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danski na bosanski
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Vladan Cukvas
Academic publications & documentaries MA

Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, Danska
Lokalno vrijeme: 02:21 CET (GMT+1)

Izvorni govornik: srpski (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in  srpski, bosanski Native in bosanski
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Usluge Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Copywriting, Transcreation
Specijaliziran za:
Poezija i KnjiževnostKinematografija, Film, Televizija, Kazalište
Državna uprava / PolitikaTurizam i Putovanja
Društvene znanosti, Sociologija, Etika itd.Novinarstvo
Pravo (općenito)


Iskustvo Godine prevoditeljskog iskustva: 19. Registriran na portalu ProZ.com: Feb 2018.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Službene potvrde N/A
Članstva N/A
Softveri Adobe Photoshop, Amara, MateCat, memoQ
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills

Already at an early age I
discovered passion for literature and language, and soon, as a young kid, I started
writing short stories. I studied journalism and later switched to philosophy
and got my master's degree in 2008 at the University of Copenhagen. In the meantime
I wrote three novels in Serbian and authored a number of articles in Danish and
English, including an academic work (still in progress) written in English.

My first professional
working experience as a translator/interpreter dates back to 1997 when I worked
for the Danish Refugee Council. Since then I have been almost constantly in the
language business either as a writer or translator. Most of the translation
tasks I did were from Danish and English to Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian (formerly known
as Serbo-Croatian), and they range from official documents, diplomas, flyers to
movies and books.

In recent years I expanded my working field to
include court interpreting (criminal and civil cases, immigration), probation
service and the police (including driving tests), social affairs (unemployment
offices and municipalities), psychological and medical examinations (hospitals,
schools and kindergartens), working primerily in the DAN-ENG langugae combination

I combined my training in philosophy with my writing skills and
linguistic competences, specializing both as a writer and translator in the
field of the humanities, and philosophy in particular. That resulted in the translation
of “Kierkegaards Univers” to Serbian   (a book authored by Johannes Sløk, which offers a summary
of the essential elements of Kierkegaard’s philosophy).

I have a holistic view of
reality and seek to combine many different aspects of the object I wish to
grasp. This is reflected not only in my reading habits and preferences, but
more importantly in the richness of the language that I use.

I’m very thorough, never taking
lightly seemingly unimportant details in the text and style for the purpose of expediency
or quickness. I am constantly trying to improve my linguistic skills through
dialogs and cooperation with linguistic experts I work with.    

Please, check my profile to see what other
services I’m offering

Ključne riječi: English, Danish, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, philosophy, art, literture, science, leisure

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Feb 13