Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Département d'Economie de l'Université catholique de LOUVAIN |
Very comprehensive English-French and French-English spreadsheet glossary of economics * acronyms * 11,000 entries * terms and expressions * crossed references * synonyms/options * usage (GLOSSPOST ADMINISTRATION NOTE: DOWNLOADABLE EXCEL FILE).
Ce glossaire s’adresse principalement aux traducteurs de brevets de dominance Mécanique et couvre un grand nombre de domaines techniques, de l'Automobile au Textile en passant par l'Imprimerie, l'Usinage, et j'en passe et des meilleurs +:). On y trouvera également des termes concernant l’économie et la Suisse. Il comporte un total d'environ 25000 ... View more
Nova Terminologia Burs�ria
Francesc Llorens Llevat |
El lèxic de les persones que exerceixen la seva professió en el món borsàtil és ple de termes provinents fonamentalment de l'anglès. Les relacions internacionals de les economies i la seva projecció transfronterera serveixen moltes vegades com a excusa per a utilitzar innecessàriament veus angleses.
N�ologie micro-�conomique
Centre de recherche TERMISTI |
French and English neologisms in microeconomics Vocabulaire de la micro-économie, français - anglais
Begrippenlijst Beurs & Beleggen
Rolf Schond�rff - docent/auteur algemene economie |
Uitgebreide alfabetische begrippen- en woordenlijst m.b.t. beurs & beleggen met contextuele hyperlinks naar gerelateerde begrippen en encyclopedisch werk. Ook met engelse termen - in de tekst; dus niet makkelijke zoekbaar. Gebaseerd op zijn werk "de beurs belicht" (
Een pagina die leidt naar een aantal begrippenlijsten opgesteld door het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
General and specific French dictionnaries and encyclopedia of different time periods: from 1400 to 1930. Fields include : law, history, science, philosophy,history, economics, aesthetic,languages, latin, vieux françois … Online browsing via pdf microfiches. From the welcome page, select "découverte" then "dictionnaires". Also contains classical ... View more
L'économie mot à mot
La documentation fran�aise / Probl�mes �conomiques |
Abécédaire de termes économiques.
2 PDFs (EN: 48 p.; FR: 63 p.). The System of National Accounts, 1993 (SNA) was a joint publication by the United Nations Statistical Division, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Eurostat and the OECD. The OECD has now produced this glossary which provides a quick reference to terms commonly found in the national accounts. • Click here... View more
PDF (11 pages). A full list of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) terms and definitions compiled by the OECD and the International Monetary Fund during a joint study.
Microfinance Glossary EN>FR, FR>EN
<a href="">GRET</a> and <a href="">CIRAD |
April 2000. Over 1000 terms. 2 PDFs. This glossary has been made by and for microfinance professionals. Italicized and parenthesized details or definitions are included as support for proposed translations.
Corporate Financial Reporting: A global perspective.
Herv� Stolowy and Michel Lebas (HEC School of Management, France) |
PDF file, 52 pages. November 30, 2001. Interuniversity effort by professors of accounting, tax management, financial economics, management, business administration, and business economics from Germany, Spain, France, USA, and Italy. Dialects: German from Germany and Austria, Spanish from Spain, Mexico and Argentina, US and British English. No defin... View more