Translation Glossaries from the Web
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WMO List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
World Meteorological Organization |
The present list is being distributed to facilitate the search for the meaning and, where possible, equivalents in the other WMO working languages of abbreviations and acronyms found in WMO documents.
Over 400 pages of English terms in alphabetical order, with French Arabic, Russian and Spanish translations.
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Ballroom Dancing Glossary
Ballroom |
Glossary of Ballroom Dancing terms Includes a further link to an abbreviation glossary:
Glossary of Religious Movements Terms
Irving Hexman, University of Calgary | http://religiousmovements.lib.virgi...
Alphabetical glossary, just in English. More than four thousand definitions of concepts and identifications of names, groups, places and important dates in the history of religious movements. You will find the glossary of terms is extensively cross-referenced, and each of the cross referenced terms is accessible with a single click.
Glossary of religious and spiritual terms
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (Canada) |
A quite general glossary in English of key religious and spiritual concepts. The editors note that "Conservative Christian faith groups often define terms very differently than other faith groups and secular movements. The former are shown in italics in the above lists of words."
watch-making terms
"Finest Watches" (supplier) |
A useful little glossary of some watch-making terms, with helpful explanations
Artcyclopedia, Inc. |
Info on all major Western art movements; search feature by artist, artwork, location; links to art sites and websites of museums worldwide; plus 3 glossaries: fine arts terms, greek and roman mythology, christian saints. Handy for getting to quick info & facts on artists and art history.