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srpsko-hrvatski na engleski srpsko-hrvatski na makedonski hrvatski na engleski srpski na engleski hrvatski na makedonski srpski na makedonski engleski na srpski bosanski na engleski
Razmotrit će volonterski rad za registriranu neprofitnu organizaciju
makedonski na engleski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu engleski na makedonski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu švedski na makedonski - Cijene: 0.10 - 0.14 EUR po riječi / 30 - 45 EUR po satu švedski na srpski - Cijene: 0.10 - 0.14 EUR po riječi / 30 - 45 EUR po satu makedonski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 USD po riječi / 20 - 30 USD po satu
srpsko-hrvatski na engleski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu srpsko-hrvatski na makedonski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu hrvatski na engleski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu srpski na engleski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu hrvatski na makedonski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu srpski na makedonski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu engleski na srpski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR po riječi / 20 - 30 EUR po satu bosanski na engleski - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 20 - 25 EUR po satu
PRO bodovi: 38, Odgovorena pitanja: 29, Postavljena pitanja: 6
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Skrill, Bankovnom doznakom
Godine prevoditeljskog iskustva: 30. Registriran na portalu Nov 2005. Postao članom: Dec 2007.
Službene potvrde
engleski na makedonski (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English , verified) švedski na makedonski (Certified Court Translator - Primary Court Skopje , verified) makedonski na engleski (Certified Court Translator - Primary Court Skopje , verified) engleski na makedonski (Certified Court Translator - Primary Court Skopje , verified)
When you need your content to be accurate, impactful, and culturally relevant,
I’m here to help. My clients include businesses, institutions, and creative professionals
who rely on my expertise to communicate effectively in multiple languages.
Why clients choose my services:
Legal Translations: Compliance-focused
translations that ensure accuracy and confidentiality.
Medical Content: User manuals, clinical
documentation, and public health campaigns delivered with precision.
Marketing Transcreation: Adaptations that maintain your
brand’s voice while engaging new audiences.
Creative Expertise: Literary translations that
preserve style and emotion, making your work resonate globally.
What you can expect:
Personalized attention to your project needs.
Culturally addapted solutions that align with your businees objectives.
A commitment to dleivering high-qulaity work.
Certifications: Authorised by Basic Court “Skopje 1”
English ↔ Macedonian (since 1998)
Swedish ↔ Macedonian (since 2005)
Member of CIOL - Chartered Institute of Linguists
Legal | Medical | IT | Advertising | Marketing | Games | EU Affairs | HR | Arts & Humanities | Literary Translations
Recent Highlights:
TV schedules & synopses translation for major international TV channels
Transcreation for top brands in various industries
Medical Translations
Literary translations (from Swedish and English)
Legal Translations, Swedish Judiciary
* Let’s discuss how I can support your business.*
Ključne riječi: Certified Translator, Precision Translation, Transcreation Specialist, Localization Expert, Subtitling Professional, Proofreading & Editing, Urgent Translation Services, Cultural Expertise, Macedonian-English Translation, Swedish-Macedonian Translation. See more.Certified Translator, Precision Translation, Transcreation Specialist, Localization Expert, Subtitling Professional, Proofreading & Editing, Urgent Translation Services, Cultural Expertise, Macedonian-English Translation, Swedish-Macedonian Translation, Medical Translation, Legal Translation, Technical Translation
Advertising & Marketing Translation, EU Affairs Translation, Creative Translations, High-Quality Language Solution, Language Professional, reliable service, advanced computer skills, excellent aesthetics sense, creative, Swedish, English, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, translation, proofreading, editing, reviewing, adaptation, internationalisation, localisation, transcreation, copywriting, subtitling, IT, IPR, customs, medicine, health, alternative healing, telecommunication, taxation, philosophy, gender philosophy, queer theory, construction, legal, poetry, literature, attention to detail, EU legislation, national legislation, project management, project summaries, laws, regulations, decrees, manuals, certificates, handbooks, brochures, books, instructions, education, agriculture, translator, interpreter, interpretation, environment, finance, legislation, general, experienced, near to native English speaker, native in Macedonian, certificate in Swedish, certified court translator for Swedish, certified court translator for English, Wordfast, Trados, domestic violence, tourism, OSCE, World Bank, Swiss Co-operation Agency, Customs Administration of Republic of Macedonia, President of the Republic of Macedonia, University of Stockholm - Project FEMcit, Swedish International Peace Research Institute, European Commission - Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General, Food and Veterinary Office, USAID, European Commission – DG Enlargement, Sector for European Affairs – Translation of EU legislation, Education and Training Fund, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) accompanied by personnel from the House of Commons (UK Parliament), European Agency for Reconstruction, Community Plant Variety Office and Seed and Plant Material Administration, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Macedonia, World Bank, македонски, англиски, шведски, српски, босански, хрватски, литература, поезија, техничка документација, книги, упатства, прирачници, проектни резимеа, закони, законодавство, медицина, толкувач, преведувач, судски преведувач, брза услуга, точност, прецизност, финансии, земјоделство, екологија, царина, општо, даноци, креативност, инвентивност, интернационализација, локализација, Svenska, Engelska, Makedonska, tolk, översättare, auktoriserad, ATA, Institute of Linguists, Quality Assurance, translation of copy. See less.
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