Long term collaboration freelancer Postavljeno: Dec 30, 2024 08:27 GMT (GMT: Dec 30, 2024 08:27) Job type: Potencijalni posao Service required: Translation Jezici: engleski na arapski, engleski na burmanski, engleski na francuski, engleski na indonezijski, engleski na japanski, engleski na korejski, engleski na malajski, engleski na njemački, engleski na tajski, japanski na kineski, kineski na engleski, kineski na japanski Opis posla: Hello there,
This is ILC Freelancer Platform Recruitment Team from Tencent. ILC (Infinite Localization Center) dedicates to content localization for Tencent Games Global and has been localizing 50+ games, including: Assassin's Creed Jade, V Rising, Call of Duty Mobile, Honor of Kings, PUBG Mobile, and Nikke, etc.. and more are upcoming. For now, we are recruiting long-term freelancers for the following language pairs with all types of localization skills, including but not limited to translation, proofreading, LQA, etc..
Chinese Simplified Source: CHS-English, CHS- Japanese, CHS-Korean, CHS-Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
English Source: EN-Japanese, EN- Korean, EN-German, EN-French, EN-Russian, EN-Turkish, EN-Arabic(Modern Standard), EN-Latin American Spanish, EN-Thai, EN-Indonesian, EN-Malaysian, EN-Burmese.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us via email: [HIDDEN] We will get back to you soon.
ILC Freelancer Recruiting Team
Opis tvrtke: Tencent Games Global-Level Infinite Localization Center Ciljanje na davatelja usluga (naznačio oglašivač posla): Članstvo: Ne-članovi mogu podnijeti ponudu nakon 12 sati Obvezna stručnost: Umjetnost/Književnost, Marketing Obvezna posebna područja: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Computers: Systems, Networks, Linguistics Obvezan materinji jezik: Ciljni jezik(ci) Predmetno područje: Igre / Video igre / Igre na sreću / Kockarnice Rok za podnošenje ponuda: Dec 31, 2025 08:14 GMT O naručitelju prijevoda: This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer. Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information. Contact person title: ILC Freelancer Recruiting team
Primljenih ponuda: 181 engleski na francuski: | 46 | engleski na njemački: | 18 | engleski na arapski: | 31 | engleski na indonezijski: | 12 | kineski na japanski: | 2 | engleski na japanski: | 12 | kineski na engleski: | 20 | japanski na kineski: | 2 | engleski na korejski: | 14 | engleski na burmanski: | 8 | engleski na tajski: | 6 | engleski na malajski: | 10 |
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