprendre quatre définitions : ... View more