UK INTERPRETERS - REGISTER NOW! - Healthcare, Education, and Social Services Postavljeno: Mar 6, 2025 10:20 GMT (GMT: Mar 6, 2025 10:20) Job type: Potencijalni posao Service required: Interpreting, Consecutive Jezici: engleski na francuski, engleski na latvijski, engleski na litvanski, engleski na mađarski, engleski na oromo, engleski na paštunski, engleski na perzijski (farsi), engleski na slovački, engleski na svahili, engleski na talijanski, engleski na turski, engleski na češki Opis posla: Enable2 a Translate.One company is registering self-employed interpreters for face to face, telephone and video bookings. Interpreting assignments available now in healthcare, education, social care, welfare, housing and legal settings. If you are based in the UK and would like to work with a friendly, supportive team please visit our website [HIDDEN] for more information.
Register here!
Registration form: [HIDDEN]
The languages we are needing are:
Ciljanje na davatelja usluga (naznačio oglašivač posla): Članstvo: Ne-članovi mogu podnijeti ponudu nakon 12 sati Obvezna stručnost: Medicina Obvezna posebna područja: Education / Pedagogy, Health Care = Med: HC Obvezan materinji jezik: engleski Predmetno područje: Medicina: Zdravstvena skrb Obvezna lokacija ponuđača: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Rok za podnošenje ponuda: Mar 20, 2025 13:33 GMT O naručitelju prijevoda: This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5 Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.
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