Član od Dec '16

Radni jezici:
talijanski na srpski
srpski na talijanski
engleski na srpski
hrvatski na talijanski
talijanski na Montenegrin

Ljiljana Grubač
Interpreter and Translator, HIPAA Certif

Lokalno vrijeme: 14:37 CET (GMT+1)

Izvorni govornik: srpski (Variants: Montenegrin , serbian) Native in  srpski, talijanski Native in talijanski
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5 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)

378 ratings (3.92 avg. rating)

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What Ljiljana Grubač is working on
Nov 3, 2023 (posted via ProZ.com):  Online medical interpretation and medical reports translation. Over the weekend I'll have to work on some legal documents though. ...more, + 8 other entries »
Total word count: 0

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Usluge Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specijaliziran za:
Financije (općenito)Automobilska industrija / Osobna i teretna vozila
Medicina: Zdravstvena skrbPravo (općenito)

engleski na talijanski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 35 EUR po satu

KudoZ aktivnosti (PRO) PRO bodovi: 233, Odgovorena pitanja: 122, Postavljena pitanja: 6
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Bankovnom doznakom | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfelj Dodani ogledni primjerci prijevoda: 3
Pojmovnici English/Serbian, Serbian/Italian
Prevoditeljsko obrazovanje Master's degree - University of Belgrade
Iskustvo Godine prevoditeljskog iskustva: 21. Registriran na portalu ProZ.com: Oct 2011. Postao članom: Dec 2016.
Službene potvrde talijanski na srpski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
talijanski na srpski (Multilingua School for Interpreters and Translators, verified)
srpski na talijanski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
srpski na talijanski (Multilingua School for Interpreters and Translators, verified)
hrvatski na talijanski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)

Članstva N/A
Softveri MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Profesionalna praksa Ljiljana Grubač prihvaća ProZ.com's Profesionalne smjernice.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Transition from freelancer to another profession
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
Ljiljana Grubač
Interpreter and Translator for English and
Italian, MA in Linguistics, .LL.M. in
European Integration. Highly ambitious
and with developed interests in different
 Serbia
 +381638926884

- interpreting and translating in different fields, out of which the most important ones are Diplomacy, Climate Change, Finance, Law
and Medicine. By working directly or for big agencies, I interpreted for OSCE, the Serbian Parliament, NATO, several Serbian
ministries, FIAT Serbia (now Stellantis Group), USAid, Trentino con i Balcani, Caritas, IAN, to name only some of the users of my
services. Among the agencies I work with are Transperfect (multinational), Gientech (China), Proz (USA), Halifax (Serbia). My working
languages are English, Italian and Serbian/Montenegrin
- working as a freelance consultant for geopolitical matters in the region on GLG platform upon completion of the Master Course in
European Integration
- organizing my own work in order to meet different clients' and my personal excellence goals and deadlines
Particularly proud for:
being always the first-choice freelance interpreter for the Serbian Parliament
being contacted directly by the Italian Parliament to interpret during the Rose-Roth Seminar held in Belgrade in 2021
volunteering for "Udruženje šansa za roditeljstvo" (A Chance for Parenthood Association) as a translator
- organizing all meetings for the long-term observers based in Kragujevac and interpreting at all of them
- assisting the observers in their daily work
- finding contacts of the people we needed to talk to
Particularly proud for:
being able to grant access of the observers to some events exclusively thanks to my communications skills
being complimented by the observers at the end of the mission for my contribution to their work
- teaching Italian, English, Serbian and French to children and adults, both individually and small groups
Particularly proud:
of some students who grew up with me, learning a foreign language
because most students took courses for years
- organizing and delivering initial and review courses for Berlitz instructors, following the Berlitz method guidelines
- supervising 30-50 instructors, depending on the year, giving constructive feedback and checking the feedback application
- designing course material for Serbian for Foreigners
- communicating with clients
Particularly proud because:
most of the colleagues said that the initial course I delivered was the best teaching tool they had ever obtained
Freelance interpreter, translator and consultant April 2003 ongoing
Assistant and Interpreter March 4 2022 April 7 2022
OSCE - ODIHR Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Observation Mission to Serbia
Language instructor September 2006 September 2015
Berlitz Serbia
Local Instructor Supervisor September 2007 January 2012
Berlitz Serbia
Work experience
- teaching Italian as a second foreign language to two students particularly interested in Italian culture and opera singing
Particularly proud because:
the students continued learning Italian even when it was eliminated from the curriculum
- in charge of correspondence with Italian clients
Particularly proud because:
the clients were satisfied with my work and chose me as their liaison person
- teaching Italian as a foreign language
Particularly proud of:
the students who entered Italian universities with the knowledge I conveyed to them
- teaching Italian Language to Italian children living in Belgrade, as well as to Serbian children interested in learning Italian
- organizing courses and doing administrative work for the Association
Particularly proud for:
having organized and directed a show based on Pinocchio novel with my little students
being awarded a scholarship for an Italian Summer course in Reggio Calabria by the Italian Embassy in Belgrade because of my
good work
- offering lessons to University students and to students interested in continuing their formal studies in Italy
Particularly proud because:
all my students successfully passed exams and enrolled to Italian universities
Italian Language Teacher September 2006 June 2007
British International School Belgrade
Foreign correspondent October 2006 April 2007
Unify Media Group s.r.l.
Italian Language Teacher September 2004 July 2005
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Belgrado
Italian Language Teacher and Administrative Officer February 2004 April 2005
Gianni Rodari Association Belgrade
Freelance Italian teacher June 2002 March 2016
- completed all exams in less than a year with the average grade of 9,86/10
- actively participated in a lot more courses than necessary for the degree
- paper Зелена агенда за Западни Балкан као рецепт за успех (Green Agenda for the Western Balkans as a Recipe for Success)
ranked 6th at the call for the best student paper on EU topics, published by the The Ministry of European Integration of the Republic
of Serbia in 2021
DRINKING WATER AVAILABILITY (Mentor prof. Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanović)
- paper The right to a fair access to drinking water: challenges in transposition of the acquis published in the collection of papers
Development of Environmental Law in Serbia) published by the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade
LL.M. in European Integration October 2020 March 2022
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
Cambridge English Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International June 2020
Cambridge Assessment English
- applied for level C1, obtained higher, C2 results
- one of only two participants for the ex-Yugoslav languages
- immediately applied the knowledge into practice
- managed to study and finish the course while working
- awarded a scholarship for a research in Italy by the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs
- thesis "The Dialect and the Regional Italian Language in the area of Rome" mentored by prof. Slobodan Stević
- successful completion of the research necessary for my Master thesis, helped by my mentor, prof. Paolo D'Achille
- study at the University was financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' scholarship
- completed the course as one of the best students from the Italian group
- the only student from the Italian group who continued working in translation and interpretation industry
- completed studies in the shortest possible time frame - 4 years - as the first student from the class to graduate, with the average
grade of 9,53/10
- awarded the University of Milan scholarship for the Italian Language Summer School for Foreigners held on the Garda Lake in July
- awarded a scholarship by Michelangelo Italian Language and Culture School in Florence, Italy
Certificate for Remote Interpreting April 2020 May 2020
Proz.com in collaboration with Claudia Brauer
MA in Linguistics (Magistar) November 2003 April 2010
Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Research in Italian Dialectology October 2005 June 2006
Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Certificate for Translation and Interpretation October 2004 June 2005
Multilingua School for Interpreters and Translators
BA in Italian Language and Literature October 1999 October 2003
Department for Italian Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
- use of Microsoft Office Package
- use of Skype and Zoom for conference purpose
- fundraising (experience as a fundraiser in several AEGEE campaigns)
- use of CAT tools
- expertise in Internet search
- active driver (driving license B category)
- Serbian C2
- Italian C2
- English C2
- French B2
ability to communicate clearly and efficiently, while actively listening to all the parties
author of several published short stories, recreational ballet dancer and opera singing student
passionate for reading and traveling
Created with

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Ukupan broj zarađenih bodova: 245
PRO bodovi: 233

Glavni jezici (PRO)
srpski na talijanski124
engleski na srpski92
engleski na talijanski7
hrvatski na talijanski6
talijanski na srpski4
Glavna opća područja (PRO)
Bodovi u još 2 područja >
Glavna posebna područja (PRO)
Pravo (općenito)144
Financije (općenito)28
Medicina (općenito)16
Mehanika / Strojarstvo12
Pravo: Ugovor(i)8
Automobilska industrija / Osobna i teretna vozila8
Obrazovanje / Pedagogija4
Bodovi u još 4 područja >

Vidjeti sve zarađene bodove >
Ključne riječi: Serbian, English, Italian, Remote interpretation, interpreting, Finance, Law, Automotive, localization

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