Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 609 results
Polsko-Angielski Słownik Biologiczny
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk |
The dictionary contains English translations of Polish terms in the field of broadly understood biology - from biochemistry to ecology. It was prepared by students of Genetics and Experimental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk: Marcin Banacki, Anna Barczak, Kacper Boguszewski, Katarzyna Bryszkowska, Hubert Czyż and Aleksandr... View more
Polyglot botanical dictionary first published in 1980 (the introduction is hence quite outdated, but this does not apply to the actual entries of the dictionary). The multilingual dictionary contains more than 12,000 Latin technical terms, including graphic variants as well as terms made up of two words. Corresponding technical terms are given in... View more
German-Hungarian Theological Dictionary
Keresztes András |
A concise dictionary of theological terms (Hungarian > German) in searchable .pdf. The Hungarian terms are mainly conforming the Catholic use, if used in Protestant settings you might have to look up some of the terminology in monolingual dictionaries, as they can differ considerably (e.g. Cath. szentség > Prot. sákramentum). It does well for ... View more
La grande distribution et son vocabulaire
Jonathan Leborgne (jebosseengrandedistribution.f) | https://www.jebosseengrandedistribu...
Chaque métier comporte ses propres codes. Ses propres mots. Ce vocabulaire est nécessairement important afin d’éviter tout dialogue de sourd. Si vous débarquez en grande distribution, voici une liste non exhaustive de mots que vous serez amené à utiliser.
In its work programme for 2005 the European Training Foundation (ETF) included a glossary presenting the Russian language version of key terms used in European vocational education and training (VET) policy. The aim of the project was to support cooperation with ETF partner countries in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU deve... View more
Trade Facilitation Terms. An English-Russian-Chinese Glossary. Revised third edition
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization |
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization, working with other partners, teamed up to develop this revised third edition of the Glossary of trade facilitation terms, including for the first time the Chinese translation of the terms, to become an En... View more
We understand that life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, and other financial products aren't always the easiest things to understand. Your New York Life agent can provide the most precise explanations of these products and services, and explore possible solutions that fit your needs.
Moore than 100 terms.
Diccionario de sinónimos técnicos de la lengua española
Viachaslau Patsepnia | http://diccionario-sinonimos-tecnic...
El presente Diccionario de sinónimos técnicos de la lengua española es el fruto de un análisis profundo de múltiples diccionarios monolingües, bilingües y plurilingües. El diccionario abarca 47000 términos técnicos que se usan en más de 30 ramas de ciencia e industria. Los 47000 términos forman cerca de 30000 grupos sinonímicos. Cada grupo está mar... View more
Football Language Glossary |
The football language glossary is a page with a huge selection of football words, phrases and vocabulary that are organised in alphabetical order – it is like a football dictionary. You can find all kinds of football cliches, expressions and technical terms, as well as a variety of categories about many football-related subjects: transfers, footbal... View more
This glossary serves as a point of reference for terms which are commonly used within association football, and which have a sport-specific meaning. It seeks to avoid defining common English words and phrases that have no special meaning within football. Exceptions include cases where a word or phrase's use in the context of football might cause co... View more
Терминологический справочник по ВТО
Всероссийская академия внешней торговли |
Англо-русский терминологический справочник по ВТО с толкованиями на русском языке.
European glossary for wildfires and forest fires
Dr. Robert Stacey (Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, UK) |
The development and compilation of the glossary has been led by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (UK) as lead partner on the EUFOFINET “Theme GP1 – Intervention Strategies/Wildfire and Forest Fire Suppression Tactics”. NFRS was assisted in this substantial task by all of the EUFOFINET partners and a number of external experts around the World... View more
Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense
Francisco Moreno-Fernández | http://cervantesobservatorio.fas.ha...
Este diccionario no se presenta como una obra definitiva. La propia naturaleza de los datos aquí consignados, procedentes en gran parte de la lengua hablada, impide que un trabajo así se ofrezca en una versión cerrada. Antes bien, estas páginas se consideran materiales parciales de un proyecto en marcha, susceptibles de ser completados, actualizado... View more
Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 31945 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et 13618 photos ou dessins.
Philippe REGALL |
TechDico is a translation web service, feeded by 900 millions translations, individually labelled by field of activity, in 28 languages (the 24 languages of EU + russian + chinese + japanese + korean) and proposes translation (glossary + examples sentences) in 282 pairs of languages. TechDico is also the only service which proposes a multilingual m... View more
Siglas Medicas en Español
Javier Laguna y Vicent Cuñat |
I found this very good resource for Spanish abbreviations. I used it today to great effect. It seems to be a lot more detailed than other dictionaries which I have used.
An explanation of technical terms used on the Nissan website. More than 80 entries.
Electronics Glossary |
Gloossary of electronics manufacturing. More than 2 500 entries.
Tesauro de géneros de ficción
Documenta; Mónica Gabriela Pené |
Date of creation: 31/12/1998. Last change date: 04/10/2012. Reproducido y adaptado a partir del tesauro original elaborado por Mónica Gabriela Pené: Tesauro de géneros de ficción.
Геймерский сленг |Геймерский_сленг
Тут у нас расположился небольшой англо-русский словарик, ибо большинство геймерских терминов в силу обстоятельств и уровня интеллекта игроков есть ни что иное как транслит с английского.
Данный словарик является лишь попыткой собрать в одном месте общий жаргон из различных MMORPG, тысячи их! Ни в одной из игр не употребляются одновременно сразу все приведенные термины. В каких-то играх отличаются нюансы, а в других может просто не существует некоторых описанных здесь явлений. В разных играх одно и то же может называться разными тер... View more
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. By Keith R. Long. In the course of CIMRI's work, we have found a need for a compilation of Spanish geological and mining terminology that goes beyond the few Spanish-English geological dictionaries available. Even geologists who are fluent in Spanish often encounter local terminology or jerg... View more
Glossário Técnico
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas |
Definição de alguns termos técnicos extraídos do Manual Normas Técnicas de Elaboração dos Planos de Gestão Florestal e outra documentação.
Gasunie transport services glossary
Gasunie Transport Services | https://www.gasunietransportservice...
More than 250 entries.
AUSTRALASIAN DICTIONARY - A DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALASIAN WORDS, PHRASES AND USAGES with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia by Edward E. Morris M.A., Oxon. Professor of English, French and German Languages and Literatures... View more
Multilingual Glossary of Materials Testing Terms. From English to Russian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
English-Greek Lexicon of Electronics_V2
Panos Kaliontzopoulos/ICCS-NTUA |
Second edition of English-Greek Lexicon of Electronics. Contains more than 31.000 entries and tables.
Dansk-Engelsk musikordbog |
I denne musikordbog findes den engelske oversættelse på en lang række danske musiktermer. Alle ord der på en eller anden måde kan relateres til 'musik' er medtaget i ordbogen, og ordbogen er således ikke kun begrænset til musikteoretiske termer. Ved ord med flere forskellige engelske oversættelser er den mest brugte oversættelse noteret først. 1 45... View more
Dizionario dialettale di Gallicchio
Maria Grazia Balzano | http://www.dizionariogallic.altervi...
Gentile visitatore, gentile visitatrice, sono lieta di ospitarti all'interno di questo sito, realizzato per la comunità e quindi patrimonio di tutti. Il nostro paese è ricco di tradizioni, alcune delle quali ancora da riscoprire e salvaguardare. Anche il dialetto, inteso in questo senso, costituisce memoria storica del paese e rappresenta un el... View more
English-Chinese Medical Dictionary / Glossary
Dr Wong Kia Boon (Singapore) |
This site, existent since 2001, has recently been revamped in 2016. Unique features: - Quadri-directional search using either English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or Pinyin (all other forms displayed by entering any 1 of the above) - Predictive / suggestive search feature with autocomplete options (AJAX live search) - Medical terms... View more
Chamorro Dictionary
Donald M. Topping, Edward Ritter von Preissig |
This dictionary was designed and created for learners of the Chamorro language, and is currently the most extensive Chamorro dictionary on the Internet. This Chamorro online dictionary is continuously being modified and updated to make it a more accurate and useful resource. Dictionary Sources: Chamorro-English Dictionary by Donald M. Topping Di... View more
Its a good glossary because it provides more than one possibility for the terms and in some terms, short explanations are included.
English (French, German, Italian) – Turkish music dictionary. More than 5 700 entries.
Science Dictionary |
The World's Largest Online Science Dictionary. is the most trusted science resource on the internet created for scientists and academics by scientists and academics. Our team of PhD's, Masters students and scientists bring you the most authoritative science dictionary ever created online and is free to use. There are over ... View more
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy
German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies |
German-English and English-German Dictionary of Health Policy. More than 2 000 entries in each language combination.
This glossary contains useful terms and phrases related to FOREX and CFD.
English-Polish slang dictionary. More than 4 400 terms.
The Reuters Financial Glossary has been developed to give quick access to definitions of terms and concepts used in the foreign exchange, money, equity, commodity and debt markets. Terms used in technical analysis and macro-economics are also included. It is fully cross-referenced and many terms have links to other websites that give additional inf... View more