Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Terrorism Terms
11 September War On Terror Portal |
There are many words, phrases, and acronyms related to the War on Terror and terrorism in general. No one can be expected to know all of them, and for that reason, the 11 September War On Terror Portal is developing the Glossary of Terrorism Terms.
From Abu Sayaaf to Zionism, from biological warfare to weapons of mass destruction, the ph... View more
This is a glossary about data mining, with useful links.
Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr (Luftwafffe) |
Please click the links under Flugsicherungs-ABC, at the bottom of the page, left-hand side. Four useful links:
-Kleines Flugsicherungs-ABC
-Übersetzungen (Englisch-Deutsch)
-Übersetzungen (Deutsch-Englisch)
The dictionary is on the upper left-hand side of the page, downloadable on pdf.
German monolingual on environment with cross-references and terms put in alphabetical order. Navigate using the index at the left-hand side.
Glossaire automobile du magazine Car and Drive traduit en français par Christian Vandersmissen (click "Glossary" on the left-hand side. Default page is "A").