Translation Glossaries from the Web
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This list of Vietnamese to English and English to Vietnamese dictionaries provides a broad based vocabulary and concise translations. It is a considerable language resource representing a reliable tool for Vietnamese speakers to approach the English language. Wonderfully animated providing phonetics and Part of Speech.
Online Glossary of Linguistic Terminology
George J. Xydopoulos |
A glossary covering many different areas of and approaches to linguistics.
Fonética: los sonidos del español
The University of Iowa |
A complete guide to Spanish phonetics, including diagrams, audio and examples.
French-English Glossary of Linguistic Terms
SIL International |
This glossary contains 7,256 French linguistic terms and 7,510 English linguistic terms. As a glossary, it does not define the terms but simply gives the equivalent(s) in the other language. Lexical and semantic relationships are displayed for many of the terms in both languages. Domains or schools of thought are also shown for many terms. All the ... View more
Deals profoundly with phonetics, grammar, etymology, synonyms, and opposites. User-friendly.
Can be helpful by translating from catalan into spanish