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engleski na hrvatski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu hrvatski na engleski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu bosanski na engleski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu srpski na engleski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu Montenegrin na engleski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu
srpsko-hrvatski na engleski - Standardna cijena: 0.06 EUR po riječi / 20 EUR po satu
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hrvatski na engleski: Tempera
Izvorni tekst - hrvatski Riječ tempera dolazi od srednjovjekovne latinske riječi temperare, što znači miješati. Označava slikarsku tehniku u kojoj boja nastaje miješanjem boje u prahu (pigmenta) s otopinom ljepila i vezivnog sredstva poput žumanjka ili bjelanjka jajeta, smokvinog mlijeka, octa itd.
Prijevod - engleski The wordtempera comes from the middle-age word temperare, which means to mix. It stands for a painting technique in which the paint is acquired by mixing colored powder (pigment) with a solution of glue and connective agent such as yolk, eggwhite, fig milk, vinegar, etc.
hrvatski na engleski: Anne Fine General field: Umjetnost/Književnost Detailed field: Poezija i Književnost
Izvorni tekst - hrvatski Anne Fine, poznata i proslavljena spisateljica, autorica je četrdesetak knjiga za djecu i odrasle te dobitnica brojnih nagrada za dječju književnost. Dvaput je izabrana i za dječjeg pisca godine.
Prijevod - engleski Anne Fine, well-known and famous woman writer, is the author of forty children's books, as well as books for the adults, and has won numerous children's literature awards. She has been elected as the best children's books author of the year, twice.
engleski na hrvatski: Claude Monet General field: Umjetnost/Književnost Detailed field: Umjetnost, Umjetnički zanati, Slikarstvo
Izvorni tekst - engleski When Monet traveled to Paris to visit the Louvre, he witnessed painters copying from the old masters. Monet, having brought his paints and other tools with him, would instead go and sit by a window and paint what he saw.
Prijevod - hrvatski Kad je Monet otputovao u Pariz da bi posjetio Louvre, vidio je kako slikari kopiraju slike starih majstora. Monet je umjesto toga, uzevši sa sobom svoje slike i ostali alat, sjedio kraj prozora i slikao što je vidio.
engleski na hrvatski: Children
Izvorni tekst - engleski The age at which children are considered responsible for their own actions has also changed over time, and this is reflected in the way they are treated in courts of law.
Prijevod - hrvatski Dob u kojoj se djeca smatraju odgovornima za svoje postupke se također mijenjala kroz vrijeme, što se ogleda u načinu na koji ih se tretira pred sudom.
engleski na hrvatski: Financije General field: Poslovanje/Financije Detailed field: Financije (općenito)
Izvorni tekst - engleski The field of finance refers to the concepts of time, money and risk and how they are interrelated. Banks are the main facilitators of funding through the provision of credit, although private equity, mutual funds and other organizations have become important.
Prijevod - hrvatski Područje financija se odnosi na pojmove vremena, novca i rizika te njihove međusobne povezanosti. Banke su glavni davatelji sredstava kroz dodjelu kredita, iako su dioničarstvo, zajednički fondovi i ostale organizacije postali važni.
engleski na hrvatski: Marketing
Izvorni tekst - engleski Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.
Prijevod - hrvatski Marketing je združeni proces osnovan na kominikaciji, kroz kojeg pojedinci i zajednice otkrivaju da se njihove postojeće i novoutvrđene potrebe i želje mogu zadovoljiti kroz proizvode i usluge koje nude drugi.
engleski na hrvatski: Brain
Izvorni tekst - engleski Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how brains work remains a mystery. The operations of individual neurons and synapses are now understood in considerable detail, but the way they cooperate in ensembles of thousands or millions has been very difficult to decipher.
Prijevod - hrvatski Unatoč brzom znanstvenom napretku, još uvijek postoji velika misterija o načinu na kojeg funkcionira mozak. Aktivnosti pojedinih neurona i sinapsi danas razumijemo do popriličnih detalja, no vrlo je teško protumačiti način na kojeg rade u skupinama od više tisuća ili milijuna.
Godine prevoditeljskog iskustva: 15. Registriran na portalu Jun 2009.
engleski na hrvatski (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
Professional objectives
Meet new translation company clients
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Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
Network with other language professionals
Get help with terminology and resources
Learn more about translation / improve my skills
Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
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Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
Transition from freelancer to agency owner
Improve my productivity
After learning English for 9 years in grammar school and high school, I had spent my final year of high school in the United States. During this time I moved from ESL (English as a Second Language) class to Creative Writing class together with my peer Americans. In addition to this, I wrote stories for the school newspaper.
Back in 2009, when I had more time on my hands, I was the second leading translator in Facebook translating community, translating Facebook from English to Croatian: See Leaderboard.
I "feel" English language very well and get many praises from native American English speakers. My e-mails are written in English as much as in Croatian.
In 2010 I acquired a CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Having two pre-school kids means that I have an inside view of children's world (games, cartoons, their interests etc.).
I have translated more than 800 episodes for different TV shows, series, and movies.
I read cyrillic alphabet, so I can easily read materials in Serbian written in cyrillic script, and translate them into English.
Ključne riječi: croatian, nature, children, cooking, tourism, real estate, video games, gaming, subtitling, broadcast. See more.croatian, nature, children, cooking, tourism, real estate, video games, gaming, subtitling, broadcast, entertainment, other. See less.