Na čemu rade prevoditeljiPodijelite informacije o onome na čemu radite kako biste promovirali posao koji radite i pratili povijest svog projekta tijekom vremena. Raspravite o ovoj značajci.
Na kojem prevoditeljskom projektu trenutno radite?
Chatbot messages for an e-commerce giant
Guided activity workbook for children "My Pandemic Story"
(uređeno) Website and e-commerce store
Luxury e-Commerce catalogue
Education materials
Social media posts
translation of a video transcription
Mechanical educational presentations
smart household appliances - user instructions and specifications
emails for customers
translation of the (previously translated) app-related content
proofreading of a user manual
translation of a luxury e-commerce website and products
translation of communication materials related to AI and new technologies
social media content
website translation for a small family hotel
user manual
(uređeno) user manual
customer communication materials
1 user
(uređeno) translation of chatbot messages
(uređeno) proofreading of few short texts related to app translations
translation of communication materials
proofreading of a correspondence letter
translation of user manuals for kitchen appliances
communication materials for a new department in a global company
(uređeno) translation of a notorious app for a global software company
(uređeno) Certified translation of authorization documents - bound, stamped, and ready to go!
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