In the seventeenth century the term carnival in Europe prevails for parties that are characterized by disguises, processions, the establishment of a spot dominion with its own hierarchy and abundant food and drink. In the Middle Ages there was talk of Shrove Tuesday celebration, in which one could celebrate with great food and drink and then from Ash Wednesday Roman cat holieke Lent to go in preparation for Easter. Noisy again In one of the explanations for the word carnival is the relationship between this exuberant celebration and subsequent fasting submitted: carnevale means goodbye to meat. Another explanation for the word consists of the supposed derivation of Carrus navalis, a ship's wagon was pulled by disguised aboard makers. The streets in Mardi Gras Time
Carnival in Netherlands
The Carnival is a festival especially for three days, the daily life in its grip in the provinces of Limburg and North Brabant. Carnival keepers pulling dressed through the streets and gather in pubs and halls. The festival venues are decorated with masks and streamers and party music has its own carnival repertoire.
The time of the celebration depends on the changing date of Easter is celebrated annually. The seventh Sunday before Easter Sunday is Carnival Sunday. The many Princes Carnival take on carnival Saturday or Sunday for three days in a ritual manner the power of the civil authorities in towns and cities (the handover of keys) and celebrate with their subjects, the carnival revelers, the temporary establishment of their jesters empire. Carnival keepers dress up in a particular set of gear and take a three-day carnival whirl possession of the streets and cafes. On one of the three carnival days attracts the parade through the streets: the triumph of Prince Carnival. And in many places in a collective ritual closing goodbye to the jesters rich and Prince. Around midnight on Shrove Tuesday Carnival Mascots and symbols are then burned, buried or drowned. On Ash Wednesday, the daily life again.