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Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Subtitling, Software localization, Interpreting, Transcription
slovenski na njemački, hrvatski na njemački, srpski na njemački, and 5 more.
Specializes in
Medicina (općenito), Pravo (općenito), Poslovanje/Trgovina (općenito), and 4 more.
Native in
njemački Native in njemački, slovenski Native in slovenski

8 positive reviews

(8 reviews) profile photo
Emil Katai
May 10, 2017
Klare Aufgabe, korrekter Partner! profile photo
Anima Translation Service ATS UG (X)
Apr 27, 2017 Blue Board Anima Translation Service
Avg. LWA : 1 (2 entries)
Fast replies, flexible, deliveries in time, friendly, high quality, we look forward to a continuous collaboration. Thank you. profile photo
Laszlo Inotai
Feb 09, 2017
Sehr angenehme Zusammenarbeit, hoffentlich wird fortgesetzt

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Jan 15, 2018
Rastko Ladinek (Donnelley Language Solutions)

Willing to work with again: Yes

May 10, 2017
Emil Katai (Euro Inno GmbH)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Jan 29, 2017
Evy J Willis

Willing to work with again: Yes

Colleague feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

May 12, 2017
Dennis Pedersen

Willing to work with again: Yes

Mar 11, 2017
Balázs Plesz

Willing to work with again: Yes

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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