Newbie報到!+ Questions~
Inițiatorul discuției: amipro
Local time: 23:37
din engleză în chineză
Oct 9, 2009

My Name is Amy and I'm new to this forum. This place amazes me. It gathers so many friendly professional E/C translators and people are always willing to give advice.

A couple of things about myself. I came here from mainland China in year 2007 and became a resident since then. Being an English teacher and working for Education related companies in most of my career time, I've always loved translating and have been constantly working as a part-time E-C/C-E translator while I worke
... See more
My Name is Amy and I'm new to this forum. This place amazes me. It gathers so many friendly professional E/C translators and people are always willing to give advice.

A couple of things about myself. I came here from mainland China in year 2007 and became a resident since then. Being an English teacher and working for Education related companies in most of my career time, I've always loved translating and have been constantly working as a part-time E-C/C-E translator while I worked in Shanghai.

Now I have a full-time job in USA and still want to pick up some translation work. Surprisingly I find this forum. It feels like home.. although my translation skills need a lot of polishing after 2 years pause.

Here I have a couple of questions to ask about ATA vs

1. Given that I live in USA and wants to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? I recall Ysun said that ATA has a yearly membership fee. If I only pass the test ($300 of exam fee), and not join their listing, do I still need to pay?

2. Is good at attracting U.S.A. based clients?

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks. ^O^

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 01:37
din engleză în chineză
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欢迎及建议 Oct 10, 2009

amipro wrote:

Here I have a couple of questions to ask about ATA vs

1. Given that I live in USA and wants to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? I recall Ysun said that ATA has a yearly membership fee. If I only pass the test ($300 of exam fee), and not join their listing, do I still need to pay?

2. Is good at attracting U.S.A. based clients?

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks. ^O^



关于 ATA Certification Program,你必须首先注册成为 ATA 的会员才能参加考试。目前的年费是$217。考试费是$300。如果你通过了考试,那就必须继续保持你的会员资格,并满足 continuing education requirements,否则 Certification 资格就会作废。详见:
Eligibility Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions

至于 "to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? " 这个问题无简单答案。建议你先作一下换位思考,假设自己是一个寻找翻译的客户,然后利用 ATA 的搜索工具,根据自己预设的一些标准,进行搜索。然后,把你自己的条件与搜索出来的那些会员作一比较。看看你是否是 outstanding?如果结论是肯定的,那么以后客户主动找你的几率就会较高。这一方法同样适用于。

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 02:37
Membru (2005)
din engleză în chineză
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我在ATA一年 Nov 1, 2009

ysun wrote:

amipro wrote:

Here I have a couple of questions to ask about ATA vs

1. Given that I live in USA and wants to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? I recall Ysun said that ATA has a yearly membership fee. If I only pass the test ($300 of exam fee), and not join their listing, do I still need to pay?

2. Is good at attracting U.S.A. based clients?

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks. ^O^



关于 ATA Certification Program,你必须首先注册成为 ATA 的会员才能参加考试。目前的年费是$217。考试费是$300。如果你通过了考试,那就必须继续保持你的会员资格,并满足 continuing education requirements,否则 Certification 资格就会作废。详见:
Eligibility Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions

至于 "to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? " 这个问题无简单答案。建议你先作一下换位思考,假设自己是一个寻找翻译的客户,然后利用 ATA 的搜索工具,根据自己预设的一些标准,进行搜索。然后,把你自己的条件与搜索出来的那些会员作一比较。看看你是否是 outstanding?如果结论是肯定的,那么以后客户主动找你的几率就会较高。这一方法同样适用于。


ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 01:37
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
不能一概而论 Nov 1, 2009

jyuan_us wrote:


记得你说过,客户通过ATA来找你(泛指)的几率跟中乐透奖差不多(大意)。我认为不能一概而论。如果你通过 ProZ 找英译中翻译。除了把 Residence 设成 U.S. 以外,把其它所有参数都设成 Any。那么你得到的结果将是 52 members + 1,200 non-members。可见,在美国至少有1,252人从事英译中。(其中阁下名列榜首,显然是因为KudoZ 分数最多。所以,上帝是公平的。)

现在我们再上 ATA 做同样游戏。假设我们要找住在美国的英译中翻译,而且把 Area specialization 设成 any。那么结果将是 237 Entries Found。也就是说,如果客户通过 ATA 找翻译,上述那 1,252人中至少有1,000人没戏。所以起码可以说,参加 ATA 也许还有机会,但不参加则肯定没有(通过其它途径找项目不在此话题之内)。现在继续做游戏。举个例子。如果把 Area specialization 设成 Medical (General), 结果将是 122 Entries Found。客户从这122人中去挑,恐怕会挑花眼睛。如果把 Area specialization 设成 Medical (Genetics),结果将是 7 Entries Found。也就是说,这些人每人被挑中的几率至少将是1/7。你若看看那7人的简介,有的人寥寥几笔。这样的人基本没戏,等于把机会拱手让人。我想,我们应该可以从这个游戏中悟出些道理来,设法提高自己的中奖几率。这个游戏同样也适用于 ProZ。

我参加 ATA 之后,当月就收到一个至少够交10年会费的项目。后来陆续又有一些通过ATA找来的客户,包括欧洲、日本的客户。可以说,现在几乎每星期都有人声称是通过 ATA 找到我的。当然,有的人只是问问价而已。有的也只是为了解决一时之需,例如很难译的化工论文,尤其是中译英。但也有的成了长期稳定的客户。

我个人认为参加 ATA 和 ProZ 都是值得的。我自2002年参加 ProZ 活动以来,只投过两次标,中了一次。这个项目也至少够我交10年会费。声明一下,我不是给 ATA 当托。:D

[Edited at 2009-11-01 16:29 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 01:37
din engleză în chineză
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此游戏规则同样适用于 ProZ Nov 1, 2009

对于 ATA 这个话题,不在美国的人一般不会有兴趣。但是,此游戏规则同样适用于 ProZ。不少人在 ProZ 报个到之后(甚至连报到都不报),从不答题,从不参加论坛讨论,也就是说,一直在后排就坐,或潜在深水中。其实,只要稍微化点时间,在 KudoZ 拿上400分,就可以保证你的名字出现在第一页。如果你(泛指)去 ProZ 的 directory搜索,结果连自己的名字都搜索不出来,还能指望客户能把你搜出来?还有的人,Profile 上什么信息都没有,即使客户能把你搜出来也就是一瞄而过,还能主动来找你?

很多资深翻译包括 ProZ 的创始人 Henry 都建议,Get specialized!这是至理名言。

[Edited at 2009-11-01 12:49 GMT]

kenny2006woo (X)
kenny2006woo (X)

Local time: 14:37
din engleză în chineză
问题讨论的版块打不开 Nov 2, 2009




I am eager to participate in "KudoZ term translation questions", but I cannot access the webpage. I thought that there might be something wrong with my PC
... See more



I am eager to participate in "KudoZ term translation questions", but I cannot access the webpage. I thought that there might be something wrong with my PC but that possibility was excluded when I sent the URL to one of my friends in Beijing who could not open the page either. I also tried the URL on my neighbour's computer and the result was negative too.

Are all users in the mainland denied access to the section?

PS: I am in Hainan

[Edited at 2009-11-02 14:39 GMT]

Adsion Liu
Adsion Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:37
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问题讨论的版块打不开 Nov 2, 2009

Please post this question in English, and maybe the top management can notice that...

I have experience the same when I traveled back Chine this September, in North China....

Adsion Liu
Adsion Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:37
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My experience Nov 2, 2009

jyuan_us wrote:

ysun wrote:

amipro wrote:

Here I have a couple of questions to ask about ATA vs

1. Given that I live in USA and wants to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? I recall Ysun said that ATA has a yearly membership fee. If I only pass the test ($300 of exam fee), and not join their listing, do I still need to pay?

2. Is good at attracting U.S.A. based clients?

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks. ^O^



关于 ATA Certification Program,你必须首先注册成为 ATA 的会员才能参加考试。目前的年费是$217。考试费是$300。如果你通过了考试,那就必须继续保持你的会员资格,并满足 continuing education requirements,否则 Certification 资格就会作废。详见:
Eligibility Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions

至于 "to reach out for USA clients, is ATA good enough? " 这个问题无简单答案。建议你先作一下换位思考,假设自己是一个寻找翻译的客户,然后利用 ATA 的搜索工具,根据自己预设的一些标准,进行搜索。然后,把你自己的条件与搜索出来的那些会员作一比较。看看你是否是 outstanding?如果结论是肯定的,那么以后客户主动找你的几率就会较高。这一方法同样适用于。



ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 01:37
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+ ...
能否介绍一下你如何找项目 Nov 3, 2009

jyuan_us wrote:


东方不亮西方亮。不是非靠ATA 不可。记得你说过你忙得连发票都没工夫做,准备雇秘书。那么能否介绍一下你是如何找项目的?

[Edited at 2009-11-03 00:12 GMT]

Local time: 23:37
din engleză în chineză
thanks for all the replies Nov 3, 2009


ATA的年费,vs 可能因此带来的收益,现在看起来似乎见仁见智。有前辈说值这个钱的,也有说proz更好的。我的主要concern其实就是客户来源。如果proz似乎需要比较多时间混在这里努力增加自己的见光度,而且要比较能够埋头于翻译事业,我还真做不到,惭愧一个。受ysun的启示,找时间丰富我自己的profile先。。。大家继续讨论啊,,我会多努力的。再次感谢~

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 01:37
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不可能有统一意见 Nov 3, 2009

amipro wrote:

ATA的年费,vs 可能因此带来的收益,现在看起来似乎见仁见智。有前辈说值这个钱的,也有说proz更好的。我的主要concern其实就是客户来源。如果proz似乎需要比较多时间混在这里努力增加自己的见光度,而且要比较能够埋头于翻译事业,我还真做不到,惭愧一个。受ysun的启示,找时间丰富我自己的profile先。。。

有人说,翻译这个行业对不同的人而言,是饿的人饿死,撑的人撑死;对同一人而言,也是饿的时候饿死,撑的时候撑死。我看这种说法有一定道理。所以,对于参加 ATA 或 Proz 是否值得,不可能有统一意见。

我前面说的那些话,并非是专门针对你说的,而是随感而发。那个“新秀签到处”三天两头就有人签到。可是,如果签到之后就马上又消失,那么签到又有什么意义呢?丰富 profile 是至关重要的。如果 profile 上什么都没有,客户即使搜索到你,也就马上略过去了。

当然,也有极个别人是有意在 profile 上什么信息都不显示,因为他们来此就是来找茬打架的。那又另当别论。好在这里有规矩,还有 moderators 和 staff members 管着,否则就肯定会和其它地方的某些翻译网站一样,打的不可开交,甚至连什么龌龊的话都能骂出来!

增加能见度是有必要的。倒不一定花很多时间在这里混。只要能通过 KudoZ 和 论坛显示自己的能力就行。在此出没的翻译同仁,也有不少开了公司。当你在此显示能力时,说不定哪个“老板”或“伯乐”正眯着眼睛在幕后看着你呢。:D 如果光是指望在此投标,那就跟守株待兔差不多。

做买卖就要做广告,就应该利用 ProZ 和 ATA 等翻译网站展示自己。当然,不参加 ProZ 和 ATA 也不是不能活。一个笨办法就是逐一给翻译社发信,也可通过其它渠道去与客户接触。但是,有这样的场地可以利用,为什么不利用呢?

Local time: 23:37
din engleză în chineză
To ysun: Nov 3, 2009



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