Translation Glossaries from the Web
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La grande distribution et son vocabulaire
Jonathan Leborgne (jebosseengrandedistribution.f) | https://www.jebosseengrandedistribu...
Chaque métier comporte ses propres codes. Ses propres mots. Ce vocabulaire est nécessairement important afin d’éviter tout dialogue de sourd. Si vous débarquez en grande distribution, voici une liste non exhaustive de mots que vous serez amené à utiliser.
Trade Facilitation Terms. An English-Russian-Chinese Glossary. Revised third edition
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization |
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization, working with other partners, teamed up to develop this revised third edition of the Glossary of trade facilitation terms, including for the first time the Chinese translation of the terms, to become an En... View more
A rich and comprehensive bilingual online translating and explanatory dictionary of economy, banking, business and finance. With more than 6850 entries per language, the dictionary tackles all domains of today's business life, from the most recent Stock Exchange instruments to corporate and trade finance, risk management, accounting, credit practic... View more
Export Foreign Trade International Business Glossary
EENI- The Global Business School |
A multi-lingual glossary about international trade, import/export.
Multilingual Terminology Glossary for Building with Earth
Dachverband Lehm e.V. in cooperation with and with funding by the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ / BASIN |
working with earth as a building material The multilingual terminology glossary, aims to redress the balance and assist professional communication at an international level. The glossary comprises 500 of the most important terms used in building with earth in six languages. The project is supported by the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbe... View more
FAOTERM - Terminología de la FAO
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la agricultura y la alimentación |
La terminología es un instrumento importante en apoyo del rol que la Organización desempeña en el sector de la comunicación y de la información pública y para la creación de una cultura institucional. El aumento de la demanda de herramientas terminológicas que se recibe de todos los sectores de la FAO y de sus colaboradores externos (traductores... View more
English-Polish glossary of legal terms
Stanislaw Czech |
English-Polish glossary of legal terms is dictionary created by Polish translator Stanislaw Czech. The aim of this constantly developing glossary is to capture most important and useful expressions used in legal English and provide their Polish translations.
In the spirit of international understanding and cooperation among guitarists I am seeking to compile a translation list for all languages for parts of the guitar. There is very little in the official translation books or elsewhere for these terms. Not even in those big Web translation programs. It may not be important to the rest of the world, bu... View more
Inventario Forestale Nazionale Svizzero |
Glossario e dizionario Qui trovate le traduzioni delle specie legnose presenti nell’IFN e di alcuni termini importanti incluso la loro spiegazione (Le parole su sfondo giallo possono rinviate a un testo esplicativo.). Per le loro definizioni si è fatto riferimento ai seguenti vocabolari o raccolte terminologiche: LdF = Lexikon der Forstbotanik... View more
Glossário de Odontologia
Universidade Unibero |
Um glossário específico na área de odontologia é extremamente importante para a formação de profissionais, bem como para a consulta de termos técnicos em nosso dia-a-dia. Paralelamente, acredito que o trabalho foi de extrema utilidade para o grupo, pois a pesquisa e a nossa troca de experiência e informações colaboraram para a intensificação do voc... View more
Music Dictionary Online's primary purpose is, in the case of non-English words and phrases, to offer translations and, more generally, and where appropriate, to offer explanations and comments about general (non-musical) and specialist (i.e. musical, etc.) terms that might be found in musical scores, books on music, web sites, CD notes, concert pro... View more
The terms and in this glossary are important to practicing biologists and paleontologists in various fields.
The terms and in this glossary are important to practicing biologists and paleontologists in various fields.
The terms and in this glossary are important to practicing biologists and paleontologists in various fields.
The terms and in this glossary are important to practicing biologists and paleontologists in various fields.
Termes français et anglais utilisé dans le secteur import/export - définitions en français
EN<>PT dictionary of business terms
Clean Energy - Glossary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
This glossary provides definitions of a number of important terms associated with power generation technologies and their environmental impacts, including definitions of specific pollutants, technologies, and the key terms related to the electric power marketplace.
Transportversicherung von A bis Z bietet eine Zusammenfassung wesentlicher Fachbegriffe aus der Welt der Transportversicherung und damit verbundener Wissensgebiete aus Wirtschaft, Logistik, Transport und Verkehr. Es ist das Ergebnis einer Gemeinschaftsarbeit der Arbeitsgruppe Transport-Informations-Service (AG TIS).
Glossary of AD Terms for Market and Non-Market Economy Cases
US Department of Commerce |
This glossary is intended to provide parties with a basic understanding of many antidumping technical terms. These explanations are not regulations or rules with the force of law. As difficult or detailed questions arise, the analyst should seek clarification from their program manager or supervisor, rather than attempting to derive precise guidanc... View more
La terminologie juridique est assez particulière. Il est important de bien comprendre le vocabulaire utilisé et quelques définitions sont parfois nécessaires. C'est pourquoi nous vous proposons ce lexique, qui vous permettra de comprendre et d'appréhender plus facilement les termes juridiques.
EuroTermBank multilingual terminology portal
EuroTermBank Consortium |
EuroTermBank is a multilingual terminology portal providing a consolidated interface to comprehensive terminology resources on the Web. As of its release in 2006, it enables searching within approximately 600,000 terminology entries containing over 1.5 million terms in various languages. The initial focus of EuroTermBank is on the “new Europe”, inc... View more
Train Braking Glossary
Railway Technical Web Pages |
Train Braking Glossary Have you heard the story of the browbeaten duck? He could fly as fast as the other ducks but he couldn't stop as quickly. To a train driver, the brakes are the most important part of the train but not many people outside the industry understand how they work. With that in mind, this page provides a simple glossary of brake... View more
Business vocabulary |
Business, banking, export and import terms.
Lexique Audi. Les explications détaillées, mais concises, de notions techniques importantes vous permettront de mieux appréhender "Vorsprung durch Technik" d'Audi. Vous pouvez choisir un terme dans la liste alphabétique ou effectuer des recherches par catégories ou par séries de modèles. Vous noterez également les liens intégrés dans de nombr... View more
A Glossary of Foreign trade, exporting etc.
Prototype Worlds: A Glossary of SF Jargon is a glossary of SF coinages, collected for the enjoyment and education of SF fans, SF writers, lexicographers, and linguists.
Most of this glossary is words originally coined in science fiction to describe technologies that did not exist at the time of writing or SFnal ideas for which no ... View more
Interactive Sports Glossaries
First Base Sports, Inc. |
Glossaries for four popular team sports. Includes most important terms and phrases. Enriched with cross-links. Also includes graphic illustrations of Officials' Hand Signals for each sport.
Manual de estilo del alergólogo (III). Los extranjerismos.
JM Igea, P. Mugüerza and M. Lázaro |
This scientific paper offers a concise but very helpful ENG>SPA glossary on terms used in alergology and immunology. An important tool for translators in order to gain accuracy in their medical translations.
English-German real estate terminology/glossary
Los principios más importantes del vocabulario están basados en la elección de términos castellanos frente a los extranjerismos que van entrando en el lenguaje de políticos y periodistas, pero que tienen equivalente en español; en la adopción como palabras normales —escritas en redonda— de vocablos creados muy recientemente —por ejemplo, sida, sídi... View more
Dicionário Português[EU]-Português[BR]
Abruna (Francis de Souza & Marcos Palacios) |
Se você pretende viajar do Brasil para Portugal ou vice-versa, é muito importante conhecer as sutilezas (ou subtileza) que diferenciam alguns vocábulos.
Illustrated dictionary to find the definitions for important words related to architecture and building design.
Herbs - Tips – Lexicon
Colimport Preferred |
English, German and Spanish glossary of culinary and medicinal herbs
English-Spanish glossary of common foreign trade acronyms and abbreviations by
Glossário de Vigilância Sanitária
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária |
A base da atuação da Vigilância Sanitária é a norma legal que fundamenta cada ato, assim ter acesso ao conjunto da legislação de vigilância sanitária é um instrumento de fundamental importância para todas as organizações do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, para o setor regulado e para a sociedade.
[...]O Glossário será alimentado au... View more
Aquest diccionari conté 57 denominacions catalanes, normalitzades pel Consell Supervisor del TERMCAT, corresponents a fustes utilitzades actualment a Europa però procedents de països no europeus, fonamentalment de l'Àfrica, l'Àsia i Amèrica. Cada terme es presenta definit i amb els equivalents corresponents en castellà, francès, anglès i alemany. L... View more
Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
The following Glossary lists Kant's most important technical terms, together with a simple definition of each. (The terms 'judicial', 'perspective' and 'standpoint' are the only ones Kant himself does not use as technical terms.) It was originally written as a study aide to help make the intricate web of Kant's terminology comprehensible to stude... View more
Customs glossary
Saudi Customs |
An English <>Arabic glossary, important customs terminology