Translation Glossaries from the Web
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glossary of bookbinding terms
Chris Lipscombe |
MOINOLINGUAL industry and historical terms in field of bookbinding, providing clear & simple definitions
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
A Glossary of Printing, Binding, Graphic Arts and Typographical Terms
78 pages très intéressantes et très claires. termes en français avec leurs définitions + termes correspondant en anglais. (Editor's note: Downloadable, printable and well worth binding. Has English>French in a briefer, separate section. Terms include video, photo and sound editing).
Woordenboek Organische Chemie
Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen |
Meer dan 2750 verbindingen, begrippen en reacties
PrintProcess Glossary
Paper, Printing, Publishing & Typesetting/Typography |
Many links to typography glossaries.
Petit glossaire du bibliophile et de l'amateur de livres
Acad�mie fran�aise - Encyclop�die Chronologique des Arts Graphiques - Littr� � |
Technical vocabulary about books editing,printing and binding before DTP. Lexique du vocabulaire de l'édition, de l'impression et de la reliure des livres anciens.