Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Finance,Banking and Investment with Arabic definitions
Quite exhaustive glossary of financial terms
One of the main sources of financial dictionary is the financial glossary by Campbell R. Harvey, renowned finance expert and J. Paul Sticht, professor of International Business at Duke University. It provides concise definitions of 8,000 terms with 18,000 useful links. This information comes from the world of banking and investing, providing ... View more
English Arabic financial terms with definitions in Arabic and French equivalents
Investor Glossary
Investor Glossary |
This is a monolingual business glossary that defines not only words but also whole expressions
Glossário de Termos Financeiros
Portal da Bolsa |
Comprehensive glossary of stock exchange, investing funds, warrants and general finance terms.
Investor's Forget-Me-Nots Dictionary
Igor Sharshakov |
This concise and easy-to-use dictionary covers over 4000 internationally recognized investment terms and is perfect for everyone who aims to comprehend English and French financial newspapers and magazines and take into account the latest forms of investing at the level of decision taking.
Investing Dictionary
Investopedia Inc. |
This dictionary explains many of the weird phrases of the investing world. They are organized in alphabetical order. You can also browse by category (for instance, Acronyms, Buzz words, Real Estate and Property). You can search for a term and find it quickly. (There are over 4,500 terms in the database).
Did you run across an unfamiliar term when applying for a mortgage, credit card or auto loan? Find the meaning here, along with definitions of other financial words and phrases, in's financial glossary.
Glossary of Bond Terms
The Bond Market Association |
English monolingual with definitions.
Glossary of terms relating to stock market and investing
Stock Market Glossary
TD Waterhouse, |
Basic glossary of stock market and investing terms for a consumer audience.